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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Nyktos threatens to kill the group. Poppy matches his annoyance, which amuses the King of Gods. Recognizing Poppy as his descendant, Nyktos invites only Poppy to enter his temple and talk. Nektas, the draken, keeps watch over the others. Once inside, Poppy attempts to read Nyktos’s emotions, but Nyktos can sense her power and commands her to desist. He tells Poppy that he has been awake for the past two decades, and that other gods and goddesses are also awake in various realms.
Poppy wonders why Nyktos didn’t intervene after the first Ascended was created. Nyktos briefly explains the ancient history of the gods. The oldest gods are called “Primals.” They grew violent and destroyed all life forms. A war among the gods occurred, and the Primals were stopped. Nyktos is the last living Primal god, and he would be considerably weaker if he traveled to the mortal realm. His consort sleeps fitfully, sensing the unrest among the mortals. Only gods born in the mortal realm can freely move between Iliseeum and the other lands with the full use of their power. Poppy carries Primal blood, which explains her extreme power. Poppy wants to ask several questions about her parents, but Nyktos warns her to return the others to the mortal realm before they cannot leave Iliseeum. When he learns that the Ascended have created Revenants, Nyktos becomes enraged. Poppy asks to use Nyktos’s guards, and Nyktos cryptically replies that Poppy has always had the power within.
Returning to Evaemon, Poppy and Cas spend days preparing to meet with Queen Ileana in Oak Ambler. Without coming to any conclusions, Poppy contemplates Nyktos’s parting comment about her “power within.” The few council members who protested Poppy’s claim to queen continue to treat her distrustfully and disrespectfully. Poppy meets Gianna, a gorgeous wolven woman whom Valyn once hoped that Cas would choose to marry. However, Gianna confirms that she never wanted to marry Cas, and Poppy enjoys their brief conversation, though she mentions harming Gianna if she had been romantically interested in Cas. Later, Poppy reiterates her conversation with Gianna to Cas and Kieran. Leadership has a final meeting before leaving for Oak Ambler. A decoy group will travel by land while Cas, Kieran, and Poppy sneak into the territory via ship. They intend to surprise the royals with an early arrival. If the meeting ends poorly, Poppy plans to kill Queen Ileana.
Poppy becomes seasick on the journey to Oak Ambler, and Cas distracts her with sex. He makes Poppy read from Willa’s diary while he performs oral sex, and then they both feed on each other’s blood while having intercourse. Cas confesses to feeling as if he lost all sense of himself while he was imprisoned by the Ascended. He explains that those closest to him brought him back simply by calling him Cas. Poppy worships Cas with her words and body. The ship’s captain, Perry, helps Cas and Poppy to safely enter Oak Ambler. He asks the couple to watch over Delano, his lover. Poppy notices many guards patrolling, indicating the Blood Crown has arrived.
Poppy notices cracks in the Rise, the grey sky that covers the territory and protects the mortals from the Craven. Kieran and Delano catch up to Cas and Poppy just as a young boy darts into the street and is nearly crushed by a carriage. Cas grabs him, saving his life, and asks about the cracks in the Rise. The boy explains that an earthquake caused the change about a month ago, and people believe the event indicates that the gods are angry.
They approach Castle Redrock, and Cas explains that the Ascended flaunt their fancy possessions while failing to maintain the infrastructure that supports their towns and castles. The group can easily walk into the castle via a hole in the boundary wall and an underground tunnel. They pass through several rooms, and Poppy notices a caged animal in one. She believes it is a cave cat, the same one she saw when she was younger. Her eather draws her to the being; she touches it briefly, and it wearily shudders into the form of a man before shifting back into a cat. Cas, Kieran, and Delano convince Poppy to leave the creature behind, but Poppy insists they make its release part of their negotiation.
A masked woman dressed in black appears, telling the group that the Ascended royals have been waiting for their arrival. Delano reaches for his sword, but the woman quickly outmaneuvers him into a compromised position. Cas attempts compulsion to force Delano’s release, but the woman is immune. Poppy assumes that she is a Handmaiden. The Royal Guards appear, and the woman informs the group that they have intercepted the Atlantians and wolven traveling by land. She is displeased that Cas and Poppy snuck into the castle and saw the cat-like creature.
The Royal Guards assemble both Atlantian groups in preparation for the meeting. Ian appears, bringing Poppy’s friend Tawny with him. Poppy feels relieved to see that Tawny isn’t Ascended. Queen Ileana appears with Cas’s brother Malik at her side.
