94 pages 3 hours read

Anna Karenina

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1879

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Part 1

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1, Chapters 1-10 Summary

The novel opens with a scene of domestic discord that introduces the Oblonsky family: Russian nobles who live in Moscow. Stephan Arkadyich Oblonsky, informally known as “Stiva,” is an unfaithful husband. He is having an affair with one of the family governesses. His scandalized wife Darya Alexandrovna, or “Dolly,” is in despair and thus neglecting her domestic labor. Tolstoy uses third-person narration, with close attention to the inner state of particular characters—especially their assumptions and views of themselves and others.

Stiva is sleeping in his office, pleasantly dreaming, and awakens to the reminder of his situation: When his wife confronted him, he responded with a “stupid smile” (3) which made the situation even worse. He had hoped Dolly understood he no longer loved her and knew he had affairs. She, however, believed him faithful. He dresses for the day and reminds his valet that his sister, Anna Arkadyevna Karenina, is coming from St. Petersburg: the imperial capital. Oblonsky is discouraged to learn that Anna still insists on leaving, unwilling to remain in the house or host a guest.

Stiva tends to his correspondence, and the third person narrator describes more of his temperament and character. He holds “liberal views” (7) for an aristocrat because liberalism does not venerate marriage or family, which he finds congenial to his own distaste for responsibility. His children visit, and his oldest daughter is embarrassed when he tries to ask after Dolly. He resolves to go and see her.

Dolly, whose inner state is one of anger and a desire for revenge, also feels that in a world where she is dependent on men, a real separation is not feasible. Entering, Stiva tries to tell her that Anna is coming. He urges her to think of their family and forgive him; she insists that she—not he—is always the one working for family welfare. Stiva has some hope when he sees she pities one of their crying children, but she storms out and insists he stay away from her.

Dolly, desperately wishing to contemplate her situation (and wondering whether Stiva is still seeing his mistress), is left to tend to domestic duties, as the cook has quit in all the discord.

Oblonsky leaves for his office. He holds his civil service post through the patronage of his brother-in law Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin. He is popular if not industrious, supported for his good looks and pleasant temperament.

Just before he leaves for lunch, Stiva is told he has a guest; he discovers it is old schoolmate, Konstantin Levin, who farms on his family estate and is rarely in the city. Levin looks around “crossly and uneasily” (17) and is unsure how to conduct himself in an office. The two men are fond of each other but cannot understand the other’s life and choices. When he introduces Levin around, Stiva learns that Levin is no longer involved in local politics through the local assembly, or zemstvo, as he sees local governance as useless and corrupt.

Levin, easily embarrassed, struggles to explain to Stiva why he is fashionably dressed and what he is doing in the city. When Levin asks about Stiva’s in-laws, the Scherbatsky family, Stiva guesses this is about Levin’s passion for Dolly’s youngest sister Kitty. He tells Levin he can find Kitty skating at the rink in the city’s Zoological Gardens. Stiva hints that Levin may find the situation to be more complex than he expects.

Levin has long been connected to the Scherbatsky family, as he was close to the oldest brother when he studied at Moscow University. An orphan, he was bewitched by their education, European culture, and manners, and had “fallen in love with the family” (21). The previous winter he was in Moscow and nearly proposed to Kitty, but left suddenly when he thought a marriage would be impossible. Levin feels that in the eyes of urban society, his position as a prosperous landowner makes him a “good-for-nothing” (23) compared to civil servants, military officers, and businesspeople. But life in the country soon convinced him he could only love Kitty, so he returned, determined to propose.

Before meeting Oblonsky, Levin visits his older half-brother, a distinguished intellectual, Sergei Ivanovich Koznyshev. Levin’s brother is upset to learn he is no longer engaged with provincial politics. The two men discuss their younger brother, Nikolai, who is a social disgrace. Levin resolves to visit him anyway, hoping to reconcile his brothers.

