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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
The Spaniards and Robert watch as the fascist planes return, this time flying low enough to possibly see things on the ground. Once they have passed, Robert and Pilar prepare to see El Sordo, another Republican leader of the area; before they go, she confronts him about Maria, trying to convince him to take Maria with him wherever he goes, despite his insistence that he cannot do that in the midst of the war. He insists that he cannot have distractions from his work.
Agustín returns from watch to keep an eye on Robert’s bags while he and Pilar are gone, and he takes the opportunity to speak with Pilar about the attack on the bridge and the group’s future. He is uneasy after the planes, as many of the men are, and he tells Pilar that although they must blow up the bridge, they must leave the area immediately after. He insists that Pablo, despite becoming a coward, is an intelligent man; he suggests Pilar put Pablo in charge of plans for retreat.
Pilar demands a rest partway through the walk to see El Sordo. She speaks of beauty and ugliness and of her experience as an ugly woman who feels beautiful with men she loves. Robert asks where she and Pablo are from, and Pilar discovers that Robert never saw what the war was like in small towns, like Pablo’s. She tells Robert and Maria the story of that first day of the war.
Pilar gives them a detailed account of how the Republicans, led by Pablo, killed the guardia civil and then gathered all of the fascists of the town for a brutal killing by mass beatings, since Pablo wanted all the Republicans and townspeople to share in the responsibility of the killings. Drunkenness spread, as did anger at some of the fascists; the once-neat lines of killers turned into a mob at the door of the Ayuntamiento, and, eventually, Pablo allowed them in to kill the last of the fascists and the priest, who Pablo tells Pilar should have died with more dignity. Pilar talks of her feeling of dread, just like her feeling when the planes flew overhead earlier in the day, and she tells Robert and Maria that three days after the mass killings, the fascists came to the town. Maria begs her to speak of it no more, but Pilar promises to tell Robert of it later.
One of El Sordo’s guards, Joaquín, stops the trio as they approach camp; he recognizes Pilar and Maria and is introduced to Robert. As he leads them into camp, he shares that most of his family members were killed by fascists. He is overcome with emotion and ashamed by the display, despite the trio’s reassurances. Robert thinks about how he is distant from so many deaths because he goes to a place, stays to blow something up, then leaves again, only to hear about someone’s death later when he returns for another job.
El Sordo welcomes Robert, and they and Pilar discuss what Robert needs from them for the attack and how they can plan a retreat from the area—a challenge because Robert’s superiors have ordered the bridge to be blown up during the day rather than during the cover of night. The retreat will be dangerous, and Pilar hints to seeing disaster ahead. Pilar and El Sordo agree to flee to the Republic after the attack.
El Sordo, now seeming impatient, escorts Robert, Maria, and Pilar to the edge of his camp. Partway up the steep climb later in their walk, Pilar looks unwell and finally caves to her companions’ urging that she rest.
Pilar asks Maria to lay her head in her lap, speaking of jealousy over Maria and Robert, although she insists it is not romantic jealousy. She tires of talk and insists on going ahead to the camp, leaving the two alone, despite Robert’s insistence that he has much work to do and that the three should arrive back at camp together. Maria tells him to let Pilar go.
Walking back to Pablo’s camp after making love, Robert is lost in thought, first about the bridge and then about his relationship with Maria. He realizes that their relationship is challenging his beliefs, which were starting to become somewhat narrow. He considers time, wishing he had a lifetime with Maria, now that he has found her. He considers the idea that perhaps the rest of his life is just the two days they have together, and he should make the most of that time.
They see Pilar close to the camp, sitting with her head and arms laying over her lap as if she is unwell. She ignores their questioning and comments on their lovemaking and its effect on Maria, demanding over and over that Maria tell her something of her own volition. Finally, Maria tells her that the earth moved, and Robert agrees. Pilar speaks of that being something that usually only happens to Gitanos, and only three times in life. She has experienced it twice, but claims it will not happen again for her. Robert demands she stop complicating their jobs with Gitano nonsense.
Looking at the changing sky, Pilar notes that it will snow.
Pablo happily notes the impact of the snow to Robert, claiming the blowing up of the bridge cannot happen now. Deciding not to risk passing Rafael and Anselmo if he tries to find them as they leave their posts watching the bridge, Robert waits for their return in the cave. As he waits, the group speaks of matadors, and when one comments on how Pilar’s lover, the matador Finito, was tubercular, Pilar angrily corrects their assumptions and tells them of his last fight, his fear of bulls but fearlessness in the arena, and his final days.