Malik claims to serve Queen Ileana and to believe in her vision for the future. He was intended to be Poppy’s husband and the one to Ascend her. Poppy and Cas give their ultimatum: Release Malik and return land to Atlantia or go to war. Queen Ileana declines these terms, suggesting instead that Poppy and Cas return to Atlantia as prince and princess, accept Queen Ileana as their ruler, convince their people to follow suit, and turn over Eloana and Valyn to be executed. Queen Ileana states that if they decline, she has prepared substantial armies, including the Revenant. She points to the woman in black, describing her as an entity born and bred to kill. Stronger than Atlantians and faster than wolven, the Revenant cannot be killed. They are the third sons and daughters of mortals, chosen from the Rite upon displaying power inherited from lingering, powerful bloodlines. Queen Ileana orders the woman stabbed in the chest, and the woman resurrects. Poppy feels desperation upon seeing this.
Ileana explains that she wants to avoid bloodshed and gain the respect of the people of Atlantia. Though Poppy believes that Ileana is a vampry, Ileana reveals that she is Poppy’s mother. Coralena was Ileana’s most trusted Handmaiden and cared for Poppy in obedience to a direct order. When Coralena, a Revenant, learned that Ileana intended for Poppy to marry Malik, she fled Solis with her husband, her biological son (Ian), and Poppy. Ileana captured and killed Coralena, but the queen portrays herself as a victim by detailing her own pain upon murdering Coralena, someone she loved. Ileana reveals that her actual name is Isbeth.
Ileana confirms that she is the original Isbeth, Malec’s heartmate. Malec is not a mere deity; he is a god, and when he ascended Isbeth, she claims that she also turned into a god. Now, Ileana stands in the sunlight to prove that she is not a vampry. She explains that Malec tired of living in Iliseeum and traveled to the mortal realm centuries ago. Cas and Poppy realize that Eloana and Valyn must know the truth about Malec and have been hiding it. The wolven move closer to Poppy.
Ileana explains that when the war of two kings started, Malec moved Ileana to a safe location alone. He intended to side with Eloana and Valyn to eradicate the Ascended before overthrowing the other royals and ruling over all lands. Ileana and Malec had a son, another deity, whom Malec promised to keep safe while Ileana remained in hiding. For decades, Ileana waited for Malec and her son to return, only to learn from Jalara that Valyn and Eloana now rule Atlantia, and Malec and their son have been gone for years. Heartbroken, Ileana vowed to get her revenge on Eloana for destroying her family.
Now, Poppy realizes the depth of both kingdoms’ lies. Poppy holds Ileana accountable for her actions in the name of revenge. She refuses Ileana’s terms of negotiation, and Ileana orders Ian to be killed. A knight decapitates Ian, which Ileana blames on Poppy.
Raging, Poppy unleashes her full power and directs it toward Ileana, who responds with a laugh. Ileana uses her power to choke Poppy, exclaiming that Poppy has no choice but to agree to Ileana’s terms. She nearly kills Poppy, compelling Cas to beg for Poppy’s life and agree to Ileana’s demands. Poppy dips in and out of consciousness, repeating the word “no” to Cas. Ileana orders Malik to seize Cas just as Poppy blacks out.
Poppy wakes in a forest outside of Oak Ambler with Kieran standing guard over her. An injured Tawny joins the group. Poppy learns that Cas sacrificed himself to Ileana to save her life; Malik took him prisoner. Consumed with rage, Poppy unleashes enough power to cause a thunderstorm and suddenly realizes that she could always control the weather with her moods.
The Revenant woman appears just as Poppy destroys a wall on the border to Oak Ambler. She stops Poppy from killing innocent mortals. Poppy’s power does not affect the Revenant woman. She tells Poppy that Ileana will take Cas to the capital, but other Revenants will guard him. Poppy needs the “fire of the gods” (613) to fight Ileana and rescue Cas. The survivors retreat to the same hunting cabin where Poppy healed and experienced bloodlust. Poppy tries to heal Tawny, but a mysterious brown substance taints her skin, and Poppy’s powers are useless. She bitterly reflects that if Eloana and Valyn had been honest with her and Cas, they would have been better prepared to face a god. Poppy thinks Ileana’s revelations and Nyktos’s advice about the “power within,” and she suddenly realizes that she is a god. She believes that she can summon the draken without Nyktos’s permission.
