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One of the three protagonists of the novel and its first-person narrator, Penellaphe “Poppy” Balfour is a resourceful, brave, and compassionate young woman with supernatural powers. Poppy is 19 years old at the start of the novel. Poppy lost her parents Corena and Leopold in an attack by the zombie-like Craven when she was a child. When Poppy was 13, she was made to don the veil of “the Maiden,” an almost imprisoned chosen one kept by the rulers of Solis. As the novel begins, Poppy is kidnapped by Prince Casteel Da’Neer. As he takes her to his native Atlantia, Poppy discovers that most of what she’s been told about Solis and Atlantia is a lie: Poppy realizes that her powers are greater than she thought and that the Atlantians are not the cruel degenerate people she was told. In the process, she falls in love with Cas and shares his dream of creating a fairer, more just society.
Poppy is red-haired, green-eyed, and beautiful. One side of her face and body is scarred from the attack by the Craven. When she feels a surge of power, she glows silver. Though she was raised as the pious and demure Maiden, Poppy is skilled in warfare. She is described as having the heart of a warrior, since she does not shy away from using violence to defend herself and deliver rightful justice. Poppy kills Lord Chaney, one of her minders in Solis who used to punish her in perverse ways, as well as Duchess Teerman, another tormentor. She uses her empath skills—her ability to sense the emotions and pain of others—to take away their distress and heal them physically. Her extraordinary power makes some call her “Soul Eater,” a pejorative term for ancient warriors who could destroy their enemies by drawing out and amplifying their fear and hatred.
Despite Cas’s attempts to keep her hidden for her own protection, Poppy asserts her agency by joining various battles. Poppy is courageous and compassionate, but tends to be rash and presumptuous, such as when she escapes from New Haven without preparation and runs into a party of Craven. She shares an arch dynamic with Cas, the two frequently indulging in banter. Over the course of the book, Poppy begins to forge a friendship with Kieran, Cas’s sworn protector. By the end of the novel, Poppy’s powers include her telepathic union with wolven like Kieran and her ability to obliterate her enemies by amplifying and returning their negative emotions. She is declared the true Queen of Atlantia by Cas’s mother, the reigning queen.
It is clear that Poppy has great powers, which may have destructive potential. Her journey as a character will be to learn to control these powers. Poppy evolves dramatically over the course of the book: She accepts the truth about the Ascended who raised her, repents her part in the cruel empire they ran, and learns to speak her mind without fear. She is often ready to sacrifice herself to save others, such as when she threatens to slash her throat to stop the battle at Spessa’s End. One of her key beliefs is “dignity in death,” or the idea that even enemies deserve a quick, merciful end and a proper funeral. She raises important questions around consent and control when she chides Cas for making decisions on her behalf. She also embodies the trope of the “chosen one,” a protagonist destined for greatness.
A protagonist of the novel and its romantic male lead, the near-immortal and fairly young at 200 years old Cas is tall, imposing, and extraordinarily handsome. Known as “the Dark One” in the enemy kingdom of Solis, Cas has characteristically golden eyes, a sign that he belongs to the elemental bloodline descended from deities, or the children of the gods. At the start of the novel, Cas plans to marry Poppy to provide her protection, and use her to persuade the rulers of Solis to free his brother Prince Malik. Cas was held captive by the Blood Crown, the rulers of Solis, for half a century. During this period, he was tormented and abused, which has caused him significant trauma. He often has horrifying nightmares. Cas’s past is complex and involves considerable bloodshed: He killed his girlfriend Shea for betraying him, Malik, and their kingdom; and has slayed many innocent mortals in his larger pursuit of attacking Solis. However, he is redeemed by his great love for Poppy, his loyalty to Kieran, and his empathy for his people.
Poppy notes that Cas is loved by his people. Thus, he rules with justice and wisdom, earning his authority. With Kieran, Cas recreates Spessa’s End as an idyllic community, which reflects his cherished ideals of equality and the fair distribution of resources. His special gift is compulsion, the ability to get others to do his bidding. However, because of the dubious ethics of this power, Cas uses it sparingly and thoughtfully. Although he wants to usher in a new era, Cas is respectful of the old traditions of Atlantia, his parents King Valyn and Queen Eloana, and elders like Alastir.
Cas’s main flaw is his tendency to control Poppy. He kidnaps her at the beginning of the book, and keeps her under lock and key to safeguard her. As the text progresses, he matures, realizing that he needs to respect Poppy’s agency. When he needs to feed from her, he restrains himself and seeks her active consent, showing character growth. At the end of the novel, he bows before Poppy, suggesting that he is more than happy to accept her primacy, which makes him a more contemporary and self-aware romantic hero.
The third protagonist of the novel, Kieran Contou is a wolven, or a werewolf-like creature with heightened senses and great physical power. Kieran is tall and lean, with closely cropped dark hair, pale blue eyes, and warm beige skin. In his wolf form, he has fawn-colored fur. The son of Jasper Contou, a respected wolven elder, and the older brother of Vonetta, Kieran shares a critical bond with Cas. Kieran exchanged blood with Cas in a sanctified ceremony to become his “bonded” wolven, his protector and guardian. Cas and Kieran are as close as brothers and can sense each other’s feelings and thoughts. Kieran has a dry sense of humor and a cool temperament, which makes him a welcome foil to the more hot-headed Cas and Poppy. At the beginning of the novel, Kieran occupies the role of the hero’s best friend. However, Kieran is also an exposition device, who tells the reader about the world through his answers to Poppy’s endless questions. The novel implies that eventually, Kieran will join Poppy and Cas in a special rite that creates a polyamorous union.
Though Kieran affects a cool front, he is very loyal to those whom he loves, such as Cas, and his sister Vonetta. Kieran can be extremely perceptive, far more than Poppy and Cas at times. For instance, he senses that Cas and Poppy are “heartmates” before they do. When Poppy runs away at New Haven and explains to Kieran that she feels trapped by Cas, he advises her to use her powers of empathy to intuit the intentions of those around her. He often comes to the aid of Cas and Poppy, such as when he arrives by their side at the battle at Spessa’s End, or protects Poppy during her outburst at the temple in Saion’s Cove. Thus, he embodies protection, loyalty, and strength.
An older wolven, Alastir is an advisor to King Valyn and Queen Eloana, the rulers of Atlantia. Alastir is powerful-looking and handsome, with long, blond hair that he wears in a knot. He has a battle scar in the center of his forehead. Alastir used to be the bonded wolven of King Malec, the ancient king of Atlantia, but the bond broke after Malec Ascended Isbeth and disrupted the natural order. Since then, Alastir cannot change into his wolven form, which Poppy acknowledges must cause him considerable distress. Alastir is the father of Shea, Cas’s fiancée whom Cas killed after she betrayed him to Solis. However, Alastir does not know the truth about Shea’s death. Cas’s willingness to protect Alastir from the truth about Shea shows the respect he has for Alastir. Poppy too sees Alastir as a paternal figure, someone who reminds her of her fatherly guardian Vikter. However, the text suggests there is more to Alastir than meets the eye.
Alastir does not approve of Poppy’s marriage to Cas and often tries to sow discord between the two. On one level, he represents the older order, scandalized at traditions such as the joining. On another level, he is a crafty statesman with his own agenda. Poppy and Cas cannot see through this, which reflects their weakness in reading people. An intriguing character, Alastir adds considerable mystery and tension to the plot.
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