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Journey to Topaz: A Story of the Japanese-American Evacuation

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1971

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Chapters 11-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “A Home in the Desert”

The ride to Topaz takes two miserable days. When they are finally loaded onto buses, any hope for their new home is dashed when they are taken deep into the desert of central Utah. Topaz is one square mile of tarpaper barracks situated in the middle of an ancient lakebed. The powdery sand coats everything and everyone.

The Sakanes get their room assignment, and Emi scrambles to get Mrs. Kurihara to find a room next door. A young man around Ken’s age offers to help them get situated, explaining the layout of Topaz and warning them about the ferocity of dust storms in the area. The family is disheartened by the stark surroundings. Their new room is bigger than the one at Tanforan but just as bleak—the walls are unfinished, and it is full of dust. Yuki reads aloud the “welcome pamphlet” they are given, which states, “You are now in Topaz, Utah. Here we say dining hall, not mess hall; Safety Council, not Internal Police; residents, not evacuees, and last but not least, mental climate, not morale” (99). The camp’s facilities are still under construction and the artisan well that serves as the water supply is already strained. The mornings are freezing, and the afternoons are blazing hot, but Yuki likes seeing the desert stars at night.

The Kuriharas live in the same block as the Sakanes, two barracks down. They often walk to the mess hall together. One evening, as they walk to the mess hall, Yuki and Emi search the dusty footpaths for arrowheads and trilobite fossils. Yuki does not notice how pale Emi is and how much she is coughing until her friend suddenly collapses. Yuki rushes to find medical aid, quickly running into medical workers. They examine Emi and declare that she probably has heat exhaustion, but Yuki has a bad feeling.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Dust Storm”

The hospital is crowded with new arrivals to Topaz, and the camp has run out of finished barracks. The doctors want to keep Emi overnight, and only Emi’s grandparents are allowed to visit. Despite this, Yuki sneaks into the hospital the next day to give Emi a trilobite that she found. This cheers Emi, who still looks sick and weak. When Yuki exits the hospital, a dust storm is brewing. Not wanting her mother to worry about her, Yuki tries to make it home before the storm strikes the camp, but she is forced to take shelter in an empty laundry barrack, and it seems as though the world is ending. Finally, the storm abates and Yuki makes it home.

Yuki confesses that she has been to see Emi, and Mrs. Sakane makes her promise not to visit Emi again because the doctors think that she might have tuberculosis. If she does, Emi will likely be sent to a sanitarium. Yuki is shocked. She wonders if it is due to the folk medicine that Mrs. Kurihara makes Emi take when she is sick.

Chapter 13 Summary: “A Last Visit”

Emi does have tuberculosis, but she will not be sent to a sanitarium. Thanks to medical advancements, the doctors can treat her at Topaz. However, Yuki is still not allowed to visit her. Yuki thinks of Emi constantly and writes to her about life outside the hospital. The school is unfinished, freezing, and dusty. Yuki’s teacher often holds class outside to take advantage of the warm sunlight. Ken gets a job as an orderly at the hospital, and Yuki rarely sees him now. He has grown more and more distant, and Yuki misses his old self. Both Mrs. Sakane and Mr. Toda try to convince Ken to go back to school, but he refuses. Yuki blames herself for preventing him from going away to college when he had the chance.

Yuki turns to Emi’s grandparents for comfort. She spends more time with Mr. Kurihara and begins to understand him more. Despite his gruff exterior, she realizes that he is a kind soul like Mr. Toda. Like Ken, many others in the camp are becoming restless and irritable. The only improvement comes when the camp finally installs sheetrock sidings in the family’s room, giving them a bit of soundproofing and privacy. Their stoves are finally installed, and they now have heat in the frigid winter. Yuki thinks that this improvement might mean that Emi can come home. She visits the Kuriharas to ask, as Mrs. Kurihara makes a folk remedy out of egg yolks (which Yuki hopes that she will not give to Emi). Mr. Kurihara thinks it is a good idea to ask. Yuki later wishes that she said something nice to Mr. Kurihara, “for as things turned out, that was the last time she ever had a chance to talk to him” (116).

Chapter 14 Summary: “Tragedy at Dusk”

Volunteers among the residents of Topaz make gradual improvements to the camp, such as lining the dusty streets with gravel and planting trees. Mr. and Mrs. Kurihara are doubtful that the thin tree planted outside their barracks will survive. Mr. Kurihara and Mr. Toda have become good friends. They walk together each evening, searching for arrowheads and trilobites.

One evening, while Mr. Kurihara and Mr. Toda are out on their walk along the border fence, a guard shoots Mr. Kurihara. The guard claims that he shouted at them before shooting, but Mr. Toda heard nothing. Mr. Toda runs to Mrs. Kurihara in a panic to deliver the news. Mrs. Kurihara comes back from the hospital several hours later, stunned. Mr. Kurihara is dead. Mrs. Sakane tries to comfort her. Mrs. Kurihara tells them that Ken had helped break the news to Emi, and has been very kind and helpful. She goes home by herself, at peace with the fact that her husband no longer has to struggle and suffer in Topaz.