Poppy returns to Evaemon and confronts Eloana. She interrupts Eloana’s meeting with the elders, threatening to kill them all with her power and demanding that they speak to her with the respect owed to a goddess. The elders apologize, and Poppy realizes that Ileana would have killed these men to make an example of them; this separates her from Ileana. Poppy recounts all that happened in Oak Ambler and accuses Eloana of being solely responsible for the outcome, including Ian’s death. Eloana apologizes, confessing that her bruised ego from losing Malec and her sons to Ileana has prevented her from admitting defeat and being honest. She admits to having Alastir kill Ileana’s son.
Poppy outlines her plan to summon the draken and fight Isbeth (Ileana), save Cas, and bring peace to the lands. She accepts that she will soon enter the very war she wanted to avoid. Poppy sends a message to Isbeth, establishing a meeting with her in the forest outside of Oak Ambler the following week. She also asks Eloana to look after Tawny. Poppy takes a bath and leaves for Iliseeum to collect the draken.
Kieran accompanies Poppy to Iliseeum. They find the draken, Nektas, in his mortal form, and Poppy explains that they have come to collect him and the other draken and enlist them to fight the Blood Queen. Nektas warns Poppy that she must prepare for the massive loss of innocent lives. Poppy clarifies that she has no intention to initiate wholesale death and destruction. Nektas understands that Poppy intends to “bear the weight of two Crowns” (631), and he offers his support, but only if Poppy agrees to return Ires, Malec’s twin brother and Poppy’s father.
Nektas explains that Malec is “lost to us” (631), but Ires was summoned to the mortal realm with Nektas’s daughter, Jadis, some time ago. Ires is a shapeshifter who takes the form of a large cat. Poppy explains seeing Ires caged in Oak Ambler by the Blood Queen; Nektas denies that Isbeth is a god because it is impossible for someone to ascend into such an entity. He realizes that his intentions and Poppy’s are perfectly aligned. Poppy worries that Isbeth has imprisoned Jadis and is manipulating her via Ires. She believes that Malec lies entombed under the Blood Forest, and Nektas confirms that the son of a Primal god would not die but would waste away painfully in such a place. Poppy intends to rescue and use Malec as a bargaining chip, knowing that Isbeth still loves him. Poppy summons the other draken, who emerge from the ground and commit themselves to Poppy.
At the royal palace, Tawny slowly recovers, though her hair turns white. Poppy prepares to leave for the forest near Oak Ambler with Kieran. Valyn tells Poppy that he is proud to have her as a daughter-in-law; he is also confident that she will rescue Cas. He asks her to ensure that Malik has a quick and painless death. As Poppy leaves Atlantia, she sees the new Atlantian crest fly from several banners, the sword and arrow equally crossed. Poppy vows that Cas will see the new crest.
Kieran struggles to get along with Reaver, one of the draken. Aurelia, one of two female drakens, shifts into her mortal form and teaches Poppy the names of the draken soldiers. Female draken are rare, and this is yet another reason to recover Nektas’s daughter, Jadis. Aside from Aurelia’s brief transformation, the draken do not change into their mortal forms.
A handful of royal guards appear, guarding King Jalara. A Revenant is among them. Poppy is insulted by how few guards have been sent. Jalara refers to Poppy as The Maiden, and Poppy reveals her gilded crown. Delano demands that Jalara speak to Poppy respectfully, but Jalara throws multiple insults and threatens to hurt Cas. Poppy asserts that Ileana is not a god but a “twisted mess of bitterness and greed made manifest” (642). Jalara grows insulted when Poppy charges him with bringing a message to the Blood Queen; he feels himself to be above the position of a messenger. Kieran emerges from the shadows, latching onto Jalara’s arm, and Poppy decapitates Jalara.
Poppy unleashes her power without summoning it, instantly killing the guards. Reaver swipes the Revenant with his tail, injuring him badly. Delano places Jalara’s head at the Revenant’s feet, and Poppy proclaims this to be the message that he must deliver to Isbeth, along with Poppy’s declaration that Isbeth’s survival is dependent upon Cas’s release. Poppy vows to level every city and castle until Cas is released. If Cas dies, she vows to kill Malec and to devise a painful, centuries-long death for Isbeth. Poppy states her full title, then instructs the Revenant to tell the queen to “prepare for war” (647).
