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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Kristy goes to Claudia’s house the next day after school and finds that she’s no longer wearing makeup. Claudia explains that her parents found out and forbid it. Kristy goes with Claudia up to her room to meet Stacey but encounters Janine along the way. Janine compliments Kristy on her business idea but then starts correcting Kristy’s grammar. Just then, Mary Anne arrives, and she and Kristy meet Stacey for the first time. Right away, Kristy notices that Stacey has a strong fashion sense and understands why Claudia likes her. Mary Anne’s father only allows her to wear braids, and Kristy just keeps her hair in a regular ponytail and dresses casually. Kristy also notices that Stacey is thin, tall, and pretty. She has blue eyes and blonde hair.
Within minutes, Mary Anne is asking Stacey about New York City, wanting to hear about her experiences there. Kristy is shocked by how grown-up Stacey seems and all the things she’s allowed to do, and she suddenly feels very young. When Stacey is asked why she left New York, she awkwardly answers that her dad got a new job. She describes her private school and taking the subway alone, as well as having plenty of babysitting experience. Kristy and Mary Anne decide that she can join the club.
When Claudia hands out candy, Stacey declines, saying that she’s on a diet. Kristy asks her weight and accuses her of hiding her diet from her parents. Claudia lectures Kristy for being so forward. Soon, Mary Anne realizes that she’s late getting home, and everyone parts ways for the night.
On Friday at school lunch, the girls meet up to plan their club. Kristy is happy to be hanging out with Claudia at school again. She suggests that Claudia draw up some flyers that they can then distribute around the neighborhood. Claudia is unsure at first, but Kristy assures her that she’s talented. As everyone jokes together and the tension breaks, Claudia soon comes up with an idea for block letters that read “The Baby-Sitters Club” (42). Everyone agrees that it’s a great idea, and they agree to meet up again over the weekend.
During the weekend, all four girls work together to create an ad for the Stoneybrook newspaper, which is an exciting step forward for the business and costs all their earnings so far. They also nominate each other for roles in the business: Kristy becomes president, Claudia is vice president, Mary Anne is secretary, and Stacey is treasurer. When Stacey leaves suddenly, claiming to have forgotten something at home, she returns empty handed. Kristy wonders what is going on, but Claudia looks at her in a way that suggests she shouldn’t be nosey. When Kristy mentions that her mom is seeing Watson again tonight and that her parents are divorced, it seems to make Stacey shift in her seat, but Kristy isn’t sure why.
At home, Kristy watches as her younger and older brothers all act friendly toward Watson. None of them seem to mind him and even appear to like him, but Kristy can’t get on board. She puts down Watson’s decision to bring home Chinese food even though she loves it and makes herself a sandwich instead. When Watson tries to ask Kristy about school, she gives one-word answers.
Moments later, Kristy begins accusing Watson of not knowing anything about his own children and being a bad father for leaving them on a weekend. She runs to her room and slams the door but then feels guilty for the rest of the night. Still, Kristy doesn’t want Watson in her family. She feels bad for her mother, though, and writes her an apology note.
On the day that the newspaper ad appears in print, Kristy runs home after school and finds the newspaper in the yard. She sees the ad in the paper and celebrates with Claudia. The girls phone Mary Anne, and they bike around together distributing flyers in mailboxes.
A couple days later, the girls meet up at Claudia’s house for their first official meeting. They anxiously wait by the phone, excited for their first call. It turns out to be Kristy’s mother, who wants a sitter for David Michael. Kristy suggests that Stacey take the job so that she can get to know other kids. The next few calls mysteriously ask for “Jim Bartolini” (61), which later turns out to be Kristy’s brother playing a prank.
The club gets another call from a woman looking for a sitter for her three-year-olds, Buffy and Pinky. Kristy takes the job, wondering what kind of children have such names. Kristy’s mom calls back requesting a babysitter for Watson’s kids, and Kristy insists that someone else take the job, so Mary Anne volunteers. Although Kristy is desperately curious to know what Watson’s kids are like, she doesn’t want to admit it.
Later that night, Claudia receives another phone call and takes the job without telling anyone else first. This upsets Kristy and Mary Anne, who consider what to do about it.
The Importance of Friendship and Teamwork quickly becomes a key component of the Baby-Sitters Club, as each one of the girls takes on a role and the group launches their business together. Being in the club brings Claudia and Kristy closer together again, while Stacey’s introduction to the group adds a new element to the dynamic of the original trio. When Kristy and Mary Anne meet Stacey for the first time, Kristy is highly perceptive and notices Stacey’s fashion sense but also her sense of secrecy. Stacey’s body language implies that she is anxious about something, as she is often seen fidgeting or avoiding eye contact when she lies. Her behavior reflects the fact that Stacey is new in town and doesn’t have many friends yet, which makes getting to know the group a challenge for her. Stacey’s secret dilemmas are not yet known to the other girls, but Kristy’s suspicions toward her will soon become a point of conflict in the novel. Kristy’s early behavior toward Stacey emphasizes her impulsivity and insensitivity: Her intrusive questions about Stacey’s weight and her accusation that Stacey is hiding a diet from her parents show that Kristy can still be unintentionally hurtful toward others.
In a similar manner, Kristy behaves rudely to Watson due to her resistance toward Navigating Family Changes. Kristy’s actions and thoughts do not match when it comes to Watson and his children because she declines to babysit his children even when she is secretly very curious about meeting them. Kristy’s curiosity about Watson’s children implies that she might be more receptive to the idea of a blended family than she realizes. Kristy is also the only one of her siblings who doesn’t accept Watson right away, which aggravates her sense of isolation and powerlessness. Instead of giving Watson a chance when he attempts to connect with her, she calls him a horrible father and accuses him of knowing nothing about his children. Her behavior with Watson, like her behavior with Stacey, shows that Kristy is still learning about decorum and sensitivity. Nevertheless, her sense of guilt and her willingness to write a letter of apology to her mother show a new streak of reflectiveness within her, foreshadowing how she will eventually become more sensitive in her conduct toward Watson as well.
As the Baby-Sitters Club launches, the girls learn the logistics of starting and running a business and how to work as a team, reflecting Self-Growth Through Responsibility and Agency. They make plans, create a logo and newspaper ad, and distribute flyers. Working together helps break down the barriers between Kristy and Stacey, and before long, they are laughing together like old friends would. Kristy initially felt like she was on a side with Mary Anne “against” Claudia and Stacey, which is most clearly demonstrated by the differences in their fashion choices. Now, the club now starts to feel more like one united team as they begin working.
Each of the girls has unique strengths that they utilize to make the club a success, with Claudia using her artistic abilities, Kristy exercising her leadership skills, and Stacey being a skilled budgeter. Mary Anne is often quiet and makes the perfect secretary because she is always listening to what others are saying. The girls also encounter their first real problem when they start getting prank calls during their first meeting, and they work through it together. Being part of a team and working through differences forces all the girls to start growing and empathizing with one another, which will continue to be an important factor in their character arcs.
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