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The Familiar

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 13-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Santángel, as he walks through Madrid, reflects on why he doesn’t just leave Víctor and concludes it is because “he was a coward. He had always feared death more than he resented this unrelenting life” (80). He wonders if Luzia is a conversa or a morisca and thinks of the magic and poetry bleeding away with the bodies of the Jews and Muslims the Inquisition has killed.

He goes to the house of Garavito, an informant who didn’t tell Víctor of a milagrero who has now been claimed by someone else. Garavito attacks and stabs Santángel, and Santángel pulls out the knife and stabs Garavito in return, leaving him to die. Santángel’s injuries are painful, but he knows he will not die. He reports to Víctor and feels rage toward the man.

Chapter 14 Summary

Luzia cooperates with Santángel but wonders about him. She dreams she is walking through an orange grove holding someone’s hand. The cook Águeda calls Santángel El Alacrán, “the scorpion,” and says he made a bargain with the devil for eternal life. She says Luzia’s work is of the devil and Luzia throws the cook’s cap into the fire, challenging her to say Luzia’s milagritos are from God. Luzia says, “One must never expect miracles, but one can hope for them all the same” (91).

Her aunt is in Luzia’s room, pretending she is a stranger who has taken an interest in Luzia. She offers to take both women to the warehouse to get new gowns, and Valentina, though she thinks of the devil tempting Eve, goes, along with Marius and Haulit’s confessor.

At the warehouse they see Teoda Halcón, Luzia’s rival in the torneo. She has visions and is referred to as the Holy Child. Luzia says she wants her dress to be armor. She sees Don Marius’s suspicion of the tailor, Perucho, who is a foreigner.

Chapter 15 Summary

Luzia is taught how to behave in rich company, but until she sees a new scullion in the kitchen, Juana, she feels she’s been rehearsing for a play that might not open. Santángel wants Luzia to succeed so he can be free, but he is also learning more about her, such as that she cannot multiply gold or jewels. She has a watchful gaze and he suspects she has Jewish ancestry, which will work against her. She will be scrutinized for her faith. Víctor has a linajista (genealogist) make up an ancestry for her. Instead of fearing the devil, Santángel tells Luzia to fear men.

Chapter 16 Summary

Santángel produces pomegranate seeds for Luzia’s lesson. She feels the words forming in her head, gathering momentum as she makes a vine grow. Then Santángel breaks the stalk and asks Luzia if she can heal it. She does, and Luzia feels giddy about pleasing him.

Víctor intrudes, demanding a more impressive miracle. He has his bodyguard, El Peñaco, start breaking Santángel’s fingers and challenges Luzia to fix him. Luzia panics and remembers what people keep saying of her: “Who knows what you might do?” (110). Filled with hate, wishing she were elsewhere, she shouts the words, then screams in pain.

Chapter 17 Summary

The bodyguard disappears and Santángel sees Luzia fall to the floor, gushing blood from her split tongue. He holds her and tells her to sing to heal herself. He knows the song she hums; it reminds him of an orange grove in bloom. He picks up Luzia and carries her over the pieces of El Peñaco scattered across the floor while Víctor, Don Marius, and Valentina cower. Santángel understands what happened with Luzia’s magic, though she doesn’t.

Chapter 18 Summary

Luzia sleeps in Valentina’s bed while others clean up her room, including the pomegranate tree that grew out of control. Santángel feels he is a monster for putting Luzia in Víctor’s power, knowing the man is greedy and ruthless.

Luzia wakes and goes to her room to clean herself. She wonders when the woman in the neighboring house will ever play her harp. She looks through Santángel’s satchel and sees a book in French and some letters, one in Latin describing the astrological sign that Pérez was born under.

Hualit brings a new gown and reminds Luzia not to use her name in front of others. She tells Luzia some of what she did to gain Víctor’s notice and says Luzia must please Víctor and Pérez. Luzia asks what happened with the spell, but Hualit doesn’t know. She corresponds with a rabbi and practices Judaism in secret. Luzia asks about the refranes and Hualit says, “We don’t need to understand where that power comes from, only that it is yours to wield” (122). She suggests that when Luzia wins, they can escape to Salonika.

Chapter 19 Summary

Santángel returns for her lessons, and Luzia is pleased to have his focus on her. He brings a pomegranate from her tree and talks about the many different representations of the fruit. Luzia asks what happened, and he suggests that her magic was trying to offer her escape. He tells her of sages who could use talismans to transport themselves to different places, but sometimes broke the stone in the attempt. Luzia feels guilty for killing a man but also realizes, “she had liked being frightening” (127). She is tired of “her trembling turnip’s life” (127). She tells Santángel to turn his back while she eats the pomegranate.

