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To make democratic societies less unequal and avoid the threat to their foundations that extreme and unjustified inequality brings, a progressive income tax and a modernized social state is required. However, as Piketty says, “If democracy is to regain control over the globalized financial capitalism of this century, it must also invent new tools, adapted to today’s challenges” (663). The most essential of these, discussed in the final two chapters, are a progressive tax on global capital and increased international financial transparency.
Piketty proposes “a progressive annual tax on individual wealth” (665). This would include all asset types, real estate, financial assets, and business assets, not just real estate as under current tax regimes. Further, it would be progressive in so far as the wealthiest would pay a higher proportion. Piketty provisionally suggests a zero percent rate on assets below one million euros, two percent above five million, and between five and ten percent for assets over one billion euros. For this tax to work several conditions must be met. There would need to be financial transparency and sharing of information between nations. Relatedly, there would need to be a high level of international cooperation to globally enforce this tax and redistribute the revenues. Piketty acknowledges that because of these conditions his proposed tax appears “utopian” (663). Nevertheless, it is worth aspiring to and is preferable to the alternatives, namely protectionism and national capital controls.
According to Piketty there are two main purposes of a tax on capital. The first is “contributive” (676). Extremely wealthy individuals typically pay relatively little tax since their income is small relative to their overall fortunes. As such, an annual tax on wealth, rather than just income, is required both to ensure that the very wealthy contribute fairly, and to guarantee higher revenues of the tax. Second, there is an incentive argument. A tax on capital would encourage the wealthy to seek the best and most efficient return on their capital, rather than just “safe” investment. This is because a capital tax, say, of one percent, represents a higher proportion of smaller capital returns, therefore investors should seek as high a return as possible to limit the tax’s relative impact.
Piketty now turns to the issue of public debt. As he points out, government spending can be financed either by taxes or by borrowing. The problem with the latter is that government borrowing “is in the interest of those who have the means to lend to the government” (700). Namely, the wealthy. This is because they can benefit from the interest paid, which ultimately must come from other citizens of that nation. Nevertheless, in the developed nations debt has reached historically high levels. On average, debt in such countries is equivalent to ninety percent of GDP, as high as it was after World War II.
There are three main ways of dealing with public debt: a tax on capital, inflation, and austerity. The first, claims Piketty is the most efficient and just whereas “the worst solution in terms of both justice and efficiency is a prolonged dose of austerity” (701). A tax on capital would be fairer since the wealthiest, who can afford to pay the most, would shoulder the largest burden. Conversely, with austerity it is the poorest who are hardest hit since they are most reliant on government welfare and public services. However, since 2008 austerity (cutting government spending) is what most European states have adopted.
Another way to reduce public debt is to allow or encourage inflation. Since a government bond is a nominal asset, whose price, unlike a “real asset,” is set in advance and does not vary with inflation, high rates of inflation quickly eliminate government debt. This is because high inflation rapidly reduces the real value of government bonds. Indeed, this is something both France and Germany benefited from after World War II, inflation reducing their huge public debts to almost nothing. Inflation also has the advantage of encouraging “dynamic capital” (709) over “idle capital” (709). In other words, it punishes those who simply leave their money in savings accounts, rather than investing it in real assets such as industry and business.
However, inflation has several core drawbacks as a means of reducing government debt. First, its redistributive properties can be uncertain or unfair. Those with small or medium savings may be punished, while the wealthiest can continue to enjoy large returns by having diversified portfolios. Second, inflation can be hard to stop once it gets going and there may be an “inflationary spiral” (708). This occurs when increasing prices leads to increased wage demands, so that workers can maintain the real value of their wages. This in turn leads to higher prices, due to higher nominal production costs across the economy, and further demands for wage rises to keep up with prices. Such a cycle can breed economic instability and even chaos, as Germany saw in the 1920s.
The two main challenges facing 21st century liberal democracy are rising income inequality and the exponential growth of wealth inequality. To deal with the former, higher progressive income taxes are required. To deal with the latter, Piketty proposes an international progressive tax on capital. This, as he says, would “stop the indefinite increase of inequality of wealth, and […] impose effective regulation on the financial and banking system to avoid crises” (667). On the first point, even a modest tax would limit the accumulation of astronomical fortunes since the very largest fortunes would pay the most and their capacity to make concomitantly vast returns would be tempered. Further, as the revenue from the tax could be redistributed (for instance, to help developing nations adapt to climate change) it would also raise the living standards of the poorest.
On the second point, more effective regulation could be achieved by the necessary transparency required for such a tax. As all wealth owners would, legally, have to declare their assets, governments and organisations would, for the first time, have “reliable information about the evolution of global wealth” (667). This would allow for a more informed democratic debate about wealth. It would also give governments a clearer picture of the world economy and allow them to react more pro-actively to potential crises.
Moreover, this type of tax is preferable to the alternatives. The main one presently being “a defensive reaction of a nationalist stripe” (664) which economically translates to a “resort to protectionism and controls on capital” (691). Such policies were attempted by US President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021, just four years after Capital in the Twenty-First Century was published. They involved putting tariffs on the import of foreign goods, ostensibly to protect domestic industries, and stricter controls on immigration. As witnessed during the Trump administration, these policies had several drawbacks. Aside from stoking international tensions, they typically led to retaliation. This happened most notably in 2018 when China imposed retaliatory tariffs on US goods and entered a “trade war.” In the long run, as Piketty highlights, when all nations are drawn into increasing protectionism, it leaves everybody worse off. The best products no longer have equal access to markets, and inferior goods are promoted.
A capital tax is then the most effective response to the problems created by globalization. It is also the most efficient response to the current debt crisis of the developed nations. Austerity, the approach practiced at present, is less efficient due to “the obvious contractionary effect of budgetary rigor” (707). In other words, since government spending cuts also harm economic growth and recovery, they result in smaller government tax revenues. This means the debt takes longer to clear. In contrast, a one-off flat tax of fifteen percent on private capital would eliminate the public debt overnight by bringing in a year’s worth of national income.
The main stumbling block is (as with increases in income tax) political. As Piketty says, “A global tax on capital would require a very high and no doubt unrealistic level of international co-operation” (664). This is because for a tax on capital to work it must be implemented by all, or most, nations. Otherwise, individuals would simply move their wealth to countries which were not imposing the tax. Indeed, it is precisely this form of tax competition which has led to the “race to the bottom” of corporate tax rates that we now see today. It is also an example of what economists call the “prisoner’s dilemma,” a situation in which it is in everyone’s interest to act cooperatively, but one party can still act independently to achieve a better outcome at the expense of others.
It is obviously no easy task getting all nations to agree. Rivalries, suspicions, and nationalistic self-interest often make far less ambitious agreements, even between a handful of countries, difficult (witness the glacial pace of international action on climate change, or the wrangling over nuclear disarmament or EU fishing rights). Nevertheless, nations could move towards an international capital tax incrementally. For example, the EU or BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) could begin by negotiating a tax within their respective blocs and experimenting with implantation and enforcement. They could then progress more easily towards agreement with each other. Of course, this meet ideological opposition from wealthy elites and their backers. And as Piketty points out, such ingrained “ideological obstacles” (722) from thirty years of neo-liberalism, “will take some time to overcome” (722). Still, it is an ideal worth fighting for.
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