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On Malacandra, the three humans at the center of Out of the Silent Planet encounter a world full of unknowns. At the start, all three men are naturally fearful of the dangers that might be concealed on this strange planet. Lewis uses the character of Ransom to acknowledge that this kind of self-protective fear is natural to a degree, particularly for someone who has spent a lifetime being fed the idea that other planets are home to “insatiable cruelty” (37). However, the contrasting character arcs of Ransom and his captors make the point that this instinctive fear can and should be overcome by opening oneself to new experiences and connections.
Weston and Devine never attempt to understand Malacandra or its creatures. They view the planet through the lens of their Earthly prejudices, and, as a result, they are unable to see that it is a beautiful place full of harmless creatures. Their fear stops them from appreciating Malacandra’s many cultural virtues and leads them into trouble time and time again. Because their own intentions are bent and violent, they assume that the Malacandrian hnau must also intend them harm. This misconception leads them to kill Hyoi. Because they have not gotten to know the hrossa, they are unaware of the species’ peaceful nature and do not know that Hyoi would sooner have helped than hurt them. They also fearfully refuse to obey their summons to Meldilorn and therefore must be dragged involuntarily to meet Oyarsa. Had they mastered their fear and gone willingly, they would have received a peaceful welcome like Ransom.
Ransom, too, initially ignores Oyarsa’s request that he come to Meldilorn because he fears what he might find there. However, after connecting with Hyoi and living with the hrossa for several weeks, he opens up to Malacandrian culture and the religion that unifies the hnau. Hyoi’s senseless death makes Ransom understand the necessity of obeying his summons, and he sets out to Meldilorn, discovering along the way that all of the creatures are as harmless as the hrossa. Ransom’s willingness to grow past his initial assumptions leads him to a transformative experience. When all three humans finally stand before Oyarsa, Weston and Devine are judged as irredeemably bent and broken. Oyarsa tells Ransom that he is “guilty of no evil […] except a little fearfulness” (142) and therefore worthy to live in Malacandra’s utopia if he so chooses. By the end of the novel, Ransom feels a stronger affinity to Malacandrian inhabitants than he does to his fellow humans, Weston and Devine. His journey drives home the point that speciesism—or, ultimately, assuming one’s own way of life is superior—is a limiting outlook. Lewis suggests that true growth and progress are achieved through opening up to the unfamiliar rather than shying away in fear.
As a linguistics professor, physicist, and Leicester fellow respectively, Dr. Ransom, Dr. Weston, and Devine are all well-educated and hold status in the academic world. All three men have significant scientific knowledge that informs their actions during their intergalactic voyage and on Malacandra. Through these three characters, Lewis explores the roles of spirituality and science in navigating life.
Ransom differs from his fellow men of science in that he does not suppress his spirituality. Weston’s and Devine’s adherence to their rational earthly mindsets prevents them from experiencing the transformative spiritual power of the heavens while aboard the spaceship. While they, too, feel unexpected shifts in mood, they attribute these changes to the physical effects of space travel. While Ransom is aware of the science behind his experiences, he is also open to other perspectives. A key example of this is his decision that the old thinkers were more accurate in their assessment of space as a heaven-like place than modern scientists are in calling it cold and lifeless. His flexible viewpoint allows him to experience a spiritual awakening that begins on the spaceship and continues throughout his time in Malacandra. Along the way, his scientific knowledge guides his discoveries by instilling a sense of curiosity about the natural phenomena he encounters. Ransom’s spiritual revelations and academic interests feed into one another. This is particularly evident in the final chapter and postscript, when Ransom describes his continued search for knowledge about the phenomena he countered on Malacandra. He comes to accept beings like the eldila and Oyarsa as real and powerful while still searching for the science behind their otherworldly bodies. His desire to know more about them does not negate his belief in them as powerful divine figures.
Weston’s approach to science contrasts Ransom’s, illustrating how an unrelenting progressivism without moral purpose can do more harm than good. Weston believes that humanity’s scientific and medical discoveries make humans superior and entitle humanity to subjugate lower life forms. In Weston’s eyes, humans deserve to live forever, and he believes this would justify their violent colonization of other planets. When Ransom first meets Weston, Devine introduces his partner as an accomplished physicist who “has Einstein on toast and drinks a pint of Schrödinger’s blood for breakfast” (15), hinting at Weston’s violent approach to pushing the boundaries of science.
Through the contrasting characters of Ransom and Devine, Lewis denounces cruelty in the name of progress. However, he also demonstrates that science and spirituality are not enemies and can each hold an important place in a person’s life.
One of the most drastic contrasts between humans and the hnau is each species’ attitude toward death. The struggle against death is an aspect of the human experience that has existed since antiquity. In Out of the Silent Planet, Lewis explores this age-old dilemma by examining several alternative attitudes toward death.
