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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Charlie brings Ava Wilson to the courthouse office she shares with Rusty. Lenore chides Charlie for confronting the SWAT officers by herself. Charlie sees the news: The father of Lucy Alexander is asking for justice for Lucy, calling Kelly a cold-blooded killer. Charlie senses public opinion is already against Kelly.
Rusty and Charlie discuss Kelly’s case. Rusty believes Kelly is a “unicorn”: the rare innocent client. Charlie disagrees. She shows him the yearbook she grabbed from Kelly’s home, but the student messages inside are abusive and suggest Kelly was heavily bullied at school. Charlie finds more abusive content against Kelly on social media, some of it sexually explicit. She intends to talk to these students.
Charlie hates going home to an empty house. It has been nine months since Ben moved out and she misses him. She reminisces about her life. Charlie’s time in college had been “a headlong plunge into a bacchanalia” (155), filled with alcohol and sexual encounters. She met Ben in law school at Duke, getting engaged on their third date. They had an idyllic marriage in the beginning, agreeing on nearly everything. Charlie feels that, over the years, she began to criticize Ben too much and belittle him in public. At couple’s therapy, Charlie had been so nasty to the therapist, that the therapist bailed. Ben eventually moved out.
Charlie turns on the TV and sees an animated and lurid “re-enactment” of the school shooting, with a long-haired Kelly shooting Mr. Pinkman and Lucy systematically. Ben comes in to collect old case files. Charlie tells Ben she wants a fresh start, but Ben wants Charlie to resume couples therapy with him believing she has unresolved issues as a result of trauma. When Ben says that Charlie’s escape had terrible consequences, Charlie wonders what he means. Before she can find out, Ben gets an urgent call. He tells Charlie that Rusty has been stabbed and is in the hospital. Charlie needs to call her estranged sister Sam immediately.
Charlie remembers March 16, 1986. Charlie adores Sam, but Sam has grown distant ever since she became a high schooler. At school, a boy is in love with Sam. Recently, Charlie has noticed Gamma coughs a lot, bringing up blood. As Gamma prepares dinner, the doorbell rings. Charlie gets the door and two masked men barge in, asking for Rusty. They make Charlie sit on a chair and call for the others in the house. Charlie urinates in fear. After the men shoot Gamma, Charlie calls for her mother again and again. In the woods next to the house, Sam begs the men—Zacharia Culpepper and a younger man Charlie mentally calls Bon Jovi—to let Charlie go. Meanwhile, she whispers to Charlie that she should run without looking back whenever she gets the chance. Zach makes vulgar remarks about Charlie. When Sam yells at Charlie to go, the men shoot Sam and Charlie runs in panic. Zach sprints after her and grabs her. He pulls Charlie down and attacks her. Bon Jovi follows Zach and pulls him off Charlie. As she takes off again, she remembers the man calling Zach, “brother.”
In the present day, Sam is 43 years old—the same age Gamma was when she died—and a patent lawyer in New York City. She is the widow of Anton Mikkelsen, previously her professor at Stanford, although the two became romantically involved after she graduated. Nearly 20 years Sam’s senior, Anton died of esophageal cancer a couple of years ago. Sam has built a thriving career in a male-dominated field. She practices swimming regularly to help with her physical fitness. The bullet wound in her head has affected the areas of the brain governing language and movement. It took Sam years of occupational therapy to relearn how to speak, talk, write, and walk. After brain surgery, Sam’s hair had grown back absolutely white. Sam also has trouble managing her anger, which she keeps in check with exercise and therapy. Sam also has scars from her brain surgery and facial scarring from Zach’s attack on her. She hides the scars with make-up and strategic hairstyles.
Sam has been physically estranged from both Rusty and Charlie for 20 years though Rusty still continues to send her emails and voice messages. Sam’s break with Charlie was quicker, after Charlie decided to marry Ben Barnard and practice law with Rusty. Since Sam believes “Rusty took risks at work that followed him home” (206), she felt betrayed by Charlie. Sam exploded in anger against Charlie, blaming her for Gamma’s death and for abandoning Sam in the woods. Charlie and Sam haven’t spoken since but Ben sends text messages on occasion.
Sam returns home from swimming and watches TV coverage of the Pikeville school shooting. She realizes Rusty and Charlie are involved in the case. Just then, she gets a message from Ben that Charlie needs her.
Sam intended to never return to Pikeville but travels there, realizing Charlie needs her. On her way to the hospital from the airport, Sam lapses into memories again. She cannot drive because a post-surgical hemorrhage impaired her sight. When stressed or tired, Sam tends to speak in a slurred voice and confuse words. Sam remembers that she was emotionally close to her mother with Charlie closer to Rusty. Gamma’s autopsy revealed that she was suffering from advanced terminal lung cancer. Zach had used this fact in his defense during the trial.
When Charlie sees Sam, she is struck by her older sister’s resemblance to their mother. Charlie tells Sam she called her because Rusty’s condition was serious and the sisters might need to make care decisions together. Rusty is delighted to see Sam, although Sam finds the Rusty-Charlie banter exhausting. Rusty was attacked by an unknown assailant on the road. To Charlie’s surprise, Rusty asks Sam to take up Kelly Wilson’s case, even though Sam practices patent law. Rusty tells Sam that Kelly is innocent and that she will realize this herself when she speaks to the teenager.