Mr. Kurihara is the first person to die in Topaz. The residents are shocked over the pointlessness of his death and realize that it could have happened to any of them. At the funeral, Yuki contemplates death. She thinks that Mr. Kurihara would not have liked all the mourning. She thinks that he would be at peace in the desert, a place he had come to enjoy. She wishes she could tell Mrs. Kurihara her thoughts. Instead, when nobody is looking, she places her best arrowhead on Mr. Kurihara’s grave.

Chapters 11-14 Analysis

The transfer from the cool, green climate of the Bay Area to the high desert climate of central Utah brings Yuki new challenges in Coming of Age under Extraordinary Circumstances. Historically, Topaz War Relocation Center was one of the smaller concentration camps, housing around 8,000 prisoners, and within the context of the novel, the Sakanes are among the first to arrive. This allows Uchida to outline the evolution of the conditions, which are even worse than the ones at Tanforan despite the existence of barracks designed for humans rather than horses. Everything from the desolate landscape to the dismal barracks is bleak and uninviting, and the environment is largely hostile to human life. Their guide hints at even greater dangers posed by the elements, and the warning about the dust storms foreshadows Yuki’s close call during such a storm. To Yuki, the dust storm seems “like the end of the world—at least the end of Yuki’s world” (107).

Amid these treacherous new surroundings, the Sakane family continues to find solace in the support of those around them. The Kuriharas are now almost like family to Yuki, and Emi is her best friend in camp. Yuki and Emi do everything together, and because of this close bond, Emi’s sudden collapse is a huge blow to Yuki’s morale—or her “mental climate,” as the camp administration euphemistically calls it). Amid her struggles, she finds Mrs. Kurihara’s optimism over Emi’s condition incongruous, for Mrs. Kurihara’s outlook is founded in her faith in traditional folk remedies. Like many Issei, Mrs. Kurihara maintains a connection to her home culture, and in her case, this takes the form of cooking and folk medicine. Though Yuki likes Mrs. Kurihara, she is deeply skeptical of her folk remedies, such as earthworm tea and essence of egg yolk, the latter of which is a black liquid that Mrs. Kurihara claims will cure Emi even if Western medicine fails. Emi’s skepticism and Mrs. Kurihara’s unusual remedies are prime examples of The Generational Struggle between the Issei and the Nisei.

Despite these generational differences, Yuki becomes closer with Mr. and Mrs. Kurihara in Emi’s absence and grows to understand Mr. Kurihara better. While he complains and has a gruff exterior, Yuki realizes that he is a kindly man at heart, like Mr. Toda. Like other Issei, Mr. Kurihara has considerable difficulty in Overcoming Bitterness in the Face of Injustice and holds bitterness toward the US government due to the prejudice and unfair treatment that he and others have received from an institution that is supposedly meant to serve the interests of all US citizens. The generational gap is once again apparent as the young Yuki fails to recognize how much the Issei have lost, but she comes to realize that Mr. Kurihara’s tragic death at the hands of a guard is the tragic outcome of the ongoing racism in American society, and this lesson is brought home quite harshly when there is ultimately no justice for Mr. Kurihara or his family. Faced with no other recourse, Mrs. Sakane tries to make sense of a senseless killing by rationalizing the event in her attempts to console Mrs. Kurihara, asserting that Mr. Kurihara is a victim of the war, just like the American and Japanese soldiers who are fighting and dying overseas.

The hardships involved in Coming of Age under Extraordinary Circumstances are particularly challenging for Ken. As the year wears on with little improvement or hope of release, Ken’s growing restlessness and bitterness throws the enormity of his lost opportunities into sharp relief. As a strongly independent young man, he finds coming of age in captivity even more restricting than Yuki does, for she at least still has school to keep her occupied. Ken’s choice to take a job at the hospital is designed to further reflect the loss of his old dream of becoming a doctor, and his sense of hopelessness is evident in the fact that he has even given up on continuing his education. As Ken states, “My mind has gone into deep freeze. I don’t think I could study anymore even if I tried” (113).

Thus, the broader circumstances have deep effects on the Sakane family dynamics. While Mrs. Sakane understands the drastic changes in her son, Ken’s behavior is harder for Yuki to accept. When she complains to Mrs. Sakane about it, her mother replies, “You mustn’t judge him too harshly. […] There is so little here to comfort the eye or the heart, and people grow quarrelsome and sullen when they [are] unhappy” (113). Mrs. Sakane’s defense of Ken extends to the residents of the camp in general, who find themselves oppressed by the punishing environment and “the frustration of living behind barbed wire with whole families crowded into one small room” (114). Although Uchida’s narrative focuses on Yuki’s individual experiences more intensely than on the wider issues in camp life, this broader instability ultimately causes the Sakane family to leave Topaz in the final chapter of the novel.

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