Finally, Levin arrives at the skating rink in a state of anxious anticipation. He immediately spots Kitty, overcome with passion and his sense of her beauty. Kitty warmly greets him and asks him to skate. They skate together, and Levin unnerves her with a compliment on being happy with her. Instead of answering his question about what is wrong, she sends him to greet her governess. He returns to her, shocking himself by answering her query about the length of his stay in the city “depends on you” (31). Kitty, privately, is disconcerted by this remark. She likes Levin, but she has no desire to marry him.

Oblonsky and Levin go to a hotel restaurant, where Levin declines vodka and is not interested in the lavish menu. Levin, above all, is “afraid to soil what was overflowing in his soul” (35), and feels overwhelmed by his dreams of love and matrimony. Levin contrasts dining as a hobby to his pragmatic meals during his laboring life. Oblonsky assures him he should visit the Scherbatskys as promised. Oblonsky teases Levin about his hopes, recalling when he too dreamed of such a future, but declines to discuss his troubles.

Stiva assures Levin he approves of the potential marriage and that Kitty might acquiesce. Levin passionately explains that the new meaning of life is winning Kitty.

Part 1, Chapters 11-21 Summary

Oblonsky tells Levin that Kitty has another suitor. Count Vronsky is a wealthy young military officer, whom her mother supports. Levin is depressed and changes the subject. Levin feels his emotions have been “defiled” by such issues. Stiva urges him to propose quickly.

Stiva tries to discuss his own situation, but Levin cannot understand how a husband could ever be unfaithful or desire women who have romantic liaisons outside marriage. Stiva insists that “all the charm, all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade” (42) and so little can actually live up to Levin’s rigid moral standards and dislike of modern life.

The narrator turns to Kitty, her personality, family, and social prospects. Due to her youth and position, Kitty is expected to marry well, and while her father likes Levin, her mother simply “did not understand him” (43). Kitty’s mother hopes Vronsky will propose, as he is wealthy, popular, and part of a familiar social world. Kitty’s mother remains anxious that Kitty may be hurt if Vronsky does not take her seriously. Kitty refuses to speak when her mother tries to tell her that it is important to pursue Vronsky and not be confused by Levin’s arrival.

Kitty is anxious as she prepares to receive callers, knowing she is more comfortable with Levin than Vronsky, but certain she will refuse Levin to make a better marriage and future. She dreads the idea of harming Levin.

Levin finds Kitty alone and asks her to marry him. She is overcome by the evidence of his passion, but refuses him. He assures her he is not surprised, and gets up to leave. Before he can escape, other guests arrive, including a friend of Kitty’s who despises Levin’s provincial habits.

Vronsky arrives and Levin immediately notices Kitty “loved this man, as surely as if she had told it to him in words” (50). Vronsky is introduced and asks about country life, insisting that he likes it and is captivated by memories of rural Russia when in Europe. The conversation turns to spiritualism, then popular among European and Russian elites, and Levin insists he cannot believe in superstitions. Levin, in despair, makes eye contact with Kitty and the two silently communicate about her joy and his grief. The guests prepare for a séance, and Levin again tries to escape, but is greeted by Kitty’s father, Prince Scherbatsky. The older man is chilly to Vronsky, and Levin finally makes his escape.

Kitty struggles to sleep after telling her parents she refused Levin. Prince Scherbatsky is furious. He insists that Vronsky is not serious, and reminds his wife of Dolly’s situation, wishing to avoid a similar fate for Kitty. The whole family has a restless night.

Vronsky is a young man from a noble family, trained early for a career in military service. He finds Kitty’s love for him and spending time with her “pleasant” and “he could not have believed that something which gave such great and good pleasure to him, and above all to her, could be bad” (57). He finds the idea of family life alienating, but pleasantly looks back on his evening with Kitty.

