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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Mira realizes the mansion is a spa. She is served red champagne. An older woman tells Mira “You’ve done it” and “I envy” but doesn’t elaborate (70-71). The red-haired woman from the funeral greets Mira, and she meets a pair of beautiful twins, who make vague comments about knowing Noelle. They address Mira as “Daughter.” They tell her she looks like she needs a visit to the “Depths” and send her downstairs, where she sees an aquarium full of what look like jellyfish on a stage. When she sees her reflection in the tank, it is beautiful and free of imperfections. On the other side of the tank, she sees a man who looks familiar. She realizes it’s the man from the hotel bar wearing a disguise. She follows him down a hallway. He smiles and tells her not to, but she persists. He presses her against the wall and kisses her.
Mira wakes up in her mother’s bedroom with no memory of leaving the spa. Tad is in the apartment again, cleaning the windows even though he did so the day before. He makes her breakfast and again offers to help with packing and the apartment renovation.
Sylvia arrives and offers to buy the apartment to help Mira. Sylvia also mentions that Noelle came to the shop after she sold it to Sylvia, as if she didn’t remember that it no longer belonged to her. Mira tells Sylvia she’ll think about her offer.
Mira does an extended version of her morning skincare routine, avoiding packing. Tad works on the apartment and invites her to dinner, but she declines. She looks at the red shoes and tells herself she’s not going to put them on again. However, she goes to the cliffside house again. When she enters, no one seems to be there, though a glass of red champagne has been left out for her. As she looks at the jellyfish, she sees a young girl. She realizes the girl is exactly how she imagined the beautiful maiden from a story she loved as a child.
The girl calls Mira “Daughter of Noelle” and says her mother was one of the prized members of Rouge. She describes the spa’s process as “a way of becoming one’s Most Magnificent Self” (108). The girl takes Mira to a tank and tells her to put her hand inside. Mira does so, and when she lifts her arm out, there is a small, white jellyfish in her palm. The girl tells Mira that she and the jellyfish are going on a journey together.
Tad takes Mira to an antique dealer he knows so she can sell some of Noelle’s things. The woman in red from Rouge enters the shop. Al, the antique dealer, says she comes in often. He and Tad are uneasy around her. She caresses and smells the items, saying she loves to be around old things. She embraces Mira and gives her a voucher for a free treatment at Rouge, telling her to come during Vespers.
Mira googles Vespers and finds out it means sunset. She walks to Rouge for her free treatment, but she gets lost and stops on a bridge. The man who kissed her at Maison de la Méduse appears and offers to escort her. He introduces himself as Hud Hudson and tells her he is sorry about her mother. Mira realizes she never mentioned Noelle or her death to him.
At Rouge, Mira is escorted to a treatment room, and a “treatment” begins. She is both relieved and disappointed to realize that it seems like a normal facial. The woman working on her tells Mira that memories are linked to good or bad skin and asks how attached she is to hers. The treatment room is deep in the building, below the jellyfish tanks. Mira is left lying on the table for the “extractions” and watches the red jellyfish swimming above her. She floats upward, and on the glass, she begins to see one of her childhood memories playing: She is sneaking into her mother’s room.
In the memory, they are in Montreal, and Noelle is preparing to leave for a date. She tells Mira not to go into her room, and Mira begs to go with Noelle rather than stay with Grand-Maman.
After Noelle leaves, Mira sneaks into her room and puts on her mother’s red shoes. She finds a cracked mirror that used to hang on the back of the door. She looks again and it is no longer cracked, and a man appears in the mirror who looks like Tom Cruise. He tells her he is there to see her and asks to come in. He walks through Noelle’s mirror into the room with Mira and gives her a rose. After telling her to keep his visit secret, they dance. He tells Mira to forget about her mother and that Noelle’s beauty is a lie. He says his name is Seth, not Tom Cruise, and he will take her away when the time is right.
This section of the novel features escalating tension and rising action. Mira becomes closer to understanding what Rouge is and what happens there. This culminates with her first treatment, which involves watching her memory of meeting Seth in her mother’s mirror. Again, Awad gradually reveals details about Rouge, Mira’s past, and Noelle to maintain suspense. Awad is drawing on a fairy tale structure, in which things happen in threes—for example, Cinderella attends the ball three times, and the evil queen in “Snow White” successfully kills Snow White on her third try. This treatment at Rouge is the first of three, and like traditional fairy tales, no harm comes from it. As such, Awad relies on fairy tale tropes to build suspense as she nears Mira’s third treatment.
While the narrative switches from second-person to first-person point of view after the Prologue, Mira’s narration includes periodic uses of second-person. For example, when describing the red shoes preventing her from walking up the stairs toward the woman in red at La Maison de Méduse, she notes: “You know when you’re in a dream and you’re trying to run and suddenly you can’t run right or you can only run slowly? When what was solid ground suddenly feels like sucking mud beneath your feet? That’s how it feels to go up these stairs” (72). In this passage, the second-person involves the reader directly, relating Mira’s experience to a more general one. This technique grounds the reader as the events of the novel switch from reality to magic and horror, encouraging the audience to suspend their disbelief even as Mira experiences increasingly unbelievable events.
Awad also includes visceral sensory details that describe how Mira feels as she interacts with Rouge. For example, when the male twin speaks to her, she notes: “I feel his voice in my vertebrae,” and when the female twin touches Mira’s skin, “a black box, locked tight, rattles” (75). Statements like this have two main effects. First, they create narrative intimacy as Mira describes the feelings in her body, both physically and mentally. Second, they increase the novel’s ominous tone. Before the reader learns about the horrors of Rouge, Mira’s visceral reactions foreshadow the eventual reveal of what the spa is doing. Awad builds these visuals through specific word choices. “Vertebrae” rather than back or spine connotes anatomy and science, conveying a sense of alienation. A black box often refers to recording devices on airplanes that are used to investigate crashes and accidents, so this specific metaphor, while also evoking a lock box, refers to secrets in Mira’s past that she has buried deeply. The box rattles, indicating that these secrets will soon come to light.
This section also features instances of Mira understanding the link between memories and present events. While Seth’s involvement with Rouge is not revealed until later in the novel, Awad blends several past and present details to foreshadow the later reveal. For example, when Mira observes the interior of Le Maison de la Méduse, she reflects on how similar it is to her favorite childhood story: “This castle by the sea, I asked Mother. What did it look like inside? Oh, you wouldn’t believe this place, Mother said. Great halls like labyrinths […] The grandest chandelier you ever saw” (105). Awad thus creates a connection between Mira’s memories and her current situation. This passage also prompts a question of when Noelle first became involved with Rouge. There are two key reasons the melding of past and present is important in the novel. First, it relates to the theme of Childhood’s Impact on Self-Esteem. It creates a sense of inevitability that Mira would end up at Rouge because her mother did, and parents’ influence shapes their children’s senses of self, well into adulthood. Second, it foreshadows the importance of memory in Rouge’s operations and the removal of souls as “extractions.” While the treatments bring up repressed memories, they also decrease brain function in the present, leaving the recipients more vulnerable to Rouge’s influence.
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