55 pages • 1 hour read
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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
This summary includes the following poems: “Wonder,” “Stay,” “Colors,” “Steps,” “Loss,” “Endless Walls,” “Deadly,” “Away,” “Another Lie,” “Panic,” “Coping,” “Grounding,” “Keep Moving,” “Needles,” “Digging,” “Before and After,” “A Drink,” “Carried Away,” “Patterns,” “Searching,” “Drying,” “Still,” “Protection,” “One Calorie,” “Dimming,” “Anxiety,” “Free Solo,” “Terrified,” “No One,” “You Can,” “Cave,” “Anger,” “Rage,” “Screaming,” “Gone,” “Feeling,” and “Numb.”
Nora is glad to see the light of dawn and thinks her wall kept the Beast away. She debates hiking back to the Jeep or looking for the road but knows that Dad wouldn’t abandon her, and she won’t leave him. She hikes down the canyon, certain that Dad is walking toward her. Nora drinks from puddles left in indentations in rocks. She’s crushed when she discovers that the heart-shaped rock Dad gave her is missing but forges ahead. By noon, water supplies are drying up and the sun is hot. A deadly Mojave rattlesnake blocks her path. While waiting for the snake to move, Nora falls asleep. She hears Mary tell her to be honest and identify the Beast, but Nora continues to lie and say that he’s not real. She dreams about the shooting again, hearing “booms” and knowing the Beast is coming. She hears Mary telling her to “rewrite [her] nightmare” (101), but she wakes in a panic. Nora uses all her senses to attempt to calm and ground herself. She runs past the snake, which strikes at her but misses.
Nora is thirsty but finds no more puddles. She attempts to poke a hole in a barrel cactus, but a sharp needle pierces her heel. Nora digs in the mud for water. She remembers how Mom loved watermelons and recalls a funny time when she and Danielle had mud facials, though Danielle is no longer her friend. Nora’s long hair hangs in her face. It represents both her “Before” and “After”: Her “Before” hair is the foot of hair at the bottom, flecked with highlights from her outdoor adventures in the sun; it’s hair that Mom touched and Danielle braided. Above this section and up to the roots is Nora’s “After” hair, which is unkempt and mono-colored from staying inside. Nora uses her tank top to squeeze water out of the mud and puts mud on her skin to protect it from the sun. Nora finds their climbing rope in an uprooted tree. Nora retrieves the rope, getting badly scratched and scraped.
Mary told Nora about the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, who sought patterns in life to prove the existence of a higher power, and Nora admits that she also searches for repetitions to show that her traumatic loss happened for a reason. She imagines more negative “what if” scenarios about Dad. Nora looks for shelter from the night winds and finds a space behind a boulder, but a pack rat has filled it with painful cholla spines. She later discovers a hoard of mesquite pods and hungrily chews the tough beans. As dark falls, she hears “booms” of thunder. Terrified of another flash flood, she searches for shelter above the canyon floor. She relives the moment the flood came and swept Dad away. Nora spies a cave 20 feet up the canyon wall. Although she’s usually cautious because of her fear of death, she reveals to Mary’s internal presence that sometimes she doesn’t care about her life.
The thought of free-soloing the canyon wall—climbing it without protective gear—terrifies Nora. Although her parents loved outdoor adventures like zip-lining and paragliding, Nora is afraid of heights. Nevertheless, she braids her hair and begins to climb, finding tiny footholds and cracks for her fingers. Her hair loosens and hangs in her face, obscuring her vision, and she falls once. She tries again. When she doubts herself, she hears Mary’s voice telling her to be confident. Nora reaches the cave, scratched, beat up, exhausted, and angry.
Her shaking, fast breathing and rapid heartbeat signify her rising rage. She furiously takes a sharp shale stone and hacks at her long hair, tearing some out by the roots, never wanting it to fall in her face again. Her hands grow bloody. She ignores Mary’s reminder to never hurt herself. When she breaks the stone knife, she screams uncontrollably. She frantically shoves her hair out of the cave, feeling that she has gotten rid of her “Before.” Nora begins to rebuild her mental wall because she doesn’t want to feel anything, even though Mary’s voice and her own haiku remind her that feeling is a part of living.
Nora’s physical struggle to survive in the harsh desert environment escalates, as do her internal battles with PTSD and with maintaining her emotional wall. Although she doesn’t want to die, her efforts to detach from painful emotions and thoughts show that she isn’t embracing the fullness of life and is existing rather than living. The canyon walls that trap Nora mirror the mental walls she erects against feeling.
