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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
In a multi-page poem, María describes her best friend, Whoopee Dominguez, a creative and energetic young person. Whoopee has a strong imagination and helps María navigate difficult emotions. María also admires how Whoopee stands up for what is right, including stopping a woman in the building from beating a child.
In the final two stanzas of the poem, María also describes Whoopee’s fear of “her own reflection” (40). María states that this fear comes from the fact that there are few images that portray people of Whoopee’s heritage as being beautiful. María wishes that there were better examples for her friend to see.
María’s upstairs neighbor, Doña Segura, is a gifted embroiderer who is almost completely blind. She gifts her patterns when there is an appropriate occasion, and at one point, she sews María a treasured pillowcase with a sun over the ocean. María is touched by the gesture and lays her “head on Doña Segura’s dreamcatcher every night” to remain connected to her Island (42).
Uma and her mother are also neighbors of María’s. They are from India and are objects of curiosity to their Puerto Rican neighbors. While some neighbors complain about Uma and her mother because their apartment smells of different spices, María is enchanted and tries to learn all she can from Uma. María helps Uma study for the US citizenship test in exchange for learning new facts about India.
In three consecutive lessons in English class, María learns and experiments with sentence structures. Her teacher, Mr. Golden, tells her in lesson one that she is a “poet” (47). In the final lesson, Whoopee comes up with a rap using imperative sentences, and Mr. Golden sits in the back, singing along.
Over the weekend, María, Uma, and Whoopee take the bus to the mall together. They talk about their heritage and how their clothes relate to their sense of self. At the mall, Uma points out the boy she is interested in: Ricky Moreno, the papi-lindo from the fifth floor of the building. Whoopee is unimpressed. The three girls go to the movie theater to see the movie American Beauty.
Whoopee and María discuss the tragic result of Uma’s encounter with Ricky, who convinced Uma to go up to the roof with him and hasn’t talked to her since. María and Whoopee talk about the “Latin Lover” and watch Ricky trying to flirt with other girls on the sidewalk (53). María decides that she will stand up for her friend and goes outside to yell at Ricky, or Ricardo, for hurting Uma. She pulls him to the side, and she tells him to stop his behavior. He pushes her up against the wall and she feels intense, positive emotions. When Doña Segura and her granddaughter come outside, the spell is broken, and Whoopee comes to get María, who leaves feeling conflicted.
In this section of the novel, María becomes more involved in the network of her neighborhood, getting to know the other people who live in her building. Her two closest friends, Whoopee and Uma, both provide vital sources of information for María as she sharpens her understanding of her neighbors. María documents many details about both of her friends, capturing precise examples of their behavior, language, knowledge, and appearance. This kind of description serves as a backdrop for María’s continuing development as a poet; with each new experience, she chooses what to record and how to record it and learns new intricacies of language.
One of the most dynamic scenes in the novel takes place in this section, as María stands up for her friend by yelling at Ricky Moreno. María’s narration of this encounter portrays her own heightened emotional state as she chooses to intervene in the situation and correct Ricky’s behavior. Although she is nervous, she also wants to protect her friend Uma, whom Ricky has hurt. María’s strong stance in this scene shows her increasing comfort with English. She uses her “best assertive voice” and delivers declarative sentences (55), like she learned in English class. However, despite her attempts to utilize her newfound eloquence and facility with the language, Ricky belittles her actions and subverts all of María’s intentions by turning on his charm, singing one of her favorite songs, and cornering her against the wall. Since Call Me María doesn’t focus on María’s love interests or crushes at any other point, this interaction appears out of character for María, perhaps because she is still a little younger than Uma. The scene serves to emphasize the relative inexperience of María’s adolescent perspective, and this dynamic is further implied in how thoroughly she is overwhelmed by Ricky’s behavior. In contrast with the responsible and community-oriented image of masculinity that Papi represents, Ricky’s aggressive and presumptuous behavior hints at a whole different dynamic that is best summed up by his building-wide reputation as a papi-lindo: one who can get any girl he wants. However, because the majority of the novel is focused on María’s own personal growth, this moment marks the only real hint of the sudden and emotionally intense encounters that can occur between male and female adolescents. Ultimately, it goes nowhere, and María continues on her own personal journey of inner growth and cultural integration.
Despite the progress that María makes to fit in with her new environment, one aspect of her adjustment to New York that particularly upsets her is her growing understanding of the ways in which race and racism affect the quality of her life and that of her friends, especially when it comes to appearance. María is acutely aware of the racism that often underscores her interactions with white people such as Señora Stuckey, and she also makes observations about Whoopee and Uma that reveal her quickly sharpening analysis of how racism shapes people’s lives. In her poem titled “Picture of Whoopee,” María concludes with a hypothetical musing about Whoopee’s appearance, stating that if her friend could only go to a “place where her brown skin, / wild black hair, and small solid body / were like those of goddesses and queens… / she would be immortalized” (40). In this piece, María’s love for her friend is captured alongside her clear awareness that in the United States, Whoopee’s appearance does not match the dominant beauty standard. The differences that arise from interactions between cultures is further emphasized in the character of Uma. She is unlike most other people María has met and serves as another important part of María’s learning process. The two friends often discuss the differences between their cultures, working to find “something in common” (45). As a member of a marginalized group in the US, María’s curiosity and empathy toward other people of color in her life is shaped by her own experiences.
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