66 pages 2 hours read

Ragged Dick

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1868

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Reading Questions & Paired Texts

Reading Check and Short Answer Questions on key points are designed for guided reading assignments, in-class review, formative assessment, quizzes, and more.


Reading Check

1. According to Dick, who did his coat once belong to?

2. What are five faults of Dick that the narrator highlights?

3. Which relative of Johnny is “one tie to bind him to the city”?

4. What does Dick offer to Frank and his uncle?

5. What gift does Mr. Whitney give Dick?

6. What is the name of the boardinghouse where Dick occasionally sleeps?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Describe Dick’s living situation. How does he make money and where does he work?

2. Who is Johnny Nolan? How does Dick help him, and what advice does Dick give Johnny?

3. Summarize the mishap involving the “bad bill.” What are the assumptions that the involved parties make regarding Dick’s role in the situation?

4. Summarize Dick and Frank’s afternoon together. Where do they go and what do they talk about?

5. What does Frank offer to help Dick learn? How does Dick respond to this offer?

6. What is the "drop-game?” How does Frank learn the repercussions of the game from Dick?

Paired Resources

Working Boys' Clothing: Shoe Shine Boys

  • Historical Boys’ Clothing provides information on boys’ shoe-shining work
  • Connects to the themes The Rise Of The Self-Made Man and The Importance Of Appearances
  • Based on the text as well as the above resource, what were some of the conditions surrounding children working at shoe shiners?

Erie Railroad Company

  • Britannica’s overview of the railroad company
  • Connects with the theme The Rise Of The Self-Made Man
  • Based on the text as well as the above resource, what is the significance of Erie Railroad Company as an indicator of wealth for Alger’s characters?


Reading Check

1. What is the one thing that Dick has refused to do in his life, no matter how difficult his situation is?

2. According to Dick, what do the “bulls” and “bears” do on Wall Street?

3. According to Mr. Whitney, what factor “is no bar to a man's advancement?”

4. What is the “the first step towards respectability” that Dick decides to take?

5. How does the policeman describe Dick’s work?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. What is Dick’s family background? How has this shaped his life on the street?

2. What does the woman in the horse car accuse Frank of? What is the outcome of the situation?

3. Who is “Ephraim Smith”? Describe how Dick uses this name to solve a crime.

4. What does Mr. Whitney give to Dick? How does this gift accompany his advice to the protagonist?

5. How does Dick’s habits change after meeting Frank? Describe how he organizes his day and finances.

Paired Resources

Once Upon a Tram: A Century of Trolley Dodging in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens

  • Skyrisecities.com on the history of the streetcar form of public transportation in New York City
  • Based on the text as well as the above resource, how was the streetcar, including the horse-car in Alger’s novel, an important form of public transportation in New York City?

Mapping Historical Photos from the NYPL

  • Oldnyc.org’s interactive map of New York City’s historic neighborhoods
  • Connects with the theme The Importance Of Appearances
  • Using both the text as well as the above resource, trace Dick and Frank’s route through New York City. Which neighborhoods are particularly affluent? Which are more impoverished?


Reading Check

1. What trade does Dick make with Fosdick?

2. What ritual does Fosdick do before bed?

3. What word does Dick use to refer to Mickey?

4. What does Dick offer to support Fosdick with?

5. How much money had Dick saved by the end of 9 months?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Which errand does Dick realize he previously forgot to perform? What does he resolve to do as a result, and what is the outcome of the situation?

2. Who is Henry Fosdick? What does Dick learn about the boy’s past?

3. Summarize the day that Dick and Fosdick spend with Mr. Greyson and his family. How does Dick feel about socializing with individuals from a wealthier class?

4. Compare and contrast Roswell and Fosdick’s interviews. Who is eventually selected for the position and why?

Paired Resources

Historical Background: The Sunday School Movement

  • McGill University’s information on the spread of Sunday School classes
  • Connects with the theme The Rewards Of Virtue
  • Based on the text as well as the above resource, what role did the Sunday School movement play in reforming disadvantaged communities?

American Manifestos: The Self-Made Man

  • Boston University’s article on Alger’s novel and other works with “self-made” protagonists
  • Connects with the theme The Rise Of The Self-Made Man
  • Based on the text as well as the above resource, what is the relationship with luck and self-determination in defining “The Self-Made Man?”


