81 pages 2 hours read

Bless Me, Ultima

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1972

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Chapters 20-22

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

Antonio continues going to church, but he’s dissatisfied and feels distant from God. After school lets out for the spring, he spends more time with Ultima. He often hears her owl hooting at night and knows it’s a warning that Tenorio is coming.

An old friend of Gabriel’s named Tellez comes to visit, complaining of devils haunting his home. During Tellez’s grandfather’s time, the llano was the home of a Comanche people. One day three Comanche men raided his farm, and in response, Tellez’s grandfather hanged them and left them unburied, leaving their souls to wander around the ranch. Tenorio’s daughters have roused the restless spirits, and a local priest hasn’t managed to exorcise them. Ultima agrees to help, stating her conviction that “all evil can be stopped” (227) as long as one accepts the potential consequences of altering fate.

Ultima, Gabriel, and Antonio drive to Tellez’s home, and on the way, they speak reverently about the power of the “wide, free earth” (228). Arriving at Tellez’s house, they meet his wife and children. As they enter the house, a dark cloud passes over the house, and there is a loud pounding on the roof. Large rocks fall from the sky.

Ultima gathers bundles of juniper and creates a platform on which she burns three effigies, which Gabriel recognizes as an early Comanche burial tradition. As she performs the ceremony, Ultima expresses a desire to be buried this way after her own death. The ceremony lifts the curse, and Tellez thanks Ultima profusely, revealing that it was Tenorio who roused the restless spirits.

That night, Antonio dreams of his brothers in a foreign city. He holds their livers impaled on a fishhook as they beg him for salvation, asking for respite from their “sea-blood.” They tell him to choose between the power of the golden carp, the catholic church, and Ultima. Antonio takes their livers and throws them into the river of the golden carp.

Chapter 21 Summary

The days grow warm as summer approaches, and Antonio and Cico head back to the river of the golden carp. Like Antonio, Cico is not convinced by the Catholic faith, but continues to attend church. He warns Antonio that they can’t tell others about the golden carp because God would order him killed. Cico stresses that Antonio must choose between God and the carp.

The boys see the carp again, and Antonio is filled with a sense of peaceful wonder. He and Cico decide to show Florence the carp and hurry to Blue Lake, a popular swimming spot.

As they arrive, they see the other boys from town gathered by the water. They tell Antonio and Cico that Florence dived into off-limits deep water. As they watch, Florence’s body floats up to the surface. They pull him from the water, and Antonio kneels over him and tries to say the Act of Contrition, but it’s no use: Florence dies a nonbeliever.

The boys fetch a lifeguard, who is angry that Florence drowned on his watch, ruining his “perfect record.” The other boys lie and say they tried to stop Florence from swimming in the forbidden area. Sickened, Antonio runs away from the scene and to the river, where he wades alone and contemplates his sins.

Chapter 22 Summary

That night, Narciso, Lupito, and Florence appear in Antonio’s dream. They remember that he prayed for them even though they were outcasts. Looking to one side, Antonio witnesses a priest sullying the altar of the church with pigeon blood and laughing that “the old gods are dying” (243). Looking the other way, he sees Cico killing the golden carp. Looking into the hills, he sees Tenorio murdering Ultima’s owl and Ultima dying painfully. Antonio cries out, “[M]y God, why have you forsaken me!” (244).

Ultima wakes Antonio from his nightmare and brings him a sleeping draught. She tells him that he’s seen too much death, and it is time for him to see life again; he will go live with his uncles in El Puerto for the summer.

Gabriel agrees to let Antonio live with his uncles, conceding that the vaquero way of life is dying out. He muses that perhaps it is time for himself and María to let go of their old differences. He reassures Antonio that he does not have to choose between being a Márez or a Luna.

Antonio imagines building something new out of “the llano and the river valley, the moon and the sea, God and the golden carp” (247). He asks Gabriel if a new religion can be made, and Gabriel answers that it can be.

Antonio asks why evil exists, and Gabriel responds that humans call things they don’t understand evil. The kind of understanding that dispels this sense of evil is granted not by God, but through lived experiences. He posits that empathy for others is the strongest kind of magic, the very magic that grants Ultima her healing powers.

In El Puerto, Antonio enjoys working on the land with his uncles and no longer has nightmares. He learns about their way of life, which is ruled by the moon’s cycles. He doesn’t know yet if he wants to be a farmer but sees that it could be a good life for him.

During Antonio’s last week in El Puerto, Tenorio’s second daughter dies, and Tenorio swears vengeance on Ultima. Since Ultima saved Lucas, Pedro feels indebted to her and wants to come along with Antonio to Guadalupe to warn Ultima. Antonio walks to Prudencio’s house to pack up his belongings, but on the way, he’s overtaken by a drunk Tenorio on horseback. Tenorio tries to trample Antonio and shouts that he will kill Ultima’s spirit-owl. After he passes, Antonio runs all the way back to Guadalupe, arriving at the same time as Pedro does by car. When he sees Ultima in the doorway and Tenorio hiding by a juniper tree, holding a gun, he cries out a warning. Ultima sets her owl upon Tenorio, and Tenorio shoots the owl. He then aims his gun at Antonio, but Pedro shoots and kills him before he can fire. As Tenorio dies, Pedro condemns him to hell.