Ransom, Weston, and Devine fear death, as all humans do. When faced with life-threatening dangers, they react with a basic human panic that sometimes causes them to act irrationally. Ransom even considers suicide when he first discovers that his captors intend him as a human sacrifice to the séroni. While Ransom comes to accept the possibility of his death during the voyage, Weston and Devine spend their time on Malacandra terrified that they will be killed at the hands of the other hnau. Ironically, they end up killing Hyoi out of panic that their own lives are in danger from the hrossa, unaware that Hyoi posed no threat. This tragedy suggests that paranoia about one’s death is unsustainable and even harmful.
While Devine fears his own death, Weston professes to be concerned with the extinction of humanity as a species. His motive for coming to Malacandra is to colonize the planet, thus allowing humans to survive if Earth becomes uninhabitable. He plans to repeat this process ad infinitum rather than accepting that nothing lasts forever.
The most dramatic contrast to the human attitude toward death is provided by the hrossa, who believe that death is entirely natural and not something to fear. To a hross, death and the subsequent return to the heavens are just as good as life. In the novel’s postscript, it’s revealed that hrossa’s deaths are scheduled—each hross knows from birth what year they will die, barring an unexpected event like the shooting of Hyoi.
The séroni represent a midpoint between humans and hrossa in their attitude toward death. To a sorn, the hrossian attitude toward is careless. Séroni believe in preventing death before its time (using medical interventions like oxygen masks), and they see life as something worth preserving wherever possible. However, like the other Malacandrian hnau, they do not dread death, believing that things cannot last forever because “that is not Maleldil’s way” (100).
At Meldilorn, Oyarsa explains to Weston that Malacandra is nearing the day of its planetary death. Each Malacandrian creature knows of their impending demise, but even the meekest among them is unafraid. Malacandra’s utopian status is partially due each inhabitant accepting their mortality rather than struggling uselessly to forever prolong their existence. Oyarsa’s words suggests that the most beneficial attitude toward death is neither complete carelessness nor terror—instead, it is wise to find a midpoint, allowing the finitude of life to enhance its beauty.
An atheist throughout his twenties, C. S. Lewis converted to Christianity at the age of 32. He became an outspoken Christian apologist but retained an understanding of how Christianity appeared from an outside perspective. This understanding is evident in Out of the Silent Planet as the protagonist, Dr. Ransom, journeys through the discovery and eventual acceptance of a religion somewhat akin to Christianity. Ransom’s character arc addresses head-on the doubt and fear that may accompany a spiritual journey, outlining a path toward a religious life.
Christian imagery and biblical allegories recur throughout the novel. The earliest instance occurs during Ransom’s sedative-induced hallucination at The Rise, when he finds himself in an Edenic space with Weston and Devine. The hallucinatory Weston’s and Devine’s attempts to climb out of the paradisiacal garden hint at their unchristian morals. Upon the spaceship, Ransom equates space to Heaven and speaks about the “sweet influence” of the stars on his body, an allusion to a line from the Book of Job.
On Malacandra, Ransom learns about an unnamed religion whose core tenets are similar to those of Christianity. Oyarsa, the ruler of the planet, is the most powerful of a class of creatures known as eldila who resemble angels both in name and in their light-bodied, celestial qualities. Oyarsa serves Maleldil and the Old One, figures who vaguely resemble Christ and God, respectively. The eldila deliver messages to the hnau of Malacandra, and it is an eldil who summons Ransom to Meldilorn. Despite these strong parallels, Ransom never acknowledges the connection between the Malacandrian religion and Christianity. Lewis deliberately leaves the parallel implicit, thus rendering anew the basics of Christianity.
On his journey to Meldilorn, Ransom also experiences physical trials. As he ascends into the challenging atmosphere of the harandra, he suddenly loses his newfound affinity for Malacandrian beings, regarding them all as “hobgoblins” and feeling an urge to shirk his duties to them. Through Ransom’s doubts, Lewis acknowledges that the journey to faith can be difficult and discouraging. However, Ransom’s drive to reach Meldilorn prevents his from giving up, suggesting that a sense of spiritual purpose can carry one through adversity.
At Meldilorn, an island resembling the classical image of paradise, Ransom learns the story of the Bent One, an allegory for Lucifer’s fall and the consequent original sin, or bentness. Because Malacandra’s Oyarsa never fell, the planet is like an unspoiled Earth, free from the evils that plague humanity. Ransom is eventually saved from his bentness by accepting the Malacandrian religion and dedicating himself to assisting in the spiritual battle between good and evil. By presenting Ransom’s journey without explicitly connecting it to Christianity, Lewis invites the reader to consider the benefits of a religious life without coming off as moralizing.
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