Reading Check

1. Why does Travis want to find $75?

2. Why does Dick give Tom Wilkins $5?

3. Why does Dick once again don his older clothes?

4. What are the two reasons that Dick wants to see Frank again?

5. Which of Dick’s “two articles of wearing apparel had disappeared” from his abode?

Short Answer

Answer each question in at least 1 complete sentence. Incorporate details from the text to support your response.

1. Who is Jim Travis? Why are Dick and Fosdick particularly concerned with the whereabouts of this person?

2. Describe the circumstances surrounding Dick and Travis at the bank. What is the outcome of the situation?

3. Compare and contrast Johnny Nolan and Dick. Do these two characters share the same opinion of the importance of education?

4. Who is James Rockwell? How does he become indebted to Dick?

Recommended Next Reads 

Fame and Fortune; or, The Progress of Richard Hunter by Horatio Alger

  • Alger’s 1868 sequel, which was also published as a serial novel, continues the adventures of “Ragged Dick.”
  • Shared themes include The Rise Of The Self-Made Man, The Rewards Of Virtue, and The Importance Of Appearances.
  • Shared topics include “Ragged Dick” the protagonist, mid- to late- century New York City, and serial publications.      

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

  • Dickens’s 1839 novel centers on a young protagonist as he navigates poverty and life on the streets in 19th-century London, England.
  • Shared themes include The Rise Of The Self-Made Man, The Rewards Of Virtue, and The Importance Of Appearances.
  • Shared topics include young male protagonists, mid-century urban poverty, and serial publications.
  • Oliver Twist on SuperSummary

Reading Questions Answer Key


Reading Check

1. George Washington (Chapter 1)

2. He swears, plays tricks on people, has “extravagance,” and smokes and gambles from time to time. (Chapter 1)

3. His father, who is a “drunkard” (Chapter 2)

4. He offers to show Frank the city as a “tour guide.” (Chapter 3)

5. A “neat gray suit” (Chapter 4)

6. “Newsboys' Lodgin' House” (Chapter 7)

Short Answer

1. Dick is a homeless youth who lives in a box on the street. With his mismatched clothes, he works as a “boot-blacker” (i.e., shoe-shiner) using the same facilities that he sleeps in for his employment. (Chapter 1)

2. Johnny Nolan is a fellow boot-blacker that Dick knows. Upon seeing him outside a restaurant hungry, Dick buys him food and offers him advice not to be “lazy” by finding customers. (Chapter 2)

3. Upon requesting change for a customer, Dick is told by a store clerk that the bill is “bad,” and blames Dick for lying since his appearance indicates possible theft. Dick brings his customer into the store to resolve the dispute, where the clerk, after some time realizing his attempts to keep the bill were thwarted, admits it was his fault in assuming the bill was bad. (Chapter 3)

4. Dick shows Frank around the larger streets of New York City, pointing out large buildings and various shops. As they poke in and out of various clothing stores, Dick and Frank comment on the prices of goods, and make comparisons between life in the city and country. (Chapter 5)

5. Frank offers to support Dick with learning how to read and suggests he visit him in the country. Dick is surprised by the offer, particularly since he is a boot-black, to which Frank responds, “You won't be a boot-black all your life, you know.” (Chapter 6)

6. The “drop-game” is a common form of deception on the streets, where a man pretends to find an object of immense wealth and trade it with a stranger for cash. Dick and Frank encounter a man who tries to hustle them with this game; however, Dick understands the situation and hustles the man first with a counterfeit bill. In this vein, Frank begins to see a new side of life on the streets. (Chapter 7)


Reading Check

1. Steal (Chapter 8)

2. “The bulls is what tries to make the stocks go up, and the bears is what try to growl 'em down.” (Chapter 10)

3. “[P]overty in early life” (Chapter 11)

4. He decides “to hunt up a room which he could occupy regularly, and consider as his own, where he could sleep nights, instead of depending on boxes and old wagons for a chance shelter.” (Chapter 12)

5. “[A]n honest business” (Chapter 14)