The next day, Vronsky goes to meet his mother’s train, finding Oblonsky doing the same, anticipating his sister Anna’s arrival. Stiva teases Vronsky about Kitty. When asked, Vronsky cannot recall Anna but dimly recalls the distant and conservative Karenin, a senior government official. Vronsky is surprised to hear Levin proposed to Kitty, disparaging marriage and proposals as harmful to the “dignity” of men compared to the ease of casual affairs.

Entering his mother’s carriage, Vronsky is struck by her young and lovely companion, Anna, who tells him his mother has told her a great deal about him. Countess Vronsky asks her son to fetch Oblonsky. Vronsky rebuffs his mother’s attempt to talk about Kitty, while his mother urges Anna not to worry about leaving her own son. Vronsky is captivated by Anna. As he and his mother prepare to depart, they notice a commotion. They learn a man has been killed after falling under a train. Vronsky leaves money for the dead man’s widow.

Anna is disturbed by the event, calling it a “bad omen” (65). Stiva tells her Vronsky may marry Kitty. Dolly has prepared for Anna’s visit, knowing it is important to impress the wife of a distinguished official, beyond her affection for her sister-in-law. Dolly recalls that Anna’s own domestic situation has always disconcerted her: Karenin is much older and has a chilly personality. Dolly senses that Anna will be her confidant.

Anna arrives, warmly greeting Dolly, and winning her over by remembering all five of her children. Anna insists that she supports neither party in Dolly and Stiva’s domestic tragedy, extending only empathy. Anna asks Dolly for the full story.

Dolly reflects on her life, her naïveté about men, and her former belief in Stiva’s fidelity. Dolly asks how the two can possibly resume life together, knowing he despises her and that she has given up her youth to domestic concerns. Anna assures her of Stiva’s regard, and says that in such a position she would “forgive as if it hadn’t happened at all” (70).

Anna stays home to facilitate the resolution of the conflict, avoiding social calls. Stiva realizes Dolly is warming to him. Kitty visits Dolly and is immediately charmed by Anna, especially her beauty and sophistication, and the sense that her personality has hidden depths. Anna sends her brother to reconcile with Dolly. Kitty begs Anna to come to the upcoming ball, desperate to see her in evening wear. Anna congratulates Kitty on her likely engagement to Vronsky, but she does not mention the train station accident.

Dolly comes out, fussing over Anna’s sleeping arrangements, and Anna realizes the couple has made peace. As the family gathers, the bell rings, and Anna sees Vronsky in the hall, struck by his manner, which Stiva calls “somehow strange” (76) . Vronsky refused to join them and merely asked about an upcoming dinner party. Everyone finds this unusual, though Kitty believes Vronsky came to see her.

Part 1, Chapters 22-34 Summary

About a week later, the ball begins, and Kitty is swarmed by young men overjoyed by her appearance and popularity. Kitty waltzes with her host and asks to be taken to Anna, noticing Vronsky. Kitty is stunned by Anna, realizing that Anna does not need to wear bright colors, as the “black dress with luxurious lace was not seen on her, it was just a frame, and only she was seen, simple, natural, graceful” (79). Kitty talks with Vronsky when he finds her, noticing that Anna ignores him and that he briefly forgets to ask her to dance as he watches Anna waltz. Kitty looks at Vronsky with all her devotion, which she will reproach herself for with “tormenting shame” (80) in later years.

Kitty dances with Vronsky, certain he will make his intentions clear during the mazurka—an upcoming dance. She declines other invitations for this dance, noticing Anna and Vronsky are absorbed in each other, mutually besotted. Kitty is both attracted to and repelled by Anna, thinking she now senses a darker nature than before. Anna informs their host she will not stay for dinner, telling Vronsky in particular that she leaves for St. Petersburg the next day.

Meanwhile, Levin is disgusted with his lack of social aptitude and resolves to find his brother Nikolai. He recalls Nikolai’s period of deep religiosity, followed by violent fighting, gambling, and suing their brother Sergei. Levin regrets that he joined others in teasing Nikolai during his religious phase, and resolves to assure his brother of his devotion.

