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Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Dan tries to relax as he has an asthma attack from all the smoke inhalation. The police attribute the fire to arson. In the police car, Amy and Dan debrief what happened, wondering about the identity of the man in the dark suit and their own mother’s involvement in the clue quest. Dan resents that Amy can remember more about their parents than he can. They need an adult to chaperone them on the quest and realize they have the perfect person: their au pair, Nellie Gomez.
They ride home and find Nellie on the sofa listening to loud music and typing on her phone. The siblings ask Nellie if she would chaperone them on a special family scavenger hunt that would require them to travel to fantastic places. Nellie isn’t sure and wants to check with Aunt Beatrice, but the siblings talk her out of it. When Nellie asks how they plan to pay for the trip, Amy offers up Grace’s jewelry box, claiming that Grace left them the jewelry specifically to fund the trip. Amy keeps Grace’s signature jade necklace as her sole keepsake. Nellie calls her father to tell him she is leaving on a trip. He begs her to stay in school, but she ignores his requests.
Dan packs his laptop, a few essentials, his inhaler, and his passport. He realizes he’ll have to leave behind most of his collectable items. He pulls out a white binder containing his most important possession: a single photo of his parents standing on the summit of a mountain. He wishes he had more photos to collect, but everything was lost in the fire that killed his parents. He packs the photo safely in his backpack. Dan and Amy discuss their finances, knowing they will get ripped off by whoever buys the jewelry from them, as they are just children. Dan offers to sell his beloved baseball card collection. Amy gives him a hug and they agree to go for it. Amy interprets their mother’s clue as a command to follow the trajectory of Benjamin Franklin’s life from Boston, where they currently live and where Ben Franklin lived as a young man, to his next home: Philadelphia.
Irina waits to meet with Ian and Natalie Kabra in Copley Square. She reminisces about the days when she was a KGB agent in Russia. She evaluates the poison needles she has hidden under her fingers; they contain a slow-acting but effective paralytic poison. Despite the Kabras’ youth, she fears them and wants to take no chances.
She spots the Kabras across the square. They follow each other at a distance in case either of them attracted any surveillance. She finally corresponds with the Kabras in a hotel lobby. They have both concluded that the next clue is not in Boston, but the Kabras have already chartered a jet. Irina resents the Kabras’ wealth, glamor, and lack of personal connection to the 39 clues. The Kabras propose an alliance with Irina since they are all from the Lucian branch of the Cahill family. They want Irina to set a trap for other family members, as it will be too obvious if the Kabras themselves do it. Irina asks if they have considered the Madrigals, but Ian brushes off her question. They wonder why the Lucian database contains so little information about Benjamin Franklin and what kinds of secrets he must have kept. Irina agrees to set the trap and feels temporarily empowered by how much the Kabras seem to need her.
Irina realizes that Natalie holds a poison dart gun with much deadlier poison than whatever Irina has in her fingernails. The Kabras smugly command her to let them know when Amy and Dan have been eliminated.
Amy and Dan arrive in Philadelphia. At the rental car facility, Nellie finds a strange package that McIntyre left there for Dan and Amy. Despite the risk, Amy opens the package, revealing a strange cylinder with a purple light. They don’t understand what the cylinder does. McIntyre also left them a note requesting they meet him at Independence Hall that evening with the information they find. Nellie drives them recklessly across Philadelphia. The Starlings catch up to them on the highway, but Nellie manages to lose them.
They arrive at the library, and Amy sifts through piles of Franklin’s original documents. The librarian tells them about how Franklin wrote many secret messages in disappearing ink. Dan realizes that the strange cylinder from McIntyre must be a black light. None of the documents at the library have any secret writing on them, but Amy wants to check the Franklin Institute, the science museum that holds some additional Franklin documents. There, Amy discovers a letter with a secret message only visible under black light. It reveals that Franklin was a Lucian and he thought somebody was after his clan.
The Starlings intercept them and hijack the clue. Amy sees the man in the black suit again and tries to warn the Starlings that he’s dangerous, but they do not listen. As the siblings run away, a bomb goes off.
The explosion injures the Starlings. Dan and Amy begin to worry about the danger of the clue quest. Nellie expresses her own misgivings about the children’s safety and nearly pulls out of the arrangement.
They run into McIntyre again and Amy hugs him. She tells him everything that happened and accuses the man in black of orchestrating the bomb and the fire. McIntyre expresses his worry for Dan’s and Amy’s safety, especially given how much the other teams seem to be targeting them specifically. Dan considers giving up and asking Aunt Beatrice to take them back. McIntyre encourages them to continue, saying that Aunt Beatrice would put them into foster care and separate them. He gives them one hint: Jonah Wizard made overseas flight reservations, so Amy should consider their next location abroad. Amy asks why McIntyre helps them. He tells them it’s because they are the kind of people who would help the Starlings even if the Starlings would not help them. Amy and Dan agree to stay in the challenge but leave Saladin in McIntyre’s care for his safety.
