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Young women have long had to navigate mixed messages about being sexy but not too sexual. Now more than ever, the pressure for girls to be sexy is everywhere. This pressure no longer exclusively comes from mainstream media; today, girls are expected to present themselves as brands on social media. Girls know that if they want to receive more attention and more likes, they must be sexually desirable. They must be, as a 2011 report out of Princeton University determined, “smart, driven, involved in many different activities (as are men), and, in addition, they are supposed to be pretty, sexy, thin, nice, and friendly” (13). In other words, girls must do everything boys do, and they have to do it all while also engaging every stereotype of femininity.
Ariel Levy, the author of Female Chauvinist Pigs, clarifies that being “hot” means being “fuckable and salable” (14)—a commercialized, unimaginative version of sexiness based on men’s desires. Where earlier feminists saw objectification as something to challenge, today’s girls see self-objectification as an act of agency and self-expression. The problem with this, though, is that self-objectification sets strict limits for who girls can be. Orenstein notes, “Girls shifted between subject and object day by day, moment by moment, sometimes without intending to, sometimes unsure themselves of which they were” (15). For example, one of the girls she interviews talks about the powerful feeling of dressing sexily, only to go out into the world and experience physical and verbal harassment because of how she’s dressed.
Being the right amount of sexy at the right times is complicated enough, but girls also must be careful not to come across as “slutty.” Orenstein writes that girls today navigate a new version of the classic double standard; sexually active girls are “sluts” while boys are “players,” but girls who remain virgins are denigrated as “prudes.” Girls must dress in ways to attract the right kind of attention, but they mustn’t act on that sexiness, or at least not too much. In hookup culture, young women intend to have sexual experiences that may or may not lead to relationships. This is different from the past, but the stigma of the “slut” didn’t change with the onset of hookup culture. Regarding this sexual tightrope, one girl says, “Finding that balance is every college girl’s dream” (125).
Moreover, there’s “a disconnect between [the] representation of ‘hotness’ and sex itself,” as Levy says (31). Being sexy and being a sexual person are very different things with very different expectations, with much more emphasis culturally placed on being sexy—prioritizing boys’ satisfaction—than on girls being in tune with their own desire. Orenstein’s interviews show again and again that most of the sexual experiences young women are having are physically unsatisfying for them. For girls, being sexual means caring about their partner’s pleasure over her own, and that isn’t the case for boys. Much of the girls’ sexual behavior follows the sexual scripts learned from media, which get the real female sexual experience wrong. As a result, being sexual for a girl often means performing rather than receiving pleasure.
In the opening chapter of Girls & Sex, one of the girls tells Orenstein, “My whole life is an attempt to figure out what, in the core of myself, I actually like versus what I want to hear from other people […] part of me feels cheated out of my own well-being because of that” (16). These words capture the dilemma adolescent girls face when it comes to their desires. Deborah Tolman, professor and author of The Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk About Sexuality, notes that when she asks girls about sexual arousal and desire, they describe how they think they look: “I have to remind them that looking good is not a feeling” (24). Becoming sexually desirable replaces girls’ exploration of their own desire.
Girls’ sexual desire is inextricably caught up in desires for attention and worth, and it’s tainted by cultural expectations. Girls are socialized to be deferential and nice and to not make waves. Claiming sexual agency is considered “aggressive” for girls, so their sexual desire remains largely invisible. The United States’ societal approach to girls’ sexuality has long made young women either victims or “sluts.” There is no other language for adolescent female desire, which means girls don’t have access to sexual agency, to sexual desire that grows from the self. The cultural narratives about teenage girls and sex are so loud that girls come to live them. When the girls in Girls & Sex attempt to empower themselves through sex, they are still doing so with the understanding that their bodies exist for male pleasure. For example, performing oral sex makes some girls feel active, in control, and sexy, but they are still catering to boys’ sexual desires rather than their own. Girls perform oral sex because they hope to please a partner, attract him, or placate him, whereas boys engage in the act for their physical pleasure. This tends to be true with all kinds of sex—vaginal, anal, and oral. Girls are more concerned with pleasing than their own pleasure. They are still objects, even as they try to be subjects.
The assumption has long existed that consent is simply an issue of “yes” or “no.” If a person says “no,” then they make it clear they don’t give consent. In the real world, though, consent often isn’t quite so simple for girls. One of the ways girls manage the societal limitations for them around sex—that they are either “prudes” or “sluts”—is to use alcohol before sexual experiences. Intoxication allows them to avoid responsibility for their actions while still getting to have sex lives. When alcohol is involved, though, girls are much more likely to wind up incapacitated and unable to say “no,” on top of other circumstances that might lead to coercion like not wanting to be seen as “uncool.” Orenstein emphasizes that drinking is practically a requirement in the campus party scene, and drinking is almost always a precursor to hooking up. Alcohol consumption can lead boys to misread signals or be unable to recognize them, and it can lead girls to be less likely to pay attention to the line between feeling emboldened and feeling used. One of the girls says, “No one here knows what rape is […] Would I know if I was raped? Maybe if it was a stranger in a dark alley, yeah, but otherwise, I’m not so sure” (134). The lines between consent and violation are too muddy too often.
Girls are also vulnerable to coercion. In US culture, pushing for sex is seen as a natural right among boys and men. Orenstein references girls’ roles as “the gatekeepers of sex, the inertia that stops the velocity of the male libido” (195). In other words, a sexual encounter is often seen as a self-perpetuating thing until the girl decides to stop it. This becomes especially problematic if her partner decides not to listen to her when she says “no.” As long as girls are considered gatekeepers as opposed to equal partners in sexual encounters, the muddy lines of consent grow even muddier.
The embodied experience of sexual desire is also not as cut and dry for girls as we would like to believe. Often, they aren’t overly clear about their own sexual desires because, as explained in The Dilemmas of Girls’ Desire, desire is tied to feelings of being wanted, accepted, and empowered. When girls’ bodies are commodities bartered in exchange for love and power, it’s difficult to know what the body itself wants. Additionally, girls worry about hurting boys’ feelings and egos. They’re afraid to be rude or to be considered “bitches,” and they feel guilty and uncomfortable saying no.
At least part of the solution seems to be helping girls learn to identify when a situation has gone from a normal interaction to pressure. Girls benefit from assertiveness skills training, where they can understand that the actual “rude” person is whoever is pressuring and persuading the other.
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By Peggy Orenstein
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