54 pages 1 hour read

Falling Short

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2022

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Important Quotes

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“I don’t do these things on purpose either. They just…happen.”

(Chapter 1, Page 9)

Isaac compares his tendency to forget things such as his homework, phone, and deodorant to his grandmother’s tendency to forget to lock the bathroom door. This helps to characterize Isaac as more self-aware than his parents give him credit for. He does want to do better and makes specific plans to improve, but he is fighting behavior patterns and the way his mind is naturally structured. This situation is part of the novel that establishes the theme of Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough.

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“I lean in, offering a fist bump like Isaac taught me to do. Only each of the kids shakes my fist instead. Must be something middle school kids are doing.”

(Chapter 4, Page 36)

Knowing that he is often out of his depth in social situations, Marco’s first instinct is to rely on a behavior Isaac taught him, demonstrating The Role of Friendship in Overcoming Challenges. Since Marco’s belief that these kids are demonstrating a hip new middle-school behavior is mistaken, his comments create a comic form of dramatic irony. This incident characterizes Marco as naive in social situations and a loyal, trusting person who is ready to believe the best about his new friends.

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“Dos Equis? Sadly, I know all about it. It’s one of Apá’s go-to beers.”

(Chapter 5, Page 38)

Isaac’s reaction to Alexxander’s nickname demonstrates the unfair burden that Apá’s drinking puts on Isaac. Although other kids might find the nickname funny or cool, Isaac’s situation at home means that he is reminded of deep, painful, and confusing feelings throughout his school day when he hears his classmates use his new friend’s nickname. He does not let this discourage him from getting to know Alexxander, however, which characterizes Isaac as determined to overcome the painful experiences in his home environment, despite reminders of his father’s alcohol addiction.

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“I mean, it’s not like I don’t try. I swear I do. I pump my hands and do my best to copy the movements of the other kids, only I seem to move in slow motion like in a bad dream.”

(Chapter 8, Page 60)

Marco’s determination illustrates The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance; he knows that he does not have the natural athletic talent that some others have, but he keeps trying. His comments demonstrate that, although the ways Marco and Isaac feel inadequate differ, both boys are making a sincere effort to improve in aspects of their lives that do not come naturally to them. This supports the text’s thematic exploration of Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough.

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“Most of the kids are coming in with stomachaches. It’s really making me start to question the cafeteria food.”

(Chapter 11, Page 77)

Isaac’s quip about the cafeteria food is characteristic of his dry sense of humor; this is one of the elements that distinguishes his narrative voice from Marco’s. Where Marco is earnest and cheerfully straightforward, Isaac is often sardonic or sarcastic.

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“Honestly, the game doesn’t seem that complicated. It’s just a matter of tossing the ball into your opponent’s basket more times than they do—not rocket science.”

(Chapter 12, Page 85)

Marco’s optimism and confidence are often a great benefit to him, but here, it is clear that they can also be misleading. Most sports are much more complex than they look, especially to spectators who know little about them, and Marco’s statement foreshadows his gradual discovery of this fact.

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“I just wish she’d understand. Apá and I are wired differently than her, maybe with a few wires crossed here and there.”

(Chapter 15, Page 104)

Isaac thinks that his mother does not appreciate that other people are genuinely trying to live up to her standards but might not succeed through no fault of their own. This contributes to the text’s thematic exploration of Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough. Apá’s worst fear is that Isaac will grow up to be like him; Isaac already sees their similarities, though, especially in their relationship with his mother. Isaac’s thinking about these family relationships demonstrates his mature insights into interpersonal relationships.

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“You had no trouble telling me all about your blue poop after you downed a giant blue slushie.”

(Chapter 16, Page 112)

Cisneros lightens the mood during a difficult moment as Marco waits for Isaac to talk about his troubles by injecting a moment of low comedy. Marco’s reminder to Isaac of a very personal and silly detail that he has already shared illustrates how close the two boys are and reinforces the theme of The Role of Friendship in Overcoming Challenges.

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“Dr. Reynolds was nice and all, but he was no Marco.”

(Chapter 17, Page 113)

As the perspective shifts from a “Marco” chapter to an “Isaac” chapter during the boys’ conversation about Isaac’s parents, Cisneros emphasizes The Role of Friendship in Overcoming Challenges again. Marco’s empathy for Isaac makes it easier for Isaac to open up to Marco because they both have fathers who struggle to keep their promises and can empathize with each other as a result.

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“My finger is aching and looks to have plumped twice in size, but imagining Dad cheering me on from the bleachers keeps me going.”

(Chapter 20, Page 140)

Marco demonstrates The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance as he keeps practicing shooting despite the pain in his finger and his lack of coordination. The image of the finger “plumped twice in size” conveys how serious of an obstacle his hurt finger is. His motivation—imagining his father being proud of him—makes it clear how deeply Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough impacts him.

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“It’s a side of Marco I’ve never seen before.”

(Chapter 23, Page 151)

Isaac’s comment shows how impressed he is with Marco’s willingness to keep going despite the pain of his hurt finger. It adds to the text’s characterization of Marco as determined and supports the theme of The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance. It also demonstrates how Marco’s experiences are changing him as he digs deep and finds new parts of himself in pursuit of his goals.

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“I am a baller now. A real jock. And I’ve got to start acting like one.”

(Chapter 24, Page 153)

Marco’s thoughts during the incident when he falls on his hand practicing basketball reveal his determination and support the theme of The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance. They also show that Isaac is not the only one who thinks that Marco has changed; Marco is proud of this new side of himself and wants to keep growing.