Nora shows physical and mental strength as she begins her quest to reunite with Dad. She reveals that, despite her fear of heights, she takes after her adventurous, desert-loving parents and remembers what they taught her about the desert landscape, reflecting the theme of The Keys to Survival. Nora knows that the Mojave rattler is one of the deadliest snakes and treats it with fear and respect. She knows that only one barrel cactus is safe to consume. She wisely puts mud on her skin to protect against sunburn. Nora uses her impressive knowledge and survival skills to source water in the drying canyon and find food in the form of mesquite pods. Nora has significant physical injuries—including cuts, bruises, scrapes, torn toenails, and cactus needle punctures—and endures sunburn, dehydration, hunger, dizziness, and fatigue. Despite all these physical challenges, however, Nora fights to survive: She stays strong and focuses on finding Dad. Even during her terrifying free-solo climb, she listens to Mary’s internalized voice, telling her to focus on her strength and self-confidence rather than on defeatist thoughts.
Nora’s poetry reflects her love of the desert. She finds beauty and resilience in the natural world. Dawn inspires Nora’s figurative description comparing the quality of light to different textures of cloth as the sky turns “from speckled black velvet / to deep purple satin / to beautiful pink silk” (85). In addition, she relates the natural world to her own life, comparing a strand of her “Before”/“After” hair to a ring in a tree to show how external events can affect life. Nora’s radiant imagery and in-depth knowledge of the desert landscape reveal that the desert is an important, intrinsic part of her character.
Nora displays her mental strength by overcoming her negative inner voice and persevering, as the theme of Healing From Trauma plays out. She doesn’t let the painful loss of the heart-shaped stone overcome her. Her determination to survive and find Dad shows that Nora doesn’t want to die. She pushes down unhelpful “what if” scenarios, unable to finish the thought that Dad might be dead. Nora still believes, or wants to believe, that Dad is working his way back toward her. At this time, Nora still relies on Dad to find her and rescue them, not yet confident in her own “self-efficacy.”
While Nora endures physical hardships that would defeat a stronger adult, she’s struggling emotionally. She works hard to stay alive and worries about the likelihood of dying in multiple situations but at the same time admits that she often doesn’t care about herself or her life. She futilely searches for meaning and fatalistically feels “[l]ike [her] life doesn’t matter” (138). Her PTSD symptoms escalate. Nora’s memories of the shooting return vividly in her nightmares, when her mental walls are weaker, causing panic and fear. As “Keep Moving” conveys, she wants to keep trying to find Dad—and avoid falling asleep again and enduring another nightmare. A second acrostic poem again spells out an identity of the Beast, “MONSTER,” and reveals her continued repression of her emotions.
Nora attempts to use her grounding techniques to control her seething emotions, rooting herself in the present through her senses—feeling the desert earth and smelling the sage—but after climbing to the cave, she gives in to her overwhelming anger. She self-harms, something that Mary warned her never to do. According to Matthew Tull from Verywell Mind, self-harm is more common among those with PTSD than people without: It can be a way of communicating and dealing with negative emotions and “may also provide a temporary escape from emotional pain” (Tull, Matthew. “Forms of Self-Harm Common in People With PTSD.” Verywell Mind, 28 Aug. 2020). Nora’s violent, bloody act of hacking and pulling out her hair is a brutal way of grounding—coping with the pain of her current terrifying situation, the uncertainty about Dad and her future, and the bittersweet memories of her “Before” world.
By destroying her “Before” hair, Nora attempts to purge herself of the painful feelings she still has for the loss of her mother and her stagnant friendship with Danielle. In “Numb,” Nora rebuilds her emotional wall with even gorier materials than ever before: blood, mud, and tar, which reflect her desperation to keep the wall in place. Choosing to emotionally detach, however, has a price: By refusing to feel, Nora rejects life. Mary’s voice warns Nora that “no longer feeling means / you are dead” (160).
Bowling continues to use imagery of walls to symbolize both protection and obstacles. Walls keep things out but also trap things within them. The cactus wren and the pack rat make walls of cholla spines to protect their shelters, using “pain as protection” (129), much as Nora takes her hurt and makes her emotional wall. Nora, however, ironically walls her pain inside in her effort to block it. As long as she maintains her wall, she can’t move forward and heal.
The page border art, showing narrowing gray walls, returns in three poems in this section—“Endless Walls,” “Anxiety,” and “You Can”—and visually creates a sense of confinement, symbolically illustrating the depths of feelings that Nora must plumb before she can heal. The canyon symbolizes Nora’s descent into her own psyche: a deep dive into the emotions she doesn’t wish to confront. In the canyon, Nora comments, “I am completely hidden, and yet, / it seems there’s nowhere to hide” (128). Physically, no one can see her in the canyon, but she can’t find a place to shelter. Emotionally, at the bottom of the canyon, trapped by its walls, Nora can’t hide from her thoughts—or herself. She physically conquers the wall, sheltering in a cave halfway up, halfway out of the literal canyon and her emotional stagnation and alluding to the theme of Finding the Courage to Live.
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