Antonio wraps Ultima’s owl in a blanket and carries it to her bedside. Ultima is calm. She has done good work on earth but has interfered with fate: When she and Tenorio are both dead, “harmony will be reconstituted” (260). She asks Antonio to forgive Tenorio and to bury her owl in the hills, by a juniper tree.

Antonio begs her, “[B]less me, Ultima” (261), and Ultima lays her hand on his head. With her last words, she blesses him “in the name of all that is good and strong and beautiful” (261), promising to be with him forever.

Antonio runs out into the hills and finds a juniper tree, where he buries Ultima’s owl. As he stands, he takes in the beauty of the llano and knows that despite Ultima’s body being buried at the church cemetery, her true resting place is here with her owl.

Chapters 20-22 Analysis

These chapters illustrate another season of change in Antonio’s life. Returning to school, he notices that his friends are acting differently, and he is keenly aware that “something good [has] ended” (223): The time of childhood is drawing to a close. Ultima encourages him to make this change “a part of [his] strength” (245). With this final transition, Antonio enters the return stage of the hero’s journey, in which the hero comes back home transformed and uses his newfound power to help others.

At the Tellez exorcism, Anaya introduces more cultural background, specifically delving into the colonization of Comanche territory by the Spanish. He acknowledges the influence of Indigenous history on Chicanx culture, and the importance of respecting the original owners of the land. By treating the corpses of the Comanche men with disrespect, Tellez’s grandfather made his descendants vulnerable to Tenorio’s curse. Ultima once again intervenes to restore harmony to the Earth by carrying out a respectful death ritual for the wandering spirits.

Antonio undergoes yet another trial when he witnesses the drowning of Florence. He assumes the role of the priest one final time and tries to bless Florence, but it’s no use: Under Catholic belief, Florence’s soul is condemned because he died a nonbeliever. The idea that his good-hearted friend will be punished for eternity drives Antonio further away from the church’s ideology.

Antonio’s final dream conveys how trapped he feels, as violent imagery shows the destruction of the altar, the golden carp, and even Ultima. He feels that all three belief systems in his life have failed him but is told that “the germ of creation lies in violence” (244). This quote suggests that all of the tragedies Antonio has witnessed are not in vain. The alternating times of violence and peace he’s experienced are both part of the cycle of life, which in turn is just a small part of eternity. Antonio realizes that he has already persevered past tragedy and will continue to do so.

In Chapter 20, Antonio ponders the influence of his parents and Ultima in shaping him into the man he is becoming. This highlights a key shift in his mindset. Rather than agonizing over the choice between one lifestyle and another, he knows that many sets of values can coexist within him without any one fully defining him. He showcases this duality by going to work with the Lunas while affirming his identity as a Márez.

In Chapter 22, Gabriel acknowledges that the vaquero way of life is dying out, as is the farming tradition of the Lunas: Though Antonio can learn from the past, the past is not enough to sustain his life. Antonio asks whether a new religion can be created from the influences of the existing belief systems. This question reflects the way his future will be informed by his past and the cultures that have shaped him but will ultimately be under his control. The acknowledgment of the influences of the past, combined with the desire to create a better future, mirrors aspects of the Chicanx movement in the 1960s, which influenced Anaya’s writing.

Gabriel tells Antonio that “we fear evil only because we do not understand it” (248). This is why Ultima encourages empathy over vengeance, and why she accomplishes such miraculous victories over evil—by understanding it, she neutralizes its power. Knowing this, Antonio lets go of his need for revenge on those who have hurt him. He accepts Tenorio’s death not as an act of karma but as the restoration of the universal harmony for which Ultima also had to die.

By the time Tenorio kills Ultima, Antonio has matured enough to address María “for the first time […] as a man” (259). He doesn’t grieve his lost innocence anymore because he knows that his strength comes not from naivete but from his lived experiences. He has learned about “the magical strength of the human heart” (249) that will carry him through all hardship.

As the novel ends, Antonio is grief-stricken but at peace because his time with Ultima has brought harmony to his soul. His identity is an amalgamation of the influences of his loved ones and his own free choice. He understands Ultima’s death as part of the endless cycle of eternity, and he no longer fears evil because he has the wisdom and empathy to accept what he cannot understand. His decision to bury her owl on the llano before attending her funeral at church illustrates the resolution of his religious conflict. He has not chosen between Catholicism and folk traditions. Instead, he holds space in his life for both belief systems, and both providing comfort and guidance.

After burying Ultima’s owl, Antonio completes the return portion of the hero’s journey. He is now the master of two worlds, understanding both the worldly and the religious, the masculine and the feminine, the farm and the llano. He is ready to take what Ultima has taught him about open-mindedness, empathy, and mercy and use it to perpetuate “all that is good” (261) in the world. He has conquered his fear of death and gained the power to live freely, the final step in the return.

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