Nikolai, even more socially awkward than Levin, introduces his radical socialist friend, Kritsky, and is less acerbic once he realizes Levin has no demands of him. Levin is struck by his thinness. Nikolai insists the woman with him, Marya Nikolaevna, be treated with respect, despite her position as a former sex worker. Nikolai discusses his new devotion to worker’s cooperatives, disparaging Sergei Ivanovich’s politics. Marya Nikolaevna tells Levin that Nikolai is ill and drinking a great deal.

At dinner, Nikolai reminisces about the family estate and urges Levin to get married. Levin is disconcerted to find that his brother agrees with his critique of rural politics. He puts his drunk brother to bed and makes Marya Nikolaevna promise to write, still hopeful he can persuade Nikolai to live on the estate.

Levin leaves for home, resolving to forget romance and devote himself to his brother and living a moral life without exploitation of anyone’s labor or material luxury. Levin greets his housekeeper, doubtful that his new life will truly come to fruition. He checks on a new calf and becomes absorbed in farm details. Levin is surprised his housekeeper has noticed his sadness, but is soon settled and pleased to be home.

Anna is resolved to leave despite Dolly’s protestations. Dolly realizes Anna is upset, and assures her of her gratitude for her help. Anna protests she is not the saint Dolly thinks; she confesses feeling guilty about coming between Kitty and Vronsky, and her own conduct at the ball. Inwardly, Anna knows she is leaving early to avoid the temptation of Vronsky. Dolly assures Anna she does not want this marriage for Kitty if Vronsky is so shallow. She lovingly embraces Anna.

On the train, Anna is dreamy and distracted, imagining herself as a character in the novel she reads. She thinks of Vronsky, deciding it means nothing in the end. As she returns to her book, she becomes disoriented, “having moments of doubt whether the carriage is moving forwards or backwards” (100). At a stop she gets out on the platform for fresh air and finds she has entered a snowstorm. She sees Vronsky there, certain he is following her to St. Petersburg, which he confirms. She begs him not to profess his attraction or devotion. Privately, she is intrigued and pleased, but soon drifts off to sleep, waking in the Petersburg station with thoughts of her family.

Seeing her husband Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin, Anna is newly struck by his large ears, the “state of pretence [sic]” between them, and the way her husband speaks “in a tone of mockery of someone who might actually mean what he said” (167).

Vronsky, sleepless on the train, makes his pursuit of Anna his new focus. After he disembarks, his dreams are marred by the sight of Karenin—the obstacle to his happiness—but he is undeterred, convinced Anna likes him. He introduces himself to Karenin, asking to call on them. Karenin suggests Anna visit his friend, Countess Lydia Ivanovna, who is eager for news about her trip.

Anna returns home and greets her son Sergei, whom she calls by the diminutive, Serezha. She finds her friend Countess Lydia there too, eager to discuss religious and philanthropic causes. Anna is disconcerted by Lydia’s venom in the cause of religion. Anna finds peace at home, wondering why she was ever so upset about Vronsky. She recalls that Karenin considers jealousy between spouses unsuitable and tells him nothing of Vronsky.

The narration turns to Karenin, with his packed professional schedule, resolving to be on time for dinner with Anna and their guests. After he leaves for a meeting, Anna reminds herself that her Petersburg time was merely “one of the ordinary, insignificant episodes of social life” (110), and spends the evening with her son.

When Karenin returns home, Anna tells him about her trip. They discuss his work and Anna fondly thinks of his passion for being well-read. She assures herself that her spouse is kind and good, and goes to bed when Karenin summons her. The narrator reflects that the “fire now seemed extinguished in her” (112).

Vronsky returns to his St. Petersburg apartment, meeting his friend Petritsky and his mistress. Vronsky and his friends have little regard for traditional morality, especially regarding sexual affairs. Vronsky resolves to enter social life with gusto so he can spend time with Anna.

