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As the most prevalent theme in The Magician’s Nephew, temptation plays a key role in the plot and character arcs. In fact, succumbing to temptation sets the entire story in motion. Long before the book begins, Uncle Andrew was tempted to meddle with magic to reach other worlds, creating the rings that later tempt Polly. The ring transports her to the Wood between the Worlds, which begins the domino effect of the rest of the book. Just as all of the events of the Bible flow from Adam and Eve’s expulsion from paradise, the Narnia series would not unfold as it does without these initial “transgressions.” These temptations also set the tone for the rest of the novel, which repeatedly demonstrates that giving in to temptation carries consequences while resisting it brings rewards.
Lewis explores temptation primarily through Digory, who has a basic understanding of how actions warrant consequences when the novel begins. As he tells Uncle Andrew, “I’ve never read a story in which people of that sort weren’t paid out in the end, and I bet you will be. And serve you right” (31). Nevertheless, Digory repeatedly succumbs to temptation, typically because he is curious: He persuades Polly to explore additional pools in the Wood between the Worlds, and he taps the bell that wakes the Witch. His justification for doing the latter illustrates the self-deception that accompanies temptation; he knows on some level that ringing the bell is a bad idea and that he has no reason to do it beyond wanting to, but he rationalizes that he will begin behaving erratically if he doesn’t. The consequences are immediate and compounding. The castle collapses and the Witch wakes up and travels to London with the children, where she terrorizes the locals and destroys a large amount of property. Even more seriously, she then enters a completely clean and pure world, tainting it for the rest of time. Though Aslan can keep the evil at bay for hundreds of years, Digory’s choice negatively affects many lives for generations to come.
In the novel’s Christian symbolism, Digory’s ringing of the bell plays the same narrative role as Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit: Both produce a “fallen” world. However, Lewis also alludes directly to the Garden of Eden story with Digory’s mission to retrieve the apple of youth. That Digory accomplishes this task is all the more noteworthy given the increasingly sophisticated temptations he must resist while doing so. First, he overcomes the purely physical temptation posed by the apple’s delicious smell. Next, the Witch tells Digory about the apple’s effects and tries to persuade him to eat it and rule alongside her, appealing both to the fear of death and to the desire for power. Lastly, the Witch tells him that the apple could heal his mother. This is the hardest temptation to resist, partly because it channels something genuinely good: Digory’s love for his mother. It does so selfishly, however, because stealing the apple would involve doing things Digory knows his mother would disapprove of, including breaking his promise to Aslan. By refusing to listen to the Witch, Digory demonstrates that he has learned to resist temptation. As a reward, Digory is publicly honored and given an apple to bring home to his mother.
By contrast, the Witch ignored the warning on the golden gates of the garden and climbed the wall, taking an apple of youth for herself. Because of this, she is punished by receiving misery along with her everlasting youth. Her fate demonstrates that while evil may appear to go unchecked for a time, it will eventually be destroyed by the forces of good.
Magic is on every page of The Magician’s Nephew, but it is used in two distinct ways: to create or to destroy. Whether it does one or the other depends heavily on who is using it. Prideful people wield magic destructively while selfless people use it creatively. This is no coincidence; in Lewis’s heavily symbolic work, the motif of magic exposes the very nature of pride and selflessness.
Pride in this context is not merely arrogance. Although characters like Uncle Andrew and the Witch do think highly of themselves, this is a symptom of a larger problem: their prioritization of themselves above everything else, including other people or any sense of morality. Because they view their own desires and goals as paramount, everything around them becomes a means to an end. Uncle Andrew performs experiments on guinea pigs, often killing them, and endangers Polly and Digory by sending them into another world. The Witch is a much more powerful figure and therefore can do more damage, but her attitude is the same. After she destroys the doors to the palace, she tells the children, “Remember what you have seen. This is what happens to things, and to people, who stand in my way” (69). Her murder of all life on Charn is the logical, symbolic endpoint of this all-consuming self-importance. Pride so isolates a person within themself that other people cease to meaningfully exist for them; the Witch becomes her own world.
Aslan, as the novel’s stand-in for God, embodies the opposite end of the spectrum and creates a world separate from himself: stars and constellations, the sun, mountains, grass, trees, and living creatures. He creates all of Narnia for the benefit of its inhabitants, gives himself freely to them, and even promises that he will endure the worst of the evil that will come in Narnia. In endowing some animals with the ability to reason and speak, he even creates beings who could defy him if they wanted to—something the Witch, who wants to bend everything and everyone to her will, would never tolerate.
The juxtaposition of pride and selflessness culminates in the symbolism of the apples. Notably, the apples confer life on anyone who eats them, including the Witch. As Aslan explains, however, immortality will do her no good because she plucked the apple for herself. Pride is ultimately self-destructive, as existence becomes a painful burden when one is trapped within oneself. By contrast, the apple that Aslan gives to Digory saves his mother’s life with no ill effects. Because Digory placed his duty to Aslan above his own desires, the apple works as it is “supposed” to, not only healing Digory’s mother but, in doing so, compounding the happiness of everyone around her.
The two main characters, Polly and Digory, are children and are therefore somewhat naive. However, from Digory’s introduction, it is obvious that he has already lost some of his childlike innocence. His mother’s illness has exposed him to grief and misfortune at a young age, making him shrewder and less trusting, especially of his uncle. Nevertheless, he is shocked when Uncle Andrew locks him and Polly in his study—an action that is “dreadfully unlike anything a grown-up would be expected to do” (21). This is the first time Polly and Digory realize that not all adults have their best interests at heart. Still, Polly is comparatively naive and happily accepts the ring from Uncle Andrew over Digory’s warnings.
The children’s ensuing adventures force them to grow up quickly. The selfishness that was startling in Uncle Andrew is terrifying in the Witch. While Uncle Andrew was cruel and manipulative, the Witch is unrepentantly evil and much more powerful, exposing the children to things they had not imagined possible. Their interaction with the Witch costs them much of their childlike innocence as they struggle to comprehend the Witch‘s mass murder of her people.
Witnessing evil in others is not the only way of losing one’s innocence, however; recognizing it in oneself can be even harder. Digory loses much of his innocence when he realizes what he is guilty of in bringing the Witch to Narnia. Though he previously apologized to Polly, Digory does not fully grasp what he has done until Aslan informs the Talking Beasts that “before the new, clean world [he] gave [them] is five hours old, a force of evil has already entered it; waked and brought hither by this son of Adam” (151). Digory is ashamed and regrets giving in to temptation. Therefore, when he is tempted later in the book, he uses the wisdom he learned from his past mistakes to resist temptation. This demonstrates his loss of innocence as well as his growth and maturity.
In yet another way, the animals that Aslan chooses as Talking Beasts also lose their innocence. Before being chosen as Talking Beasts, the animals did not know right from wrong and were therefore unburdened with responsibility; they could not be considered guilty, no matter what they did. However, when Aslan breathed over them, he gave them intelligence, the ability to speak, and responsibility over the land and the other creatures. They know that they could lose their status as “Talking Beasts” if they stray from Aslan’s commands, so while they remain happy, they are no longer naive to the possibility of hardship.
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