Rafael returns with reports of troop movements, and Fernando volunteers to take Robert to see Anselmo, who remained at his post.
Anselmo waits for Robert at his post, watching the fascist guard post and marking all vehicles, people, and weapons that pass. As he waits, Anselmo thinks of the killing he and others have had to do; he hopes for a day, after the war, of atonement for those sins, since he no longer believes in God. He thinks of his loneliness and how he used to turn to God in such moments.
Robert appears, his mood buoyed by seeing that Anselmo actually stayed at his post, something that Robert claims is unusual in Spain. His mood and praise raise Anselmo’s spirits, as well.
On the men’s return to the cave, Pilar informs Robert that El Sordo came down to look at the horses, but he left no other word for Robert. Maria coddles Robert in her attempts to be with and care for him.
Pablo seems drunk, but Robert suspects he is not so. The man taunts Robert and the rest of the group, and Robert finally taunts Pablo himself, hoping to get the man to react so he can kill him, since Robert still has a bad feeling about Pablo and what he might do.
Pablo refuses to take the bait, even when Agustín hits him multiple times for his insults. Pablo leaves to check the horses, noting to Robert that the snow still falls.
Part 2 includes rising action in the form of conflict with Pablo and the snow, which is a detriment to Robert’s plans. This section also reveals rapid deepening of the relationships between the characters; Robert comes to care for most of the group, particularly Maria, Anselmo, and Pilar, even as he becomes frustrated with them.
Pilar’s sharing of her story about the first day of the war pulls the curtain back on The Brutality of War, illustrating the depths of violence and abuse within the war, even on the part of the Republicans, seen by so many as the “right” side. Pilar will defend the Republic valiantly until her death, but she has seen how awful people can be, no matter their politics: “I sat there and I thought we have begun badly,” she tells Robert and Maria (106). Robert is struck by her story and how it made him feel as if he were there, seeing the events unfold with his own eyes. He is also reminded of fascist brutality by the story from one of El Sordo’s young soldiers, who breaks down when sharing that his family was murdered. Each of the stories forces him to look at the fact that he has been distanced from events like these, hearing about them as he passes through towns to set bombs for the Republic. The young man’s story brings him to question his role as a figure who is able to weave in and out of warzones, reflecting on his “mobility” and the fact that “[he] did not have to stay afterwards to take the punishment” (109).
Although Robert hates fascism and knows, intellectually, of the horrors that have passed, he realizes in this moment how unaffected he has been by it as a transient foreign volunteer. He does not have the same stake in the war, and he has deliberately furthered his detachment from the real people affected by the war. This realization helps him in his struggle to keep Maria at arm’s length, as she puts a beloved face to the people of the Republic he defends against fascism.
Through Maria, Robert more directly engages with the concept of Living for the Present, as he lets his guard down and contemplates a life with her, however short it may be. He no longer denies their relationship or his ability to have one at all, instead embracing their connection wholeheartedly and realizing that he must live for the moment with her: “But in the meantime all the life you have or ever will have is today, tonight, tomorrow, today, tonight, tomorrow, over and over again (I hope), he thought and so you had better take what time there is and be very thankful for it” (131). Though Robert is a well-intentioned and courageous man, Maria helps to soften him in times of war and restore his sense of humanity.
As Robert faces the increasing possibility that his plan may be doomed to failure, he encounters the question of Cowardice Versus Heroism. He is an intelligent man, but he is also dedicated to doing his duty to further the cause, hoping that he can help free Spain from fascism, even if he must die. He behaves heroically, but inwardly, he must rationalize the bombing of the bridge to himself: “Where would we all be if you just said, ‘Impossible,’ when orders came?” (129). Here, Robert convinces himself that even when the odds seem against him, he must try for the sake of the cause, which marks him as a classic hero figure.
Robert does not acknowledge his fears, but they affect him nonetheless. Pilar directly reflects on the ideas of cowardice and bravery when she tells the others of her life with the matador who was afraid of bulls. He represents the height of bravery to her, because he was so clearly afraid of bulls outside of the ring, but inside the ring, he faced them with dignity. This anecdote provides a parallel to Robert, who privately fears death and even connection to people whom he fears may die; still, he faces the horrors of war by choice, as a volunteer.
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