51 pages 1 hour read

The Magician's Elephant

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2009

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Chapters 1-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

In the city of Baltese, 10-year-old Peter Augustus Duchene lives in the attic room of the Apartments Polonaise with his guardian, an old soldier named Vilna Lutz. Vilna Lutz has one wooden foot and a pointy beard, and in between his fevers, he is training Peter to be a soldier. One gloomy winter day, Peter visits the outdoor market to buy food but instead uses the florit that Vilna Lutz gave him to visit a fortuneteller. Peter knows it is wrong to use the money this way but plans to tell the truth later. The fortuneteller offers to answer one question in exchange for Peter’s coin. Peter’s parents are dead, but the woman shocks Peter by announcing that his sister, Adele, is alive. When Peter asks how he can find Adele, the fortuneteller tells him to “follow the elephant” (7). Peter disappointedly thinks she is joking, but she insists that truth is mutable. Peter wonders who is lying: the fortuneteller or Vilna Lutz. In their apartment, Peter admits his dishonorable act. Peter asks if Vilna Lutz has ever lied. Vilna, outraged, sends Peter to bed without answering the question. Peter, traitorously, hopes Vilna Lutz lied and Adele lives.

In a nearby opera house, an elderly magician, to his surprise, conjures an elephant instead of a lily bouquet. The elephant falls through the roof, crushing the legs of noblewoman Madam Bettine LaVaughn. The magician is sent to jail. The elephant is chained in a stable. The elephant, dizzy, knows she is not where she belongs.

Chapter 2 Summary

Peter returns to the market the following day with another coin from Vilna Lutz and strict instructions to buy the smallest fish available and old, moldy bread that will build strong teeth and therefore a strong soldier. Peter knows the old man is suffering from one of his many fevers. Peter overhears the fishmonger and a woman speaking about the magician who unexpectedly produced an elephant. Peter is stunned. He declares that the elephant’s arrival means “that she lives,” about which both the fishmonger and woman are good-naturedly pleased. The fishmonger explains that the police have the elephant, and the magician is locked in jail.

In his dark, tiny cell, the magician talks to a star—actually, the planet Venus—which is sometimes visible through a high window. He explains that he merely wanted to conjure flowers yet knows that is untrue. Onstage, he suddenly felt that his life amounted to nothing. He wanted to do real magic. He spoke a powerful spell, resulting in the elephant. The magician was happy when he touched and smelled the elephant and has no regrets. Officials ordered him to magically get rid of the elephant, but he could not.

Chapter 3 Summary

The captain of police, unsure what to do about the elephant, solicits solutions from his junior, ingenuous coworkers but responds cuttingly to their suggestions. One small, mustached policeman, Leo Matienne, insists that the elephant is innocent. He privately thinks the captain should reflect more deeply about where the elephant came from and the significance of its arrival. Leo Matienne is imaginative and enjoys wondering about the unexplained. He wonders if the elephant is a messenger or heralds change.

Leo returns home to the Apartments Polonaise, where he lives in the rooms below Peter and Vilna Lutz. Peter calls down from the window, asking if the elephant story is true, and Leo confirms it. Vilna Lutz, still gripped by fever, has Peter shut the window against the cold. Peter tells him about the elephant, but Vilna Lutz dismisses the elephant as imaginary and insists he hears sounds of battle. Peter knows the elephant is real, meaning the fortuneteller is right, and Adele is alive. Vilna Lutz raves that she is dead, like Peter’s father, and that someday Peter will become a soldier like his father. Peter remembers his father playing with him in a garden, throwing him into the air and catching him while his mother laughingly cautioned him to be careful. Peter’s father said Peter will always return to him. Peter thinks the elephant knows how to get to that garden.

Chapter 4 Summary

This winter in Baltese is especially dark and gloomy. Madam LaVaughn, pushed in her wheelchair by her attendant and adviser, Hans Ickman, visits the magician in prison. Daily, she explains to the magician that she was crushed by an elephant, and he insists that he only wanted to produce lilies. Hans Ickman recalls growing up in the mountains, and a little white dog who joyfully jumped a wide river that Hans and his family could not cross. Hans Ickman is sad that he cannot remember the dog’s name, or even where his brothers are now. Hans tells the two to stop their pointless repetition and express themselves honestly because life is short, but they cannot. Hans, unable to listen to them any longer, wheels Madam LaVaughn away.

From his attic room, Peter looks out over the city. He is frustrated that the elephant is out there somewhere, but he does not know how to find her. He gives in to despair and cries. Vilna Lutz declares that soldiers do not cry. Hearing battle sounds, Vilna Lutz orders Peter to practice marching, like Peter’s father would have. Marching in place, Peter thinks the elephant is a bad, cosmic joke and things are hopeless.

