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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Providence, Spring 1998
Raquel is in Professor Temple’s office. He is disheveled and his office is a mess. He hands her a folder of rare material on Jack Martin, and Raquel realizes that she learned about Martin from Professor Temple, but she has no idea what drew him to Jack’s work. She asks and is amazed by the beauty of his response. Temple discovered Jack at a time of widespread social and political upheaval in the United States, and believed that Jack’s art represented an authentic alternative to abstract impressionism that he had found to be more relevant, timely, and compelling. After sharing this with Raquel, he asks her out for coffee. Flustered, she tells him that she is going to the campus dance with Nick and has to leave. She can tell from his response that he was asking her out on a date, and she feels slightly embarrassed for the older, soon-to-be-divorced man who is hitting on one of his students.
Nick buys her a new dress for the occasion, a beautiful designer piece that she could never have afforded on her own. Although she loves the dress, she realizes that Nick bought it because she would not fit in wearing the silver dress she had already picked out. Nick also gives her a pair of tummy-tucking, control-top pantyhose to wear with the gown. Raquel cannot deny that she looks chic and artistic, but she feels slightly uncomfortable. She and Nick have dinner with his parents before the dance. His mother, who is also wearing a designer gown, compliments Raquel on her dress. Raquel tries to impress them with her intellect and steers the conversation away from personal details that would highlight the class differences between herself and Nick’s family. His parents like Raquel, but when they note that someone in her “position” would be better at taking opportunities presented to them than their “difficult” daughter (Raquel’s friend Astrid, with whom she will be interning at RISD that summer), it also becomes clear that they too see her as an “other.” At the dance after dinner, Raquel sees one of the Art History Girls, remembers their horrible conversation, and gets so flustered that she wants to leave. She and Nick spend the night in an upscale hotel, and Raquel feels happy and free, although the martinis do contribute to this mood.
New York City, Fall 1985
Jack is at an event at Giancarlo’s gallery. He thinks about his appearance and hopes that he is projecting stylish affluence. Appearances matter to Jack, and he likes to manage other people’s perceptions of him as both an artist and an icon. Out of the corner of his eye, he keeps thinking that he sees Anita’s bloodied body. He reflects on the hours and days following Anita’s death. He called the police and had of course ended up in jail. Influential friends bailed him out, and with Tilly’s help in particular, he retained a lawyer and began to work on his defense. The attorney planned to argue that Anita had been “into Santería” and that the “witchcraft” combined with her own lack of sanity led her to jump from the window.
Cuba, Fall 1980
Anita recalls a trip to Cuba and the impact that it had on her relationship with Jack. Cuba is in her blood, and she explains how deeply important Cuba and Cuban identity are to her art. She loves the place, its people, and its gods, particularly the orisha (supernatural deity) Yemayá, who is the orisha of motherhood and of the sea. Jack might doubt the relationship between identity and art, but Anita understands the bond deeply. During the trip, she was profoundly moved by being in her home country again, and she began to create art that was inextricably tied to Cuba and Cuban culture. She bribed officials so that she could stay for an entire year, and in that time, she gained a better sense of who she was as a woman and an artist. Decades in the United States made her more American in her ways and habits, but Anita asserts that she remained Cuban in her heart.
Raquel has just begun her summer internship with Professor Belinda Kim at RISD. Her mother calls, informing Raquel that she and Raquel’s sister are going to visit her this weekend. Raquel is pleased; she misses her family. However, she realizes that this visit will necessitate telling them about Nick, and her mother will surely want to meet him. Although Nick has been pleased lately with Raquel’s weight loss and her gradual transformation into an elegant, cosmopolitan artist, she wonders how her mother will react to these changes.
Mavette repeatedly emails Raquel, but Raquel struggles to find the words to respond. She has not forgiven Mavette for the night of the fight at the Art History Girls’ apartment, and she does not trust any of them. Marcus also emails to tell her how upset he is about a recent snub on her part; she bailed on their radio show at the last minute to go sailing with Nick’s family, and Marcus points out how troubling it is that Nick has recalibrated Raquel’s life. Raquel continues to work on her thesis about Jack Martin, but she realizes that she would prefer a project about which she had actual passion. Meanwhile, Nick is looking for a gallery to represent him. He bristles against a few of the suggestions that Raquel makes, arguing that he already belongs to a better class of artist and should seek out higher-quality galleries. He ultimately secures a spot at Tilly Barber’s gallery, the same gallerist who represents Jack Martin. At the lunch to celebrate, Nick orders for Raquel, getting her a salad instead of the burger she prefers. She gets upset, but he explains that he is only trying to help her. He reasons that because she has expressed insecurity about her appearance, he knew that she would feel better if she got the low-calorie option. This incident, combined with his lack of interest in meeting her family, worries her.
New York City, Fall 1985
Jack attends Anita’s memorial service. Tilly advises him to skip the event, which she describes as a “publicity circus” put on by feminist agitators, but he argues that it would look bad for him to skip his own wife’s funeral. He brings along a woman with whom he has been having an affair, but he realizes that even without this faux pas, he would not have been welcome at the event. Everyone there is sure that he killed Anita, and the crowd is noticeably hostile towards him. Jack remembers a piece that the two worked on together; he created a pyramid to which she attached various seedlings in Mexico City. During the course of the installation, her plants grew and hid his pyramid from view. He hated the end result and took legal steps to make sure it would be omitted from future retrospectives or catalogues of his work.