Part 1 Analysis

The novel’s first part introduces the key characters and their relationships to each other. The opening drama makes clear that the novel will be concerned with marriage, family, morality, and the state of the Russian aristocracy. The social consequences of the abolition of serfdom are a notable theme of Levin’s character arc. All of the characters are Russian nobles with European habits and tastes; Levin has been raised amongst this milieu even as he despises it. As the Historical Context sections address, Tolstoy intended the novel to be his response to the radicalism of the 1870s—especially around gender roles and family. But his dedication to realism also means that the unhappiness and inequity of marriage, especially for women, is apparent from the novel’s opening.

Much of Dolly’s suffering could be attributed to her husband’s “liberalism”—his distaste for marriage and family life and hedonistic nature. At the same time, Tolstoy underlines that part of Dolly’s problems are financial and logistical. If she leaves, she has no financial support nor stability for her many children. Though Tolstoy’s intent may have been to underscore the unhappiness that comes from nontraditional views, the institution of marriage and patriarchal limits on women’s freedom are undeniable.

Kitty, though unmarried, is in a similarly fragile position, since she depends on the greater freedom of men to express interest in her and propose. Her parents’ disputes over her suitors underline their new powerlessness in a world where marriages are less formally arranged. Kitty’s father alludes to Dolly’s situation in his critique of Vronsky, reinforcing that these domestic dramas intersect and will continue to do so.

Vronsky, like Oblonsky, disdains social convention, and is notably the only character to sleep well the night of Kitty’s refusal of Levin, unencumbered by anxieties about his future or emotionally bound to Kitty. His relative unconcern with her position indicates that he, like Oblonsky, benefits from his gender and social status: He has the luxury of both autonomy and frivolity. Levin, by contrast, takes marriage and family life as seriously as others might a religious vocation, and his unlikely friendship with Oblonsky contrasts the two. Though he has doubts about spiritualism and is curious about the existence of God, Levin never doubts that traditional patriarchal and heteronormative social arrangements should be revered. This is particularly apparent when he exalts Kitty and dreads the idea of disclosing his own sexual past to a woman. Karenin, as later chapters will make even clearer, is also a traditionalist—though a far less passionate and emotional person than Levin. Levin, whose choices mirror Tolstoy’s own, underlines that conservatism can be deeply felt. Levin is sometimes a passionate critic of the social reforms of the 1860s, even as he works within the abolition of serfdom and acknowledges exploitation as social evil.

At this stage in the narrative, Anna acts as a defender of social institutions. This is likely meant to contrast with later developments, as her affair with Vronsky and its consequences will soon consume her life. Like Dolly, Anna is an anxious and devoted mother, and is eager to reconcile her brother and sister-in-law. She stresses the importance of forgiveness and later occupies a position to seek it herself, knowing she has wronged Kitty by not discouraging Vronsky’s attentions.

Kitty, like Vronsky, is drawn to Anna, emphasizing that her beauty and warm personality are apparent to all around her. Only Karenin treats Anna as unremarkable—a part of the background of his orderly life. Anna is passionate and superstitious: Tolstoy early foreshadows her fate, as she is deeply disturbed by the death at the train station in the same manner she will ultimately die by suicide. At the end of Part One, Anna is resolved to commit to her domestic sphere and her spouse. But she also sees Karenin with new clarity, and these doubts about her marriage—combined with Vronsky’s persistence—will have dire consequences for her.

Unlike Anna, Levin returns home and feels a new sense of peace. He has returned to tradition as well—the family estate—and is disturbed by his memories of his dissolute brother whose political radicalism seems to be wrecking his health and life. Levin, too, resolves to return to his routines, determined to live a morally upright life. He is perhaps most successful at this of all the characters, as he experiences genuine contentment witnessing new life on his farm and the friendly support of his housekeeper. Levin treats domesticity as a welcomed escape, perhaps because unlike Anna, he found no temptations in Moscow. Travel, meetings, and partings will prove a key motif in the remainder of the work, as such events allow the characters to grow, change, and encounter each other in various settings.

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