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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Marty’s parents arrive at the café. Marty’s mother reprimands Marty, but Marty takes her parents out of earshot and explains what she surmises about Jo’s mother, Jo’s living conditions, and Jo’s involvement with Addie’s rescue. Marty’s mother hugs Jo and cries; Jo cries too, though she is not certain why. They take gas to Marty’s grandfather’s car; Matty’s father returns to the grandfather while Marty’s mother drives Jo and Marty to Jo’s apartment. In the car, the man whose bike Jo took calls, angry; she explains where to find it. Marty’s mother asks Jo to tell the whole story.
Once Jo explains, Mrs. Peterson asks about Jo’s mother. Jo hesitates, and Marty convinces Mrs. Peterson to tell Jo about Lucy: Lucy was Marty’s sister who became addicted to oxycodone after it was prescribed following wisdom teeth removal. When Lucy could not afford oxycodone, she tried heroin. The first time she tried it, she died because of an overdose. The Petersons began a charity, Lucy’s Hope, in Lucy’s memory to help people affected by opioid drug use. Mrs. Peterson says Jo cannot help her mother by hiding the secret. Jo cries on Marty’s lap in the back seat.
A phone message from Addie’s mother relays that Addie will have surgery immediately on her broken legs and is receiving treatment for dehydration and heatstroke. Jo, Marty, and Mrs. Peterson arrive at Jo’s apartment building. On Mrs. Peterson’s advice, Jo enters alone. Her mother sits at the table holding Jo’s letter, upset. Jo’s mother says the police would not help her, claiming Jo likely ran away. Jo’s mother hugs her and says, “You broke my heart” (273), but Jo says her mother did the same to her. Jo explains some people want to come in to meet her. Her mother grudgingly agrees.
Marty and Mrs. Peterson introduce themselves. Jo brings up her mother’s use of the pills. Jo’s mother insists she can stop and tries to have Marty and Mrs. Peterson leave. Jo pushes back, telling her mother that she needs help. Her mother explains the cost of treatment is not insured. When she cannot flush the pills at Jo’s request, Jo asks her to take the help Mrs. Peterson’s charity provides. Her mother agrees, hugging Jo and saying she believes in her daughter.
This chapter begins with direct messages from “Now” (282). A conversation between Addie, Jo, and Marty reveals that Jo is staying with the Petersons while her mother is at a treatment facility. Addie’s legs are in casts. Jo attends a support group for children of parents addicted to drugs. School begins the next day.
Marty drops Jo off at her new middle school, commenting on Jo’s courage. Jo wears a shirt Marty loaned to her that reads “T-SHIRTS THAT SAY STUFF ARE STUPID” (285). Jo is nervous to meet people, but a boy likes the shirt and claims he wants one: “Twinsies!” (288). Jo heads more confidently to her first class.
Jo goes with Marty and Marty’s parents to the treatment facility to see her mother. Jo’s mother is thin and exhausted from the detoxification process. She tells Jo she misses her. They all attend a therapy session with other residents. A man named Brian shares his history of overdosing on opioids. Mrs. Peterson shares Lucy’s story and tells the residents they are brave. Jo’s mother introduces herself as “an opioid addict” (295).
This chapter begins with direct messages from “Now” (296). A conversation between Addie, Jo, and Marty reveals that Jo’s mother is healthier and that Jo is appreciative of help moving forward. Addie attends school in her wheelchair.
Jo, Addie, and Marty attend an airshow with Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Chapman. Joanie Cash rolls her plane and does tricks far above, then lands and greets the audience. Addie claims she is Joanie’s biggest fan; she is astounded when Joanie recognizes Marty and Jo. Joanie welcomes Jo aboard her plane for a flight that Jo’s mother pre-arranged with help from the Chapmans. Scared but eager, Jo boards the plane feeling more ready for the future than she has in a long time.
While Jo’s conflict regarding saving Addie is resolved once the injured girl is whisked away in the ambulance, Jo still has significant conflicts to battle in the last section of the novel. After taking the initiative to find Addie, making complex decisions in the rescue, and stepping into a leadership role when Marty becomes hesitant, Jo is physically, emotionally, and psychologically exhausted. Her character needs a helpful boost to contend with the conflicts caused by her mother’s condition, especially since Jo’s age logically precludes many courses of action an adult would take.
This boost comes in the form of Marty’s parents, who place in front of Jo a new potential route to healing for her mother: Lucy’s Hope. Jo now has a real possibility to help her mother; in terms of theme and lessons for the reader, the author communicates the hidden dangers of oxycodone use through Lucy’s story. The possibility of the foundation’s financial assistance gives Jo the hope she lacked before and prompts her to confront her mother about her use of the drug. Mrs. Peterson’s entry into the story provides Jo with the support to speak out that she lacked before; this intervention leads to her mother’s treatment. The climax to Jo’s conflict regarding her mother’s addiction occurs when she asks her mother to flush the pills on the spot; with those new supports in place, the transition to falling action events (e.g., Jo’s mother’s treatment) is logical and realistic.
As the story nears its conclusion, the author employs the use of verisimilitude. Bowling does this through an extended falling action that includes Jo’s mother’s treatment. For example, imagery regarding Jo’s mother’s weight loss and the dark circles under her eyes suggest how the detoxification process is physically difficult, and the therapy session Jo attends includes a man’s history of overdosing. These realistic details help to convey to readers the gravity of the addiction struggle.
The development of the story’s themes concludes with these chapters. The development of Personal Growth Through Adversity is most significant, evident in Jo’s increased confidence and courage after successfully saving Addie. While the theme of Believing in Oneself Despite Others’ Doubts is most evident with Jo’s character up to Addie’s rescue, this theme also can be seen with Marty in the last section. Marty confidently believes intervening with Jo’s mother’s addiction is the right action to take although no other adult in Jo’s life (e.g., Aunt Mallory) has done so. The theme of The Impact of Technology on Modern Quests is expanded upon in several scenes as the novel concludes; the use of the cell phone to call for an ambulance, medical treatment for Addie, and the flight gifted to Jo by her mother and the Chapmans are plot points involving technology that mark Jo’s quest as a modern adventure and contribute to conflict resolution. The completion of each theme’s development provides closure and reader fulfillment.
Finally, this section of the novel concludes Jo’s character arc. Her compassion and concern for others never waver throughout the narrative, but other traits such as conviction, courage, and hope grow during her rescue of Addie, providing her with the necessary tools to help her mother and herself. Surviving the harsh desert environment promotes hope in Jo that her mother can leave behind the “desert” of addiction; growth in her convictions and courage allow Jo to finally reveal to the Petersons her mother’s addiction and its impacts. Seeing her mother in treatment, while difficult, spurs a noticeable change in Jo from pessimist to optimist; she is more confident about starting school, maintaining friendships, and her potential plans. Jo’s flight with Joanie in the last scene symbolizes Jo’s new mindset: “We lift up into the clear blue desert sky, my friends, my mom, and the whole city of Phoenix with the vast desert surrounding it far below. And endless possibilities above” (305).
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