Chapters 1-4 Analysis

From the first sentence, readers are drawn into the magical fairy-tale-like atmosphere of The Magician’s Elephant. In these opening chapters, readers meet Peter and learn about the challenges in his young life, including his search for his sister and his desire for the truth. DiCamillo begins establishing themes of coming of age, the importance of hope and truth, and the need for authentic connection. Yoko Tanaka’s evocative black-and-white illustrations complement the novel’s solemn but gentle mood and reflect the novel’s symbolic use of light and dark.

Although The Magician’s Elephant does not begin with the classic fairy-tale opening, “Once upon a time,” the line “At the end of the century before last” has the same effect. DiCamillo immediately establishes a fairy-tale quality to the novel, presenting the story as happening long ago, relative to the reader’s sense of time rather than a specific event. Similarly, Peter’s use of the money for the fortuneteller calls to mind the fairy tale “Jack and the Beanstalk,” when Jack trades his cow for magic beans. Other fairy-tale characteristics will appear as the novel continues. The elephant’s magical appearance is a characteristic of fairy tales, but it also suggests overtones of magical realism. While the elephant is unexpected, the fact that she was magically produced goes unquestioned by the townspeople: Magic is considered normal, something that simply happens in the everyday world.

DiCamillo utilizes simple sentence structure and a straightforward yet poetic style that quickly engages the reader. She incorporates figurative language to create images in readers’ minds, elicit emotion, connect them to the story, and convey meaning. The description of the fortuneteller reading Peter’s hand is a good example: “She examined it closely, moving her eyes back and forth and back and forth, as if there were a whole host of very small words inscribed there, an entire book about Peter Augustus Duchene composed atop his palm” (4-5). Readers envision both the mystique of the fortuneteller’s ability and Peter’s depth of character.

The novel’s third-person narrative perspective allows the all-knowing narrator to stand outside events, sharing the thoughts and feelings of all characters. Readers immediately empathize with Peter and the challenges he has already faced and overcome in his young life. At 10 years old, orphaned Peter is mature for his age. He is more of a caretaker for the one-footed, irascible, confused Vilna Lutz than Vilna Lutz is for him. Vilna Lutz is determined to make Peter a soldier, and Peter has unquestioningly internalized what he believes a soldier to be: honorable, “brave and true” like his father. Peter shows this honor when he confesses the truth to Vilna Lutz about spending his florit on the fortuneteller. Peter is respectful and dutiful, but he is beginning to question the world around him, developing the Coming of Age: Making and Facing Truths theme.

Peter faces a crisis of betrayal. Believing that Vilna Lutz has been lying to him about his missing sister is a blow to Peter’s trust. Lying is something soldiers do not do, and what Peter now believes changes his feelings toward the old man. Peter begins to see that the fortuneteller is correct—that the truth is always changing. Peter vacillates between hope and despair, ultimately deciding that despair is emotionally easier to endure. He feels helpless to find the elephant and convinces himself that, in fact, the elephant could not help in his quest. Peter gives up.

Other characters in the novel also lack hope and initiative. Madam LaVaughn and the magician are locked in an infinite loop of accusation and non-apology: Hans Ickman observes that neither says what they mean. The two exemplify separation and isolation, rather than meaningful connection and communication. The importance of authentic relationships, or Finding Where You Belong: Being Known and Loved, is one of the novel’s central themes. Peter is separated from his sister. He cannot communicate his true feelings with Vilna Lutz, who is feverish, obsessed, and deceptive. Hans is separated from the “beautiful things” in his life, like his family and the name of his little white dog. The elephant is separated from her family, the place where she belongs.

The Eastern-bloc-like city of Baltese is perennially cloudy, grim, and cold, adding to the atmosphere of hopelessness. Both beggars and pigeons sing sad songs. No one expects anything special or exciting to happen in their lives. Leo Matienne is one of the few citizens who retain a sense of wonder and believe in the impossible. He ponders the deeper meaning behind the arrival of the elephant, as opposed to being bogged down with practicalities. Leo demonstrates both hope and positive connection. His heart “sings” with questions of possibility. The heart is a symbol of hope and emotion: Peter’s heartbeat fluctuates wildly as he learns about and yearns for Adele.

While darkness permeates gloomy Baltese, there are moments of light. Light illuminates truth and genuine emotional connection, in memory or the present. Hans remembers his white dog’s joy and his own wonder as the dog leapt the river, recalling “her white body set afire by the light of the sun” (48). Streetlamps make a shining path that leads Leo to his loving wife and home. In Peter’s memory of his parents, the lamps are lit in the garden, and his mother seems to glow in her white dress. Brightness, whiteness, and light contrast with the darkness of isolation and despair.

Similarly, Yoko Tanaka’s chiaroscuro illustrations evoke the novel’s somber, repressed mood, but also its glimmers of humor and hope. Tanaka’s realistic shading of black and white and gray creates evocative contrasts between light and dark, giving readers a sense of melancholy but also of beauty and magic. Tanaka commented about The Magician’s Elephant that “the writing is so poetic, and the atmosphere, dark, but warm, is one that I feel so comfortable working in” (inside back cover).

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