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A Mathematician's Apology

Nonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 1940

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The Purity of Mathematics

The principles of mathematics, Hardy believes, exist on a high plane of existence, a realm of perfection, beauty, and a certain sublime uselessness. As a formalized version of logic, mathematics expresses eternal truths. The laws of nature are conditional, subject to the uncertainties of real life, and liable, now and then, to be overturned by new evidence. Math, conversely, is proved by logic, not by outside experience and, in that sense, is exempt from doubt. Hardy believes that mathematics’ perfection suggests that it dwells in its own realm outside the natural world. This is somewhat akin to Plato’s ideal Forms, the perfect expressions of imperfect nature that Plato believed exist outside space and time. Hardy therefore argues that the principles of math, and any new such axioms or proposals still being developed by mathematicians, aren’t inventions but discoveries.

However, Hardy held a distinctly negative view of applied mathematics, and its use in technology, industry, and everyday life—for example, its use by engineers and chemists to calculate the sizes, shapes, and power of the products they invent or the statistical methods that enable businesses, transit systems, governments, media, and other institutions to function properly. He considered applied math dull and crass despite its usefulness. Unlike pure math, with its pristinely perfect verities, “there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics” (85). Hardy held that though the dullness of applied math lies in its ordinary, everyday applications, much of its ugliness stems from its use in destructive pursuits such as creating the instruments of warfare. The vast casualties of World War I resulted from advances in aeronautics, ballistics, and armaments, all of which relied on math. Hardy believed “that it is not on these crude achievements that the real case for mathematics rests” (65). That case relies on pure math, a realm in which the mind moves freely, discovering everlasting truths that have no connection to the dryness and frequent cruelty of everyday life.

Pure mathematics, or what Hardy called “real” mathematics, has no practical use and is therefore exempt from the moral culpability inherent in applied math. Thus, Hardy considered pure mathematics the most beautiful form of math. It’s so elegantly abstract that it has no obvious use in the real world, which Hardy saw as central to its value. His specialties were in number theory and math analysis, two fields with vast areas that are useless to science, business, government, or culture. He respected pure math for its elegance, aesthetic qualities, and serene isolation from the crudities of ordinary life. The sheer beauty of pure math’s empire of thought separates it and makes it valuable.

A Field for the Young and Ambitious

Hardy believed that success at the highest levels of mathematics demands three essential traits of its practitioners: a tremendous natural talent in mathematics; a driving, competitive personality willing to do the hard work required; and the ability to focus on math productively during one’s young adult years. He argued that few people can compete at the highest levels of mathematics if they lack considerable natural talent. As a child, he displayed exceptional mathematical ability; his parents, both teachers, also had strong math skills and made a point of providing their son with the finest educational opportunities available. Hardy knew from a young age that he was gifted; his life path already was laid out.

In addition, he had a highly competitive personality, which helped him become a class leader in nearly all his academic work. In college, he was among the top four math students. For relaxation, Hardy enjoyed competitive sports, including cricket and indoor tennis. He was a driven young man, and later, as a professor, he held his students to the same intense standards. Hardy considered youth essential to great mathematical work: “Mathematics is not a contemplative but a creative subject; no one can draw much consolation from it when he has lost the power or the desire to create; and that is apt to happen to a mathematician rather soon” (143). Older minds, he believed, especially those past middle age, simply can’t make the creative leaps of discovery that push mathematics forward. Although Hardy accomplished his greatest achievements in his forties, he attributes this to his collaboration with two younger and, arguably, brighter mathematicians. By his sixties, Hardy regarded his ability to do top-level math as extinguished, and he found that this phenomenon seemed true for other mathematicians as well. The oldest among them thus have little recourse other than to teach and write their memoirs.

The talent, training, intensely competitive spirit, and narrow professional window of opportunity for mathematicians makes them somewhat akin to high-level professional athletes. They must train hard, outperform challengers, and achieve greatness during their twenties and thirties. Indeed, Hardy compared mathematics to professional chess, itself a highly demanding, ruthlessly competitive game. At the highest levels of math, the window of achievement thus opens only for the best and brightest, and only for a short time early in their careers. It’s therefore an honor to compete at that level, where achievements contribute to the highest levels of human endeavor.

The Qualities of a Serious Theorem

Hardy noted that mathematics is built on theorems, or provable statements. A serious theorem is one that has significance. This doesn’t mean that it’s useful in some day-to-day sense. Instead, a vital theorem applies generally to other theorems; it has a depth that inspires wonder, further thinking and discoveries; and it’s surprising, inevitable, and economical.

Significance suggests generality. Proving a theorem that states that a certain number is a multiple or sum of certain other numbers is possible, but this isn’t a significant theorem. Significance begins when a theorem makes statements that amplify many other theorems. Such a theorem helps advance the progress of math. A theorem must be general enough in its application to inspire efforts to use it, but not so general as to dilute its ability to make specific improvements in other areas of math. Additionally, theorems should be deep. Although hard to define, depth in a new theorem is a recognizable quality, especially to mathematicians, who find in deep concepts plenty to think about and many potential opportunities to apply the novel idea elsewhere in math.

A significant theorem signals its importance by being surprising. If mathematicians haven’t thought of it before, yet the theorem has general application, they’ll feel the shock of surprise. A surprising theorem is therefore new, which endows it with the potential to generate even more theorems. This tells mathematicians that the theorem will profit those who search through its implications. As if it were hiding there among the other theorems all along, a new and significant theorem contains a sense of inevitability. Its obviousness speaks to its correctness and the confidence it inspires: “[T]here is no escape from the conclusions” (113).

Strong theorems are economical. A complex theorem lacks the beauty of simplicity, whereas a simple, straightforward theorem fairly broadcasts validity and usefulness. Its economy is a function of its efficiency, so that it wields more power than an overly complicated idea. Like an excellent chess move, it inspires admiration. It appears to practitioners a thing of beauty. A theorem’s general usefulness, depth, surprising validity, and economy of expression make it significant and promise that studying it will yield other more discoveries.