In this section, the author engages in additional world-building for the broader benefit of the series, for Nyktos’s overview of the history of the gods establishes the role of magic and mythology in shaping the Blood and Ash world and the creatures that inhabit it. As is common in epic fantasies, the natural laws of science do not apply, and Armentrout instead invokes the trappings of myth and legend as she uses Nyktos’s explanation to reveal the background and history of her world, focusing particularly on how magic and mythological entities created the various realms. The role of the Primal gods is of paramount importance, for as Nyktos states, “They were the ones who created the air we breathe, the land we reap, the seas that surround us, the realms and all in between” (539). Thus, Nyktos’s appearance acts as a plot device to insert much-needed exposition, and Armentrout delivers several new revelations that transform the characters’ motivations and actions. For example, the existence of the Revenant changes Poppy’s understanding of right and wrong when she is forced to consider the natural balance between life and death in the mortal realm. As the Revenant and the draken take on more central roles, the author foreshadows their continuing importance for the next installment of the series.
Isbeth (Queen Ileana) acts as a distinct foil to Poppy in the novel's final chapters, for while Poppy holds herself responsible for any harm that befalls those around her, Isbeth explicitly denies accountability for her direct acts of violence. For example, after coldly ordering Ian’s death, Isbeth exclaims, “I loved him. I loved him as if he were my own flesh and blood! […] Look at what you made me do” (603-04). This passage proves that Isbeth cannot truly empathize with others. She only knows that her actions will cause others pain, and she exploits the connections she perceives between her opponents. While Poppy possesses the empathic ability to see, taste, smell, and feel the emotions of those she encounters, Isbeth is only motivated by revenge for the deaths of her infant son and of Malec, her heartmate. By contrast, Poppy holds herself accountable for her actions and opens herself to others’ emotions, maintaining a higher moral ground and fighting for her freedom to choose her own identity.
Ian and Malik’s mirroring character development comes to a head when both brothers reveal themselves as traitors to their siblings. In both instances, Poppy holds onto hope that each brother ultimately supports Atlantia and is attempting to weaken Isbeth by pretending to help her. Her hope is based on some concrete evidence, for Ian reveals his loyalty earlier on by warning Poppy to summon the draken. In this moment, Poppy realizes how highly she values and prioritizes family, for when she embraces Ian, she allows herself to “imagine just for a second that this was the Ian [she] remembered” (432). Thus, even though Ian has ascended, Poppy never abandons the hope that her brother can find a peaceful existence. However, this moment of hope is crushed when Isbeth kills Ian, martyring him and leaving Poppy’s focus on Malik. Although Cas and Poppy feel profoundly betrayed by Malik’s commitment to Isbeth, Poppy catches subtle, brief moments of genuine emotion that conflict with Malik’s declaration of loyalty to the villainous queen, for as Poppy observes, “Malik’s jaw hardened as the Handmaiden went to join the Queen. It was brief, and I wasn’t even sure if his reaction had anything to do with the summoning or not” (590). Though Malik blocks his emotions from Poppy, she can read his facial features without magic, and this allows her to discern that Malik’s loyalties are far more complex than what he portrays. Significantly, his story and that of the Handmaiden are only introduced in the novel’s closing action, foreshadowing further development to come in future novels.
Although the novel’s primary focus is on the romance between Poppy and Cas, Poppy also prioritizes her close female friendships with Willa, Vonetta, and Tawny. Relieved to be reunited with her closest childhood confidant, Poppy cherishes their close bond, but she also demonstrates her willingness to open herself to advice and guidance from strong female role models, as is shown in her connection to her new friend, Willa. When Poppy witnesses Willa berate a fellow councilman, she admires the woman’s wit, and because she is surrounded by misogynistic male characters, these connections with influential female players will prove vital to Poppy’s further development.
As Poppy's power builds to new heights, she realizes that she has been holding back her true strength, and this transformation highlights The Interplay of Power and Resistance, for at this point in the story, she finally allows herself to embrace the full use of her growing magical abilities in order to fight King Jalara and his guards. As she says of her power, “I didn’t summon the eather. I didn’t visualize it. I didn’t take the time to let the power ramp up inside me. I didn’t need to because it was always there. I simply willed it” (643). Poppy’s bold action serves as a decisive conclusion to The Crown of Gilded Bones, for she has finally answered the lingering questions about her heritage, identity, destiny, and motivations. She has transitioned from believing herself to be mortal and has undergone a dramatic journey of discovery, rejecting successive theories of being an Atlantian or a lesser deity before finally coming to realize that she is in fact a goddess. As such, Poppy feels entitled to use her power and is newly certain in her knowledge that her enemies feel no obligation to resist using their power to commit evil deeds. In the novel’s conclusion, she accepts that to accomplish her goals of restoring peace, reuniting the kingdom, and building a happy life with Cas, she can no longer fight the need to use her power.
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