Chapter 20 Summary

The new gowns arrive, and Valentina treasures hers. She tries not to think about finding the bodyguard’s body in pieces in her house. They dress Luzia in her new black gown, which makes her look austere and eerie. Hualit takes off Luzia’s cap and they consider cutting her hair. Luzia likes her hair and considers it a connection to her mother as well as a mark of her ethnicity: “Hair that had survived the destruction of the temple, the Roman legions, the long road to Morocco, that had endured conquest, and conversion” (133). Santángel also says not to cut it. The narrator then wonders, if they had cut Luzia’s hair that day, if more than one of them would have returned to the shabby house on Calle de Dos Santos.

Chapters 13-20 Analysis

In dramatic terms, these chapters cover the rising action up to the tournament, building tension and suspense about the scope of Luzia’s magic and whether she can handle her gift. The exploration of The Price of Ambition intensifies, beginning with Santángel’s bloody run-in with Víctor’s informant. Víctor is selfish and ruthless in his wish for power, and Luzia’s wish for power, after she realizes the frightening aspect of her gift, is an echo of his ambition. She decides that she is willing to pay the price in blood for her advancement, and she feels reaffirmed in this choice when she learns what Hualit has traded to advance herself to financial security and comfort. Valentina is another iteration of this theme when she covets her beautiful new gowns and wonders what they will cost her. The Biblical story of Eve being tempted, which Valentina recalls, symbolizes the dangers of female ambition and power.

The scene with the new gowns shows how Luzia is plotting and shaping her new image, just as the chapter on dressing her dwells on her transformation. At the same time, her hair adds a new dimension to her identity, as it is a link with her mother and her Jewish heritage. Luzia understands the risks of exposure but, while she is willing to hide her hair as she has hidden so much else of herself, she isn’t willing to cut herself off from her heritage completely. The final passage of this section hints that this refusal to sacrifice will exact its own cost, invoking The Nature of Oppression and Sacrifice.

The increasing violence in these chapters heightens the tension and stakes, suggesting the danger that awaits Luzia even as Santángel is emerging as a powerful ally, mentor, and guide. While more information emerges about Santángel’s abilities and his work as Víctor’s assassin under the guise of the Scorpion, his precise nature is still a secret, adding to the tension. Águeda calls him a demon, though he can feel pain, hunger, rage, and desire, but he does not age, and if he is wounded, he heals. His knowledge comes from faraway places, an echo of Hualit and Luzia’s refranes.

The pomegranate and its many meanings, as Santángel discusses with Luzia in Chapter 19, exemplifies the blend of cultural influences in Spain (See: Symbols & Motifs), with Luzia’s creation of a pomegranate tree also reflecting the growth of her powers. The pomegranate’s many meanings also speak to the kind of multiplicity of interpretation that the Inquisition does not allow: There is only one interpretation of magic or miracles that is safe, and that is the power of the Christian God. The reverence with which the Holy Child is regarded captures the awe that the Catholic faith reserves for miracles, but the imprisonment of Lucretia de León reveals the consequences if an individual is perceived as a threat to those in power. Luzia walks this dangerous line of interpretation and chooses to proceed, even as she realizes the power that can make the pomegranate tree grow wildly can also tear a man to pieces and hurt her, too.

Don Marius’s suspicious demeanor toward the tailor in Chapter 14 reinforces the hostility and suspicion with which he, as a native of Madrid, regards foreigners like Perucho. This hostility toward otherness is reinforced by the work of the Inquisition, which targets Jews, Muslims, and anyone else determined to be not sufficiently Christian. In contrast, Santángel sees these other traditions as a type of magic or poetry that the Inquisition is putting to death, invoking The Power of Magic and Talent.

The languages show the cultural variety in Spain and Madrid at this time: French, Castilian Spanish, and Latin all appear in the writings in Santángel’s bag, while Luzia knows the refranes are not Spanish, not Turkish, not Greek, and not Hebrew, as the prayers her parents said in her childhood were. Her Jewish ancestry is another tension that lurks in the background, another trap into which Luzia might fall if she is discovered. This heightens her need to succeed at the torneo, but the foreshadowing at the end of Chapter 20 hints that only one woman will return.

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