Part 2 continues to explore the lives of Anita and Raquel, drawing many implicit parallels between the two women’s daily struggles and internalized insecurities. Although Anita has been murdered, her spirit still narrates her chapters in a retrospective fashion, and Jack’s behavior in the wake of her death is a further indication of his misogyny, strengthening the impression that his general disrespect for women warped his relationship with Anita. Similarly, as Raquel’s relationship with Nick intensifies, Nick begins to resemble a lesser version of The Damaging Impact of Toxic Masculinity that characterizes Jack, and this dynamic becomes most prominent in the amount of control that he tries to exert over Raquel’s life. He is particularly critical of her appearance and her weight, and she is torn between her longing to be accepted by Nick and his social circle and her desire to remain true to herself. When Raquel meets Nick’s parents, the encounter further muddles her feelings, for although they like Raquel, their casually callous comments exhibit many of The Effects of Affluence and Class-Based Prejudice.
Although murdering Anita is Jack’s worst crime within the narrative, these chapters give further evidence for his arrogance and weakness of character. Appearances matter greatly to Jack, and after Anita’s death, he continues to be consumed with thoughts of his public image amongst other members of the art world. This fixation is a function of his self-serving nature and his desire to control the narrative; because Jack has a fixed notion of how he wants to be perceived, and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he projects that image. Even so, he fails to accurately evaluate the optics of attending Anita’s memorial service with a date in tow, and this misstep illustrates the full extent of his extreme hubris and arrogance. Thus, Gonzalez creates the impression that Jack believes himself capable of committing a wide range of offenses with impunity; he does, after all, get away with murder. It is only after the service that he grudgingly admits that publicly appearing with another woman so soon after Anita’s death was ill-advised. However, his private reflections reveal even more damning details about his misogynistic attitude, for as he recalls his past attempts to suppress Anita’s work, it is clear that he is uncomfortable with her artistic successes. He cannot stand the idea that her artistic merit might be more highly valued than his own, and he puts a considerable amount of effort into keeping her art from the public eye. He also rationalizes this approach in his memories of her, labeling her “a nobody and a climber” and asserting, “If she hadn’t been married to me, nobody would have known who she was in the first place” (144). With this statement, he entirely misses her innate talent and sees her only as an accessory.
Gonzalez’s focus on crafting parallel narratives comes to the fore once again as Nick’s controlling nature manifests in much in the same way that Jack’s did initially. Nick actively suppresses Raquel’s identity and agency by managing her appearance and reinforcing her insecurities. Although Raquel is initially thrilled at the opportunity to wear the luxurious and expensive designer dress that he buys for her prior to the campus dance, she does realize that he only purchased it because he disliked the dress she planned to wear. Thus, his ostensibly thoughtful gift is really a manifestation of The Damaging Impact of Toxic Masculinity, for he compels Raquel to wear the dress that he believes will better reflect the standards of upper-class white society. By seizing control of her outward presentation, he essentially commandeers her own sense of agency, and just like Jack, he cares more about appearances than about forging a healthy romantic relationship. When he also buys her a pair of control-top, tummy-tucking pantyhose, this gift makes an even more critical statement about her appearance. The gown is floor-length, so there is no need for pantyhose; he buys them because he thinks that Raquel is overweight. This ongoing criticism will become a major focal point within the narrative, showcasing the role that white supremacy plays in mainstream beauty standards. In her own community, Raquel was always proud of and lauded for her curves, but in Nick’s white, upper-class world, slender bodies are more desirable. He therefore continues to harp on her weight, even going so far as to order her a salad when she has stated her preference for a burger. This disrespectful, high-handed mistreatment makes it clear that Nick, like Jack, sees Raquel as an accessory and wants her to embrace a specific image for his sake.
Nick continues to be cast as an antagonist during the scenes in which Raquel meets his family, and their wealth and highly privileged worldview allow Gonzalez to explore The Effects of Affluence and Class-Based Prejudice. Although Nick’s parents are gracious, complementary, and attentive, they make small comments that Raquel identifies as exhibiting their deeply entrenched bigotry. For example, they note how happy they are that someone in Raquel’s “position” is appreciative of the opportunities that she has as a result of having been accepted into Brown, and they also talk about the art world in a way that highlights their influence and position. Raquel knows that they are acutely aware of her lack of class privilege and that they see their acceptance of her as charitable, modern, and open-minded. Additionally, Raquel now has ample evidence to begin realizing that Nick shares their deeply biased perspective of class and class differences; as a result, he will never see her as an equal.
Within these highly complex and fraught social settings, Anita’s explorations of her unique artistic process provide a distinct counterpoint to the broader political subtext. For example, when she describes a trip that she took to Cuba and explains how deeply connected she remains to its space and customs, her passion for her authentic art shines through and permeates the narrative. She delves into her interest in the Yoruba Orishas and notes her particular affinity for Yemayá, a deity associated with motherhood and the sea. The fact that Anita feels drawn to a spiritual manifestation of the divine feminine aligns perfectly with the context of her work, and her spiritual contemplations lend credence to the idea that art and identity are inextricably interwoven. Thus, Anita’s artistic style portrays a nuanced view of gender issues and is informed by her own interest in the gendered aspects of Cuba’s social and spiritual history.
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