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Singer is known for his work in the field of applied ethics, which is distinguished from other ethical and philosophical fields by an emphasis on real-world applications. His interest in enlisting practical support for real causes results in his choice to address readers directly. After providing readers with the contact information for two notable charities, Singer speaks candidly: “Now you, too, have the information you need to save a child's life. How should you judge yourself if you don't do it?” (62). Addressing readers directly with the personal pronoun “you” lends Singer’s text immediacy and urgency; readers may disagree with Singer’s conclusions, but they cannot ignore them when confronted so directly.
The risk of using such forward language is that readers will be put off, perceiving Singer’s rhetoric as a personal, even accusatory, attack. One of his later assertions may strike readers as particularly presumptuous: “I trust that many readers will reach for the phone and donate that $200. Perhaps you should do it before reading further” (62). Later, Singer strikes a similar chord with a reminder of the austerity his policy requires: “That's right: I'm saying that you shouldn't buy that new car, take that cruise, redecorate the house or get that pricey new suit. After all, a $1,000 suit could save five children's lives” (63). Individual readers will have to decide for themselves whether to interpret Singer’s remarks as sincere plea to help those who are less fortunate or as a snarky rebuke of consumerism. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.
A question is rhetorical when it is asked for any reason other than to obtain information. Singer peppers his short article with nearly 20 questions, many of which serve rhetorical purposes.
Some questions invite intellectual analysis of ethical situations. One such wonders whether there is an “ethical distinction ethical distinction between a Brazilian who sells a homeless child to organ peddlers and an American who already has a TV and upgrades to a better one” (61). Later similar invitations probe just how far Bob should be willing to go to save the child on the railroad tracks. Such questions urge readers to participate in the process of analysis, rather than merely absorbing Singer’s views. As they do so, they may more fully internalize their discoveries.
Other questions raise counterclaims. For instance, Singer opens one paragraph by asking whether it’s “counterproductive to ask people to do so much? Don't we run the risk that many will shrug their shoulders and say that morality, so conceived, is fine for saints but not for them?” (63). Elsewhere, Singer explicitly frames a question as coming from an imagined reader: “Someone may say: ‘If every citizen living in the affluent nations contributed his or her share I wouldn't have to make such a drastic sacrifice […] So why should I give more than my fair share?’” (63). These questions show just how attentive and responsive Singer is to his readership, effectively enhancing his rhetorical ethos, or character.
A third type of question prompts readers to reflect on their own behavior. These include Singer’s nudge for readers to consider “how [they] should judge [themselves] if [they] don’t” donate (62), his comparison between the value of “one month’s dining out” and “a child’s life” (62), and his probing to find out at what point a reader can be excused from making further donations. These questions bridge the gap between Singer’s ethical discussion and readers’ personal behavior, prompting them to think and act in new ways.
Taken together, Singers’ questions constitute a core component of Singer’s overall rhetorical strategy. Despite the inherent limitations of static text as a rhetorical mode, they foster a sense of engagement and interaction, complementing his use of direct address.
Throughout the essay, Singer draws sharp contrasts between opposing images and ideas. An early example of juxtaposition comes when he describes affluent moviegoers who watch Central Station and then return to homes that are “far more comfortable than [Dora’s] apartment” (61). These viewers’ ability to purchase tickets to watch Dora’s story on the big screen contrasts with Dora’s inability to purchase a TV without participating in human trafficking. Singer uses this contrast to highlight the hypocrisy of those who would judge Dora even as they withhold aid.
Singer also frequently juxtaposes the trappings of wealth, including non-essential purchases, with the vital possibility of saving lives. The opposition between material enjoyment and human welfare appears in both of the scenarios he develops, as well as in his descriptions and argumentation. By repeatedly highlighting the contrast between unnecessary material purchases and potential lives saved, Singer reinforces readers’ perception of the crucial choice between donating and consuming.
Singer knows that he faces an uphill battle to persuade his audience to donate their money. The success of his article depends not merely on establishing his views but on responding to readers’ potential objections, which can take many forms. Singer anticipates several objections.
First, he responds to a concern that aid may not actually help save lives. To this concern, he offers evidence drawn from Peter Unger’s book, Living High and Letting Die. Unger’s research demonstrates that donating the right amount of money to the right organizations can save lives. If readers accept Unger’s academic credentials and recent research, they will find this concern to be resolved.
Second, Singer responds to readers who point to others’ lack of donating as justification for their own neglect. Here, Singer questions the underlying ethics of this concern, exposing the logical fallacy of appealing to the majority. He further discredits this objection by pointing out how similar thinking allowed some to go along with Nazi horrors.
Another objection is an appeal to fairness: Some want to limit their donations to the amount that they would have to contribute if everyone were to split the cost equally. Here, Singer’s background in applied ethics comes into play as he invites readers to decide how much to donate not based on abstract principles but on real-world outcomes: As attractive as fairness is, it shouldn’t be allowed to take priority over helping those who are in distress right now.
A final counterclaim centers on centers on human nature. Admitting that it is unrealistic to expect people to donate such large sums, Singer nevertheless insists that morality (what is right) and practicality (what is realistic) are entirely separate concerns. Acknowledging human weakness should not lead us to abandon high standards; rather, it should motivate us to work towards them, if only gradually.
Though Singer’s overall approach is somewhat informal and conversational, a closer examination of his arguments, and particularly of his rebuttals, reveals a tightly argued piece with a compact, yet comprehensive, outlook.
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