Short Answer

1. After his mother died as a child and his father went to sea, Dick was raised by another family until they could no longer support him. As a result, Dick spent most of his life supporting himself on the street. (Chapter 8)

2. Already annoyed with his request to sit down, a female passenger accuses Frank of stealing her purse. Frank and Dick are amused and incredulous at the accusation, and they allow the conductor to search them to no avail. The woman searches her pockets again, only to find she had her wallet in her pocket the whole time; however, she refuses to apologize to the boys. (Chapter 9)

3. After encountering a young man who was swindled out of $50, Dick spots a culprit and uses the name Ephraim Smith to determine whether or not the man was the culprit. After threatening to report the man’s swindling habits, the man gives him money, and Dick returns the bills to the rightful owner. (Chapter 11)

4. Mr. Whitney gives Dick a $5 bill as a payment, which Dick is reluctant to take; however, Mr. Whitney insists that the boy should educate himself in order to better himself and tells him to give the $5 to a poor person when he has the means. (Chapter 11)

5. After securing a weekly lodging for himself, he decides to try and open a bank account for his savings, and not live hand to mouth anymore. (Chapter 13)


Reading Check

1. Dick will let Fosdick stay at his lodgings if Fosdick will teach him how to read and write. (Chapter 15)

2. He says a prayer. (Chapter 16)

3. A “bully” (Chapter 18)

4. Using a sum of both his and Fosdick’s savings, Dick offers Fosdick the whole of their money so that he may buy a new suit. (Chapter 18)

5. “[H]e had accumulated no less a sum than one hundred and seventeen dollars.” (Chapter 20)

Short Answer

1. The morning after depositing his money in the bank’s savings, Dick realizes that he forgot to return Mr. Greyson’s change from the previous day. Mr. Greyson is impressed with Dick’s honesty and invites him to attend his church on Fifth Avenue so that he can study the Bible at Sunday School. (Chapter 15)

2. Fosdick is an acquaintance of Dick’s from the street who does not have enough money to secure food or lodging. Dick also learns about Fosdick’s descent into poverty, which was brought on by the untimely death of his father who lost $2000 to a man named Hiram Bates. (Chapter 15)

3. After attending church together, Mr. Greyson invites Dick and Fosdick to have lunch with himself and his family before Sunday School. Dick feels somewhat awkward, particularly around Mr. Greyson’s daughter Ida, who asks him a series of questions related to his background and education. (Chapter 17)

4. Roswell, who is from a more privileged background, believes his affiliations alone will secure him the job; however, Fosdick is selected for the position due to his honesty, quality of writing, and a recommendation from Mr. Greyson. (Chapter 19)


Reading Check

1. So he can by a steamer passage ticket to California (Chapter 22)

2. He must pay the rent since his mother broke her arm and can no longer work. (Chapter 23)

3. So he can pick up a letter addressed to “Ragged Dick” (Chapter 24)

4. “One was, the natural pleasure he would have in meeting a friend; but he felt also that he would like to have Frank witness the improvement he had made in his studies and mode of life.” (Chapter 24)

5. His “Washington coat and Napoleon pants” (Chapter 27)

Short Answer

1. After Dick’s bank-book goes missing, Mrs. Mooney suggests that another tenant, Jim Travis, may be the culprit of the theft. After some deliberation, the boys decide not to say anything to Jim and quietly follow his movements. (Chapter 21)

2. Upon realizing that Travis knows the extent of his savings, Dick races to the bank in order to stop Travis from using his bank-book to withdraw the funds. He is able to warn the cashier a moment prior to Travis’s entry and asks the cashier to help him hide. Ultimately, Travis is caught by the police for attempting to steal, and Dick’s funds are saved. (Chapter 23)

3. Unlike Dick, Johnny is “not adapted to succeed in the life which circumstances had forced upon him.” This is primarily apparent in his view of education, as he reveals to Dick that he dropped out of school because “it was too hard work.” (Chapter 25)

4. James Rockwell is a merchant whom Dick encounters on a ferry to Brooklyn. When James’s son falls overboard, Dick jumps into the river to rescue him, to which James decides to offer him employment as a clerk in his office at an astronomical wage of $10 a week. (Chapter 27)