The adult Sam, the novel’s second protagonist, is introduced in this section, offering a new narrative voice and perspective. Sam’s entrance is linked with the theme of The Lingering Impact of Violence and Trauma. While for Charlie, the effects of the trauma are psychological and emotional, for Sam the violence has permanently altered her body. Mirroring the detailed description of the way Sam dug herself out of the grave in the previous section, the narrative here describes Sam’s daily effort to keep her chronic pain, stiffness, and speech issues at bay. Author Karin Slaughter does not romanticize Sam’s effort, using a factual, straightforward style to detail Sam’s rehabilitation and current routine. The straightforward description itself conveys the extent of Sam’s injuries, such as when she notes that she had to undergo “physical therapy. Occupational therapy. Speech therapy. Cognitive therapy. Talk therapy, Aqua therapy…learn how to talk again…to think again” (202). Figurative language is used sparely and effectively, such as when Sam notes that after the accident, her thoughts were slowed, moving “as through cake batter” (202).
This section is also marked by the direct appearance of Rusty, creating some change in tone and allowing for a comparison of the differing perspectives and approaches of the Quinn family members. This strengthens the theme of The Complex Dynamics in Families. Viewed through Charlie’s perspective, Rusty seems larger-than-life, an “industrial-sized bulldozer.” Rusty is pushy and hyper and funny, a man hellbent on living life to the indulgent maximum, despite two heart attacks and a double bypass surgery. The banter between Rusty and Charlie shows the irreverent, easygoing nature of their relationship, and also infuses some humor in the somber proceedings. When Rusty spots Charlie’s black eye, he smiles and tells her she looks like “a bandito.” For her part, Charlie calls Rusty an “asshole.” Rusty and Charlie use humor as a coping mechanism to deal with the grim nature of their work, as well as their painful past. Rusty’s stabbing toward the end of this section marks a pivotal point in the plot, not only necessitating Sam’s return but also foreshadowing his death. With their father dead, Sam and Charlie will have no choice but to turn to each other for nurture and help.
Sam’s narrative voice highlights the different ways in which the two sisters view Rusty. While for Charlie, Rusty is an admirable father, for Sam Rusty is the complex, morally grey human being whose work brought trouble home. For Sam, Rusty’s decision to practice criminal defense law led to their house and life possessions being burnt down, to Gamma’s death, and to her life-altering injuries. Rusty might have helped countless others in his pursuits, but Sam wonders if he has done the right thing by his own family. The text does not offer easy answers to Sam’s question, or on the subject of whether those charged with rape and murder deserve a second chance. Rusty’s terming Kelly a “unicorn” shows that he knows most of his clients are guilty to an extent, yet he fights for them because he believes every client deserves a defense. He, like Charlie, also knows that socioeconomic realities play a huge part in who gets branded a criminal, and how a criminal is treated: Rusty believes it is his mission to save people like Kelly from being consumed by The Flaws in the Criminal Justice System.
Social and judicial unfairness is also shown through Kelly’s experience, in which the stigmatization and victim-blaming of a vulnerable young woman seems an unquestioned social instinct in the Pikesville community. The relentless bullying to which Kelly has been subjected highlights how the decks are stacked against her. Charlie notes that her yearbook is scribbled with cruel and offensive statements and her classmates have posted graphic insults comments online. The graphically sexual nature of the comments illustrates not just Kelly’s marginalization, but is tied into the book’s wider treatment of women’s experience of gender-based violence and other forms of sexual marginalization. Women are often shown grappling with violence and discrimination in the text, presented, to a greater or lesser extent, as an everyday lived experience for women, and the sexualized hostility of Kelly’s peers foreshadows the plot point that Charlie is a rape survivor. Sam has struggled to build a career in a male-dominated world, and notes that Gamma’s suggestion to her daughters to go by androgynous names like “Sam” and “Charlie” has proven useful in male-dominated spheres.
The second interlude “What Happened to Charlotte” highlights the narrative device of differing perspectives and also provides vital clues about Charlie’s suffering on the night of Gamma’s murder. One of the most important clues about the veracity of Charlie’s narrative in this interlude is the “Charlotte” in the title. Since Charlie does not go by Charlotte, the text suggests the narrative is formal, concocted, and only partly true. Another clue about the narrative having omissions is the extent of Charlie’s fury after her ordeal in the woods. Charlie is described as wanting both Zach and his accomplice dead, eager to watch Zach urinate himself “when he realized he was going to be electrocuted to death” (198). Since in this version, Zach is thwarted in his attempt to rape Charlie, Charlie’s fury seems misplaced, suggesting there is more to the story. Thus, the varying versions illustrate the textual element of perception versus reality. They also heighten the mystery of the plot. Further, they show the divergence between Sam and Charlie’s characters. In Sam’s perspective, Zach is “black shirt” and his accomplice “high-top,” while in Charlie’s, the accomplice is “Bon Jovi” because of the blond hair visible over his mask. Further, while in Sam’s perspective, Charlie is presented as the pesky younger sister, in Charlie’s perspective, Sam is the bossy older sister with a secret boyfriend who largely ignores Charlie. Charle’s perspective sheds light on Gamma’s hidden illness and explains why Gamma suddenly pulled Sam to her in the first interlude, asking her to take care of Charlie. The fact that Charlie has been noticing the blood Gamma coughs up often, shows Charlie’s perceptiveness and empathy.
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