Nellie gets a call from social services and demands the siblings tell her what’s going on. The siblings woo her with the next location in Franklin’s life story: Paris. Between the siblings’ passionate arguments about the importance of the scavenger hunt, the danger of failing it, and the allure or Paris, Nellie agrees to go with them.
Alistair walks through the Paris airport with the pilfered almanac and runs into Ian and Natalie Kabra. Natalie holds a blue china doll that Alistair realizes must be some kind of weapon. The Kabras know about the almanac and demand they hand it over. They bicker about which of them is in charge. Alistair counters by alluding to a war between their branches and threatens to mobilize his allies. The Kabras remind him that the last war went poorly for Alistair’s branch. Ian and Natalie’s bickering allows Alistair enough time to plot an escape route. He flags down a gendarme and claims he forgot to declare his fresh fruit at customs. The gendarme whisks him away back through customs.
He returns to the terminal, pleased to have dodged the Kabras. He didn’t want to share all he knew with anyone, especially since he has been spying on Grace for the past two years. He understands the meaning of the clue and smugly thinks about how even Amy and Dan haven’t figured it out. He is about to get in a taxi when a purple van pulls up. A fist collides with Alistair’s face.
Chapters 6-10 raise the stakes of the central conflict and develop the major themes further. The siblings learn a hard lesson after Alistair double-crosses them and steals their clue. In contrast, when the siblings return home to their au pair Nellie, she agrees to chaperone them on their trip without asking for much in return. By juxtaposing these two scenes, Rick Riordan demonstrates how the siblings investigate Competing Definitions of Family in real time. Even though Alistair is their blood relative, he betrays them for his own self-interest, while Nellie treats them with more care than anyone else so far and becomes a kind of family member.
Dan also continues his individual character arc as he steps up and makes a sacrifice for the good of the quest. In the opening chapters, Dan is goofy and distractible, bickering with his sister and making snide comments to his unpleasant relatives. When the siblings first learned of the choice between the money and the quest, Dan irresponsibly wanted to spend all the inheritance on rare baseball cards. As the reality of the quest settles in, Dan matures quickly and volunteers to sell his precious baseball card collection to help fund their trip. Dan’s selflessness in this moment brings him and Amy closer together, solidifying their sibling bond.
Dan’s willingness to sacrifice for his sister and for the quest also differentiates him from his selfish relatives and develops one of the book’s main themes, The Damaging Power of Greed, by way of contrast. The story illustrates this theme again when McIntyre notices the siblings’ nobility and strength of character and sends them assistance, pointing out that the siblings helped the Starlings even though the Starlings would never have helped them. The Starlings’ greed makes them distrustful of Amy’s warning, which leads directly to their injuries, while Amy’s selflessness causes McIntyre to offer extra assistance. This suggests not only that selflessness is the moral route but also that it yields better results than greed in the long run.
Dan’s character further develops as he takes incremental steps toward processing his grief about his parents. In Chapter 6, Dan expresses resentment about the fact that Amy can remember more about their parents than he can. Later, he packs his most important possession, a photo of his parents, to take on the journey. Unlike the earlier chapters where Dan berates himself for being sentimental, Dan chooses to carry the photo with him, symbolically bringing the memory of his parents and his grief over their loss along on the trip. If he is not yet ready to express his deepest feelings aloud, he has begun to acknowledge them to himself.
This section features two chapters that deviate from Dan and Amy’s point of view to follow Irina Spasky and Alistair Oh. These chapters increase the suspense by establishing just how formidable the Kabras are as antagonists: Even a trained KGB spy and a successful entrepreneur fear them and fall to their devices. This reinforces how much danger the siblings really face on the quest; though intelligent and resourceful, Dan and Amy are still children.
This section also continues and builds on the elements of the mystery genre by elevating the stakes, revealing new clues, and introducing new unanswered questions. The siblings face enhanced danger and must take more difficult steps to continue investigating, like taking a trip to Paris. The clue complicates their understanding of Franklin by revealing he was a Lucian. Based on their experience with other Lucians—most notably the Kabras and Irina—Amy and Dan have stereotyped the branch as greedy, calculating, and cruel. What they know of Franklin contradicts this portrait and by extension reveals how little they truly know about their own family. Chapter 10 emphasizes the siblings’ disadvantages further by telling the reader backstory that the siblings do not know about. Alistair’s confrontation alludes to a war between branches that went poorly for Alistair’s branch. The cryptic remarks invite readers to wonder what happened, whether it had anything to do with Amy and Dan’s parents, and what branch of the family Dan and Amy represent. Introducing these questions injects the plot with more drive and suspense, causing the pace of the read to pick up. It also emphasizes Amy and Dan’s underdog status by intensifying the obstacles before them.
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