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I do. It’s. All. I’m. Good. At.”

(Chapter 29, Page 171)

Cisneros uses sentence fragments to mimic the sound of Marco pausing between each word as he struggles to breathe during his panic attack. After Isaac says that no one expects Marco to be perfect, Marco’s reply makes it clear that, like Isaac, he thinks others value him for only one thing (academics, in Marco’s case). He puts extreme pressure on himself to succeed in this area because he thinks this is all he has to offer.

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“There’s just no way that anyone could stay up and do that many problems for one stupid answer. There’s just no way.”

(Chapter 30, Page 174)

Marco marvels at the determination that Isaac showed in completing Marco’s math homework. The 23 practice problems that Isaac stayed awake doing demonstrate The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance to achieve success. Math is not Isaac’s specialty, but he was willing to keep trying over and over on behalf of his friend, showing The Role of Friendship in Overcoming Challenges.

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“I’m just tired…Tired of being irresponsible. Of failing all the time.”

(Chapter 31, Page 176)

Isaac’s choice to stay up all night working on Marco’s homework shows what a good friend he is and how academically successful he can be when he is determined and focuses his attention on schoolwork. He cannot see this, however; in his mind, he thinks it shows that he is irresponsible about his work and incompetent at math. His skewed understanding provides further exploration of the theme of Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough.

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“I was so caught up in trying to be something I’m not that I forgot who I am.”

(Chapter 32, Page 180)

Marco feels selfish for creating a situation where Isaac feels compelled to put his homework aside and finish Marco’s instead. Isaac’s sacrifice moves him to reexamine his choices and realize how carried away he has gotten trying to pursue his father’s approval through basketball. This epiphany demonstrates both the intense pressures feeling inadequate can create and The Role of Friendship in Overcoming Challenges.

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“‘I was only on the toilet for about an hour. You barely slept.’

Wait, what? I’ve no idea what a toilet has to do with any of this. Only he doesn’t explain, just keeps going.”

(Chapter 35, Page 197)

This quick interaction between Marco and Isaac encapsulates much of what makes their friendship special. They each believe the other’s sacrifice is more important than their own, demonstrating how much they appreciate one another. Marco’s way of expressing himself is characteristically oblivious, but Isaac accepts the mystery without interruption or criticism. They both feel completely safe and comfortable with one another.

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“Injury or no injury, I will earn my spot.”

(Chapter 36, Page 200)

Marco’s thoughts right before tryouts characterize him as determined and willing to make sacrifices to achieve his goals. He does not want to be handed a spot on the team or given a break due to his injury. He wants to earn it and be proud of his accomplishments.

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“Let’s just say I’ve never seen anyone play defense like him.”

(Chapter 37, Page 206)

Isaac struggles to find the right words as he introduces Marco to Coach Chavez. This characterizes Isaac as both a good friend to Marco since he is trying to find a way to praise his friend in front of the coach, and someone who worries about his reputation, as he does not want to say anything that Marco’s tryout will reveal to be a lie.

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“It’s surprising that someone so slow running forward can be so quick going sideways.”

(Chapter 39, Page 218)

Isaac is astonished at how well Marco can guard him, particularly since Marco shows little athletic ability in other aspects. Marco’s surprising skills as a defensive player demonstrate The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance. Neither Marco nor Isaac has the innate ability to reach their chosen goals through the usual routes, but if they are determined and flexible enough to keep trying new paths, eventually they will find a way to succeed.

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“What kind of son doesn’t go to his father’s side?”

(Chapter 43, Page 236)

Although Isaac’s reaction to seeing his father in the emergency room is natural given the circumstances and his father’s past behavior, he is not experienced enough in the world to understand this. He feels shame, instead, and adds this moment to the list of things that he thinks make him inadequate. This demonstrates the text’s theme of Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough.

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“Seriously, any father would be proud to call you his son. I know I would.”

(Chapter 44, Page 240)

When Marco learns that Isaac’s father is in the hospital, he is overwhelmed with memories of how Manuel Castillo has functioned as a father to him when his father failed in this regard. Manuel’s words mean everything to Marco because he offers him much-needed reassurance that Marco is enough just as he is.

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“I know it’s too much to hope for, but just as I see the look on Amá’s face, I can’t help but imagine that maybe, just maybe, this might be the second chance for our entire family.”

(Chapter 45, Page 247)

Isaac has been through significant challenges due to his father’s drinking, and he understands that his father may not be able to keep his promises about making the most of his second chance following the car accident. Still, his family means everything to Isaac, and he cannot help but hope that his father will improve and that his mother, who is still in love with Apá, will give their family a second chance too.

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“‘Basketball isn’t about winning or losing,’ I say. ‘It’s about putting in everything you have inside yourself and sharing it with others, helping them to do the same.’”

(Chapter 46, Page 251)

After making the team, Marco has gained enough confidence to speak up and offer advice to the other players. His comments focus on The Importance of Resilience and Perseverance and The Role of Friendship in Overcoming Challenges, demonstrating what he has learned about life through facing a series of challenges with Isaac.

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“It’s at that moment that I realize something pretty profound. I’ve got nothing to prove…to anyone. Even Dad.”

(Chapter 52, Page 278)

Marco’s epiphany is the climax of the plot focused on his quest to prove himself by playing basketball. It answers the question of whether he will finally feel like he is enough, just as he is, or if his newfound athletic ability will make him feel he must change himself. By realizing that he is sufficient as he is and can pursue his passions, Cisneros provides a moment of clarity in his thematic exploration of Feeling Inadequate Versus Being Enough.

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By Ernesto Cisneros